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solving a heat diffusion problem, using Crank-Nicolson AND gauss-Seidel method

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Old   June 5, 2012, 14:36
Default solving a heat diffusion problem, using Crank-Nicolson AND gauss-Seidel method
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Vagelis Karvounis
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Hello everyone!

First of all i 'm not sure if i am posting on the right forum! May someone advise me about that!

Here is what i am dealing with. A heat diffusion problem on an aluminum plate. The plate is represented by a grid of points. Crank-Nicolson method gives me an equation to calculate each point's temperature by using the temperatures of the surrounding points.

T(i,j)=A*((a*dt/2)*(T'(i-1,j)-2*T'(i,j)+T'(i+1,j)+T(i-1,j)+T(i+1,j))/dx^2 +(a*dt/2)*(T'(i,j-1)-2*T'(i,j)+T'(i,j+1)+T(i,j-1)+T(i,j+1))/dy^2+ T'(i,j))

where T' is the temperature of a point at the previous time point, dt is the time between two time points and a is a heat diffusion constant of aluminum. dx,dy is the spatial division for the grid in x and y axis respectively

also A=1/(1+dt*a*(1/dx^2)+dt*a*(1/dy^2))

T'(i,j) must be given, as also some boundary conditions must be given too.
But the equation uses T(i-1,j),T(i+1,j),T(i,j-1),T(i,j+1) which are unknown.
At this point Gauss-Seidel method is useful. I can use an arbitrary value for these unknown T values and by iterating the calculations for each point, T(i,j) are converging to the right values! Of course after that, T values are placed on T' and the process is repeated to calculate temperatures for the next time point.

I am writing a code on matlab for this problem. The code is very slow.Trying to deal with making it faster, i found, that the shorter is the time step(dt) the less are the iterations i need to succeed a convergence on Gauss-Seidel. For my code, i use a 101X301 points grid and if dt=0.01sec it takes about 15 iterations to succeed convergence, more than 50 iterations if dt=0.1sec and more than 500 if dt=1sec.

Could someone guide me to find out how the convergence process is being affected by dt or anything else?

Thank you very much!
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Old   June 5, 2012, 15:00
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Filippo Maria Denaro
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when you reduce the time step is absolutely normal and sound phjysical that the number of iterations decreases ... you simply have a physical state at the new time step that is closer to the old one....
Try using a SOR method, is faster than GS.
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Old   March 25, 2015, 02:30
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Hey vagelis,

I am trying to solve 2D heat equation using Crank Nicolson implementing gauss siedel method. my grid size is 128*128. time step dt=0.1. code is very slow in matlab. I am not able to get results quickly. please let me know if i can do anything to increase my execution time.
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Old   March 25, 2015, 09:44
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You could try using a different linear solver. Matlab has an implementation of the bi-conjugated gradient method (bicgstab) included.
The link explaines how to use it. The conjugate gradient methods are heaps faster than the gauss-seidel, jacobi etc solvers.
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gauss-seidel, heat diffusion

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