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problem in meshing a periodic boundary

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Old   March 7, 2006, 06:27
Default problem in meshing a periodic boundary
Posts: n/a
Hello all !

My problem:

My periodic boundary comport 5 internal loops and when i'm meshing these faces, despite the fact they're linked, the meshing is quite different from one face to another and it is impossible to mesh the volume.

What I suppose:

The faces aren't correctly linked due to the presence of 5 internal loop. Could anybody give me a guideline for doing this properly ?

Thank you

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Old   March 7, 2006, 17:48
Default Re: problem in meshing a periodic boundary
Posts: n/a
For linking faces with internal loops: 1) each loop on one face must have the same number of edges of the corresponding loop on the other face 2) you have to select one edge (by selecting vertices) of each loop on both faces. Furthermore if you specify reference vertex at identical positions on both faces you have to select reverse orientation for obtaining identical meshes on faces. Hope this helps Emanuele
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Old   March 8, 2006, 09:53
Default Re: problem in meshing a periodic boundary
Posts: n/a
1) this point is checked: 5 internal loop and 1 "external" loop on each faces

2) has it to do something with the order the vertices are choosen ? for example: face A: edge 1,2,3 are internal loop 4,5,6,7 are external.

The face B is the symmetric of face A with respectively edge 8,9,10 for internal, 11,12,13,14 for external. If I want to link A and B, must I select the edge 1,2,3,4 for face A and 8,9,10,11 for B via their vertices, and in THAT order ?

3) what's the point with gambit saying "END" or "SIDE" type in the display "face information" panel ?

thanks a lot for your help !


ps: hope i'm explaining clear enough !
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Old   March 8, 2006, 11:52
Default Re: problem in meshing a periodic boundary
Posts: n/a
1) this point is checked: 5 internal loop and 1 "external" loop on each faces

O.K. Be aware that corresponding loops must have the same number of edges

2) has it to do something with the order the vertices are choosen ? for example: face A: edge 1,2,3 are internal loop 4,5,6,7 are external.

The order is not important for the first face but for the second face select edges in the same order of the first one

3)The face B is the symmetric of face A with respectively edge 8,9,10 for internal, 11,12,13,14 for external. If I want to link A and B, must I select the edge 1,2,3,4 for face A and 8,9,10,11 for B via their vertices, and in THAT order ?


4) what's the point with gambit saying "END" or "SIDE" type in the display "face information" panel ?

For linking face is not important the type of vertices

So you have to perform this sequence:

1)Select for face A: one vertex for each loop( the order is not important)

2)Select for face B: one vertex for each loop in the same order of face A and at the corresponding position of the vertices of face A.

3)select REVERSE ORIENTATION for obtaining the same mesh on both faces

4)If your problem is periodic select also periodic

I hope I have been clear Bye bye Emanuele
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Old   March 8, 2006, 11:54
Default Re: problem in meshing a periodic boundary
Posts: n/a
everything is alright and working

thanks a lot

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