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time dependent B.C

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Old   November 11, 2003, 13:25
Default time dependent B.C
Posts: n/a
Dear Fluent users,

Please help me out with the following question -

In my model, I have a wall with heat flux B.C. Now I need to change the heat flux value every minute - thus making it a time varying B.C. But I have no idea as to how to do it - I know it has something to do with profile writing etc. But I have not found a fluent tutorial that can tell me how to do it - The help files discuss this topic but I have not been able to really do anything with it. Can someone provide me some example of the profile file, a tutorial etc, may be some other website..

Thank you and looking forward to a helpful reply from someone.
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Old   November 18, 2003, 21:59
Default Re: time dependent B.C
Posts: n/a
it should be like velocity profile UDF. only u need to replace velocity with heat flux, (before proceding just get information what fluent macro is for heat flux). then call udf whr u put the value of heat flux.

if it is not enough just write to me, I may help u in this regard.

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Old   November 18, 2003, 22:01
Default Re: time dependent B.C
Posts: n/a
It should be like usteady velocity profile UDF
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Old   November 26, 2003, 16:55
Default Re: time dependent B.C
Posts: n/a

thanks for your note. i was able to change the temperature of the wall using a function definition just the way they had shown in manual for transient velocity. but how to do the same with heat flux.

I actually have a formula for calculation of this heat flux and it depends on the revolution of sun around the object. the formula also requires some other complicated angles etc. let us say i do these calculations seperately in a excel spreadsheet and get the heat flux values for each minute of different walls. how do i feed these calculated values to the udf for heat flux of a particular wall?
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