March 24, 2005, 22:51
About Aspen and Fluent Integration!
Is there anyone doing some researching about integration of Aspen and Fluent by which we can obtain the influence of the data field, such as velocity, temperature, in a single component to the performance of the whole system. DOE of US has achieved significant results from their technical reports of Vision 21 plan. Aspen-Fluent Integration Toolkit which won the top 100 commercial products introduced in 2003 by R&D magazine is developed under this background. I have spent many times to find this literature: Software Integration Tool Kit for Advanced Process Simulation, UsersĄŻ Manual Version 1.0, Fluent Inc. (September 18, 2003). This literature is very important for integration. If anyone know where i can get it, please contact me or respond this message directly. Thank you!