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Postprocessing Pressure data spanwise over a wing

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Old   February 2, 2006, 17:29
Default Postprocessing Pressure data spanwise over a wing
Posts: n/a
I am trying to get pressure data along the spanwise stations of a wing that I simulated in fluent to match experimental data taken by pressure taps in a model. I have tried the XY plot tool and it gives me too many data points and only chordwise location and pressure value for each point. I need this data sorted into groups containing chordwise location and pressure value for EACH spanwise station (e.g. every foot or so along the span of the wing). As it is right now the output file contains chordwise location and pressure for every cell on the surface of the wing and in no particular order. I would like to be able to map a line along the surface of the wing parallel to the freestream at each desired spanwise station and take data at points along that line. It seems that it would be possible to create this line by the intersection of the surface of the wing and some chosen plane perpendicular to the wing and parallel with the freestream. Or i would be happy with just having all the pressure data output with x,y, and z coordinates so I could organize it into spanwise stations and use the ones I need. Thanks for reading, sorry if this is confusing.

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Old   February 3, 2006, 10:28
Default Re: Postprocessing Pressure data spanwise over a w
Posts: n/a
You can create a line using the iso-surface tool (Surface-> Iso Surface). For example, if I wanted to create a line on Wing1 with a constant x-coordinate of 1m, then I would go into the Iso Surface menu. Create a surface of Constant Grid and X-Coordinate. The x-coordinate would then be 1m, and I would select Wing1 under the "From Surface" menu. The "From Surface" is the important part.

Hope this helps, and good luck, Jason
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