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Info: Short Course On Thermal Design of Electronic Equipment

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Old   August 10, 1999, 11:18
Default Info: Short Course On Thermal Design of Electronic Equipment
Arnold Free
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__________________________________________________ ________________________

MAYA Simulation and SDRC Advance Test and Analysis Present

A Short Course On Thermal Design of Electronic Equipment - Sept 22-23 - San Diego, CA

Presented by Dr. S. Rajaram, Bell Labs, Lucent Technolgies

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Course: A 2 Day Short Course on Thermal Design of Electronic Equipment

Dates: September 22nd and 23rd, 1999

Location: SDRC's Advance Test and Analysis Facility in San Diego

Cost: $750 for 2 day course - includes lunches

More Information:


To register for the course contact MAYA by

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Course fee is $750 for the 2 day course and includes lunches and refreshments. Method of payment is by cheque or company purchase order to MAYA Simulation. Call MAYA for Hotel and Location Details


Performance and reliability of today's high-speed electronic systems depends critically upon thermal design. Increases in speed of Very Large Scale Integrated circuits ( VLSI ) have led to extremely high heat dissipation, making thermal considerations the limiting factor for performance. Thermal design of electronic equipment is a multifaceted subject invoking all areas of classical heat transfer. Actual electronic systems differ considerably from classical studies. Based on vast industrial experience, this course will bridge the gap between academic studies and actual equipment design, to enable the engineer to design electronic systems for maximum reliability. This course will outline a systematic thermal design process in a building block manner from whole systems to circuit boards, and packages.

Due to increasingly severe thermal constraints, such a procedure is necessary at the earliest stage in design. The emphasis will be on practical applications, and actual equipment problems will be presented. Analytical, experimental, and computer modeling techniques will be discussed.

The course will also deal with accelerated reliability testing of electronic equipment. Based on experimental evidence so far, emphasis will be on more effective techniques such as Environmental Stress Screening/Testing ( ESS/EST ) using thermal cycling. Background and case studies of these newer techniques will be presented. These newer EST techniques are being used more widely by many of the major electronics manufacturers with considerable success. Both the thermal design, and the accelerated reliability testing techniques blend together to improve product reliability and performance.


This course is intended for physical designers, electrical designers, and system architects involved with designing and/or testing high-performance electronic equipment who need to understand thermal constraints. Practical emphasis with mathematical rigor kept to a minimum, will enable students to develop a very good engineering feel for equipment design.


Upon completion of this course, participants will gain an understanding of a systematic thermal design process for electronic equipment. By the end of the course, students should have the necessary practical engineering knowledge to design equipment for reliability and performance. They will be able to reduce development intervals, and achieve cost effective designs with high reliability. Identify thermal constraints early in design, and know answers even before testing. Knowledge of effective accelerated testing techniques such as EST that are being more widely used, will significantly enhance product quality and reliability. They will also learn practical engineering rules of thumb to assess thermal design requirements.


- Reliability Concepts, Packaging Trends, Thermal Design Hierarchy

- System Thermal Design, Fan Selection, Pressure drop and Flow Considerations

- Fundamental Heat Transfer Correlations

- Board Level Thermal Design and Heat Transfer Correlations

- Examples of Equipment Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer Calculations and Measurements

- Package Characterization, Manufacturer's Thermal Resistance Data, Experimental And Theoretical Considerations

- Selection and Design of Heat Sinks/Fins in Natural and Forced Cooling

- High Performance Computer Packaging

- Acoustic Noise Control

- Computer Modeling of Equipment Thermal Design Problems

- Techniques in Environmental Stress Testing ( EST ) of Electronic Equipment

- Typical Case Studies in EST and Quality/Reliability Improvement


Dr. S. Rajaram is Technical Manager in the Wireless Business Unit of Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies at Murray Hill, New Jersey. He joined Bell Labs in 1981, and has worked extensively on thermal design, reliability engineering and testing of a wide range of electronics products such as telecommunications switching and transmission, wireless base stations, PBX, computers, cordless phones, wireless/cellular phones, power supplies and components. He is one of the primary architects of the Environmental Stress testing ( EST ) program implemented across Lucent Technologies. He has given short courses in the U.S, Europe, Taiwan, Singapore and India. His work experience includes semiconductor processing, thermal design, electrical design, interconnections, and manufacturing related to electronic equipment and packaging including reliability and quality assurance testing.

He has regularly taught courses for engineers at Bell Labs. He spent 1 year as a United Nations Expert to train electronics engineers in India, where he set up a core group in Electronic Packaging from government and private industry.

He received his Ph.D. in Engineering Science from the State University of New York at Buffalo. With a major in Mechanical Engineering, and a minor in Electromagnetics, he is knowledgeable in mechanical and thermal design, manufacturing, reliability/quality engineering and electrical aspects of electronics packaging. He is a member of the ASME K-16 Committee on Electronics Cooling.


MAYA Simulation

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