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Really big problems when creating own materials da

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Old   June 28, 2007, 12:15
Default Really big problems when creating own materials da
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Hello together,

I would like to build a user defined materials database. But it doesn't really work. I am creating three new species and a mixture, but when I want to use this database I can load the database, but somehow fluent looses some of the information. But the funny thing is, it does not loose the information immediately but after a few clicks. I really tried alot of different ways (the whole day).

I'm posting my database now, perhaps somebody could try to load it and explain me, what goes wrong.

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; FLUENT USER DEFINED MATERIAL DATABASE ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; (name type[fluid/solid] (chemical-formula . formula) ;;; ;;; (prop1 (method1a . data1a) (method1b . data1b)) ;;; ;;; (prop2 (method2a . data2a) (method2b . data2b))) ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

( (tetradecane-air mixture (chemical-formula . #f) (species (names (c14h30 o2 n2) (si<s>) ())) (reactions (finite-rate ("reaction-1" ((sih4 1 1 0)) ((h2 2 0 0) (si<s> 1 0 0)) () (stoichiometry "1sih4 --> 2h2 + 1si<s>") (arrhenius 0.334 100000 0.5) (mixing-rate 4 0.5) (specified-rate-exponents? . #t) (use-third-body-efficiencies? . #f) (surface-reaction? . #t)))) (viscosity (polynomial 3.1699999e-06 2.04e-08 -3.52e-12)) (thermal-conductivity (polynomial 0.037999999 0.00054099999 -2.5099999e-07 8.5700003e-11)) (mass-diffusivity (dilute-approx (sih4 (polynomial 0 7.234e-08 4.569e-10 -8.016e-14)) (h2 (constant . 2.88e-05)))) (density (incompressible-ideal-gas . #f)) (specific-heat (mixing-law . #f)) (therm-exp-coeff (constant . 0)) (speed-of-sound (none . #f)) )

(tetradecan-g fluid (chemical-formula . c14h30) (specific-heat (polynomial -86.130997 6.6328802 -0.00280364)) (density (constant . 10.95)) (molecular-weight (constant . 198.39)) (thermal-conductivity (polynomial -0.0014449903 9.6099557e-06 7.7934409e-08) (constant . 0.0242)) (viscosity (polynomial piecewise-linear (370 . 4.6781799e-05) (910 . 0.00012964501)) (constant . 1.7894001e-05)) (lennard-jones-length (constant . 0)) (lennard-jones-energy (constant . 0)) (therm-exp-coeff (constant . 0)) (degrees-of-freedom (constant . 0)) (speed-of-sound (none . #f)) (mixture . tetradecane-air) )

(oxygen fluid (chemical-formula . o2) (specific-heat (polynomial 814.75873 0.34800667 -6.2008425e-05)) (density (constant . 1.429)) (molecular-weight (constant . 32)) (thermal-conductivity (polynomial 0.0026745913 8.3610619e-05 -1.2593184e-08) (constant . 0.0242)) (viscosity (polynomial 1.1137824e-06 7.7742399e-08 -5.1592248e-11 2.8471186e-14 -6.7603978e-18) (constant . 1.7894001e-05)) (lennard-jones-length (constant . 0)) (lennard-jones-energy (constant . 0)) (therm-exp-coeff (constant . 0)) (degrees-of-freedom (constant . 0)) (speed-of-sound (none . #f)) (mixture . tetradecane-air) )

(nitrogen fluid (chemical-formula . n2) (specific-heat (polynomial 1071.4532 -0.1960458 0.00021636301 3.9667339e-07 -3.2593042e-10)) (density (constant . 1.429)) (molecular-weight (constant . 28)) (thermal-conductivity (polynomial 0.0045854347 7.3126968e-05 -1.0014343e-08) (constant . 0.0242)) (viscosity (polynomial 0.0026460164 5.7950296e-05 -2.607891e-08 7.0368455e-12) (constant . 1.7894001e-05)) (lennard-jones-length (constant . 0)) (lennard-jones-energy (constant . 0)) (therm-exp-coeff (constant . 0)) (degrees-of-freedom (constant . 0)) (speed-of-sound (none . #f)) (mixture . tetradecane-air) )

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