April 18, 2006, 06:21
Convergence Definition of Segregated Solver
Hi, I have encounterd a problem in understanding of the convergence definition of segregated solver in Fluent. In the segregated solver, each equation is solved segregated so that a convergence criteria for Gauss-Seidel iterative method (or AMG) is needed. On the other hand after each loop of segregated solver, a covergence check for the set of equations is carried out. What I do not understand is that the residual definition for continuity, momentum, ... in Fluent applies for internal iterative method to solve each equation segregated, or to check convergency of the system of equations at the end of each iteration. In other words there are two kind of iterations one internal iterations for solving each equation segregated and one external iteration of segregated solver and there is just one convergence criteria input by user. I would appreciate if someone clarify this problem for me.