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Case (VOF + Solidification&Melting) will not work with Species Transport? ERROR ?

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Old   March 7, 2010, 01:59
Default Case (VOF + Solidification&Melting) will not work with Species Transport? ERROR ?
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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Hi everybody,

I am solving a melting problem of a mixture of ice and moister air and need to track the interface between them. I set up my case with VOF (to track phase interface) and Solidification & Melting models (to solve phase change problem).

The case works fine until I would like to calculate the mass transfer between them and add "Species Transport" model. Fluent requires more data for material's properties as following:

Material (water-vapor . mixture-air):
New property "Slope of Liquidus Line" has been added.
Selecting constant method for "Slope of Liquidus Line" -- data required.
New property "Partition Coefficient" has been added.
Selecting constant method for "Partition Coefficient" -- data required.
New property "Diffusion in Solid" has been added.
Selecting constant method for "Diffusion in Solid" -- data required.

Material water-vapor:
New property "Melting Heat" has been added.
Selecting constant method for "Melting Heat" -- data required.
New property "Solidus Temperature" has been added.
Selecting constant method for "Solidus Temperature" -- data required.
New property "Liquidus Temperature" has been added.
Selecting constant method for "Liquidus Temperature" -- data required.

Material air:
New property "Melting Heat" has been added.
Selecting constant method for "Melting Heat" -- data required.
New property "Solidus Temperature" has been added.
Selecting constant method for "Solidus Temperature" -- data required.
New property "Liquidus Temperature" has been added.
Selecting constant method for "Liquidus Temperature" -- data required.

After adjusting material's properties as recommended by Fluent above, I initiated the case and got following error warning:

FLUENT received fatal signal (ACCESS_VIOLATION)
1. Note exact events leading to error.
2. Save case/data under new name.
3. Exit program and restart to continue.
4. Report error to your distributor.
Error Object: ()

I tried to exit and restart the case but the error warning comes up anyway.
Does anybody know what's wrong with this setting?

I also tried to change the order to turn on these 3 models such as: [VOF --> Solid. & Melt. --> Species] or [Species --> VOF --> Sold. & Melt.], and so on but still got error.

If you have experiences with these problems, pls. help me.

Thank you for reading.

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Old   March 7, 2010, 18:02
Default This case works perfectly in Fluent 12. Cool!
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Hi everybody,

Yesterday, I run my case on Fluent 6.3 and had problem as said above.

Today I had chance to test the same case on Fluent 12 and found that it works perfectly, no more error warning!
Thanks Fluent 12.
I would like to share this experience with CFD community if you run across the same problems.

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Old   March 29, 2010, 12:10
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mengyue1 is on a distinguished road
Today i had the same error as what you said. my problem is that i missed one step when using ICEM CFD to generate the .msh file. Maybe you had the same problem...
Originally Posted by View Post
Hi everybody,

Yesterday, I run my case on Fluent 6.3 and had problem as said above.

Today I had chance to test the same case on Fluent 12 and found that it works perfectly, no more error warning!
Thanks Fluent 12.
I would like to share this experience with CFD community if you run across the same problems.

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Old   September 14, 2010, 18:25
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Akash Gupta
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Hey Andy,

I read your post and the problem you solved in Fluent. I have a similar problem at held and i would really appreciate if you can help me a bit.

Project - The overall problem concerns multiphase wax deposition modeling in subsea pipeline where the pipe diameter shrinks because of wax clogging. This is oil and gas company project.

Description - I want to solve a multiphase problem in a cylindrical pipe domain - oil and water with some percentage of wax present in oil phase. There is a temperature gradient between the bulk fluid domain and the pipe wall which results in movement of wax molecules soluble in oil phase from bulk to wall and deposit there.

So, i want to utilize Solidification module along with multiphase and species transport models for my problem.

  • Species transport will take care of movement of wax in oil from bulk to wall.
  • Multiphase VOF will take care of tracking water-oil interface.
  • Solidification model will keep on changing the domain volume for movement of fluid.
Since you have solved a similar problem, it will be really helpful of you if you can share more details on how to do so and if possible share some basic files.

My attempt -
I have tried to solve this problem from another perspective - creating fluid and solid domains, setting flow field, heat and mass trasnfer modules, applying dynamic moving mesh to simulate the shrinking diameter and finally creating UDF to link deposition rate and updating dynamic mesh. But I have not being able to successfully do the last 2 steps.

The way you have tackled the problems makes more sense and suits my need. I am working on FLUENT 12.

Looking forward to your reply.

Thanks in advance,
Akash Gupta
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Old   September 14, 2010, 18:27
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Akash Gupta
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Hey Andy,

I read your post and the problem you solved in Fluent. I have a similar problem at held and i would really appreciate if you can help me a bit.

Project - The overall problem concerns multiphase wax deposition modeling in subsea pipeline where the pipe diameter shrinks because of wax clogging. This is oil and gas company project.

Description - I want to solve a multiphase problem in a cylindrical pipe domain - oil and water with some percentage of wax present in oil phase. There is a temperature gradient between the bulk fluid domain and the pipe wall which results in movement of wax molecules soluble in oil phase from bulk to wall and deposit there.

So, i want to utilize Solidification module along with multiphase and species transport models for my problem.

  • Species transport will take care of movement of wax in oil from bulk to wall.
  • Multiphase VOF will take care of tracking water-oil interface.
  • Solidification model will keep on changing the domain volume for movement of fluid.
Since you have solved a similar problem, it will be really helpful of you if you can share more details on how to do so and if possible share some basic files.

My attempt -
I have tried to solve this problem from another perspective - creating fluid and solid domains, setting flow field, heat and mass trasnfer modules, applying dynamic moving mesh to simulate the shrinking diameter and finally creating UDF to link deposition rate and updating dynamic mesh. But I have not being able to successfully do the last 2 steps.

The way you have tackled the problems makes more sense and suits my need. I am working on FLUENT 12.

Looking forward to your reply.

Thanks in advance,
Akash Gupta
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