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Gauge Total Pressure and Gauge Pressure in Isentropic Flow

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Old   May 6, 2012, 12:28
Default Gauge Total Pressure and Gauge Pressure in Isentropic Flow
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Lim Yan Shin
Join Date: May 2012
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Hi all,

I am just a beginner using Fluent 6.3.26 and I have chosen the static pressure and the temperature of the inlet given in the question as Supersonic/Initial Gauge Pressure and Total Temperature for Pressure Inlet. Since the flow is isentropic compressible high speed flow, the flow is defined to be inviscid and density-based. The air is chosen as the material under ideal gas section. My problem starts with the Gauge Total Pressure for Pressure Inlet and Gauge Pressure for Pressure Outlet. Can someone help me define what are they? and if the pipe does not have a valve, is it possible to get a normal moving shock wave along the pipe in this question?

Here is my question." Air flows at a velocity of 90m/s down a 20cm diameter pipe. The air is at a pressure of 120kPa and a temperature of 30C. A valve at the end of the pipe is suddenly closed. This valve is held in place by 8 mild steel bolts each with a diameter of 12 mm. Will the bolts hold the valve without yielding? Assume that the pipe is discharging the air to the atmosphere and the ambient pressure is 101kPa. It will be necessry to look up the yield strength of the steel in order to answer this question."
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