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Dynamic Mesh and Porous Media Modelling

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Old   July 29, 2009, 09:34
Default Dynamic Mesh and Porous Media Modelling
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Join Date: Jul 2009
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vidya is on a distinguished road

I am trying to model a screen to filter particulate matter from a slurry. This screen vibrates and the filtering action takes place both due to gravity and vibration of the screen. The screen motion follows an elliptical path 9function of sines and cosines). The screen is modeled as a porous medium using the VOF model.

However, I am just working with the vertical component of motion i.e. the screen just moves vertically up and down. But I cannot get the screen to move the right way because it is getting completely disconnected from the geometry and penetrating into the slurry and air zones (on the top and bottom, respectively). I am not sure if it is due to some error in the geometry construction or defining the center of gravity.

Also, why does the orientation of the axes differ in Gambit and Fluent? I mean, I drew the geometry in Gambit such that x-direction is the horizontal direction and y-direction is vertical. But when the mesh is imported into Fluent, this doesn't seem to be the case and the axes are difefrent. Why does this happen?

Can you please let me know your thoughts? I can send the files for your referral.

Thanks and regards,

vidya is offline   Reply With Quote


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