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the best CFD code for women

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Old   August 21, 2006, 14:17
Default the best CFD code for women
For the marketers
Posts: n/a
Usually marketing team campaign in function of market segments.

Which is the best cfd code for women?

Is there a customers survey?

What are the principal quality women cfd engineer look for in a cfd code?

WHich cfd company has the mode women?

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Old   August 21, 2006, 14:20
Default Re: the best CFD code for women
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Well I know that in STAR-CCM+ you can change the background colour to pink and put photo's of puppies, lipstick, handbags, shoes etc etc behind your model. Does that help?

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Old   August 22, 2006, 01:08
Default Re: the best CFD code for women
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CFD code for women???

ha ha..its really a funny question...

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Old   August 22, 2006, 08:22
Default Re: the best CFD code for women
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I'd like to think that such sexist questions (and answers!) have no place in a serious scientific forum like this one. If you don't know of any women who contradict that sad image you hold in your tiny minds it may be time to leave your cubicle and get a life!
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Old   August 22, 2006, 09:59
Default Re: the best CFD code for women
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Oh god grow a sense of humour mani I work in a company with plenty of very good female CFD engineers. Lighten up, you'll live longer.
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Old   August 22, 2006, 10:24
Default Re: the best CFD code for women
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I am sorry you think that way, Ben. There is no more humor in chauvinism and sexism than there is in racism. I just think it's sad.
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Old   August 22, 2006, 10:37
Default Re: the best CFD code for women
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I'm guessing that you are american and therefore don't get the whole sarcasm thing, your certainly not european.....I'm not being chavinistic, sexist or racist I'm just cracking a joke. I guess you just don't get it, or are one of these overly politically correct loonies, either way I would suggest that you relax a bit.
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Old   August 22, 2006, 12:44
Default Re: the best CFD code for women
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Is the discussion getting in that direction now? Where else do you want to take it?

Not that it makes a difference, but as a European I grew up in Europe and spent most of my life there, know sarcasm, irony and cynicism in all their nuances and am fond of using all of them... in good taste and in an intelligent way. As for being American versus European: there would be no shame in choosing some progress in sensitivity over the ancient patriarchal arrogance and narrow-mindedness that has been governing Europe (and much of the rest of the world) for too long. Most of my friends in my generation or younger, all over Europe, America and Asia, understand that. Maybe it's time for you to catch up. You obviously feel offended to be called chauvinistic, and that's a good sign! It'd be far worse if you were proud of it.
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Old   August 22, 2006, 13:14
Default Re: the best CFD code for women
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To be honest I am not too bothered as to what you call me, I have never had one woman complain about my humor and you seem to think that I go around everywhere demeaning women which I find a little strange, indeed whenever I have cracked such jokes in the company of women (I would like to point out that I don't go around all day long making such comments, just on the occasion when the humor is there to be had) the favor has been returned as I would expect it to be. I am not suggesting that women should not become engineers or that their views/opinions matter any less than my own, if you cant see the funny side of such a ridiculous initial post then you quite clearly take life far too seriously.

This is what depresses me somewhat about such attitudes, we have swung so far over to a touchy feely society where you can't voice an opinion (or even crack a joke) about anything remotely controversial. Are we to become humorless drones like yourself where we get up in arms any time that a social group is mentioned in anything other than glowing terms?

If you can't laugh at yourself then it is a sorry state to be in. If a woman (and I presume you are not one) has a problem with it then they can make their feelings known, if not then I think you should relax, take life a little less seriously and smile for once, otherwise your heading for early heart attack.

Lets put it to the vote, any women who feel repressed by my comments please raise your hand.

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Old   August 22, 2006, 22:40
Default Re: the best CFD code for women
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CFD-ACE+, developed and marketed by ESI Group. It has all the features women want in a CFD package!
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Old   August 23, 2006, 00:18
Default Re: the best CFD code for women
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hey guys,chill out and lets go back to our serious discussions..Its better to take things in its correct was just a joke thats all..

and whts this "CFD ACE+ has everything for women" it a compliment of making fun of it..;-)
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Old   August 23, 2006, 08:51
Default Re: the best CFD code for women
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Thank you Deepak, I'm glad some people have a sense of humor around here!
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Old   August 23, 2006, 12:49
Default Re: the best CFD code for women
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I am an engineer who happens to be female, and I don't think the questions and anwers on this thread are funny. I used to work for a cfd company that has male employees like the guys who think the joke is funny. These kind of jokes are the reasons why I think some cfd men are so lonely, socially inept, and drool at any women who actually work with them [how do you like that for a generalization?] And yes, we prefer to have colleagues who are professional and socially educated [this advise is free for you lonely guys out there]. So save these stupid jokes for your beer parties, not for a forum like this.
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Old   August 23, 2006, 12:53
Default Re: the best CFD code for women
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Duely noted, I appologise if I offended you (although it should be notted that I am neither lonely or socially inept). The reason that I made the joke in the first place was that the topic and initial posting was so uterly ridiculous that the only way to respond was through humor. I am not someone who takes life so seriously that I stand up wave my arms and shout in constination every time something like that is said.

Out of interest, are you American?

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Old   August 24, 2006, 04:03
Default Re: the best CFD code for women
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Why American?

I work with CFDers around the World, some male, some female, some have names that don't imply either. I've found no correlation between gender and anything CFD-related.
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Old   August 24, 2006, 06:34
Default Re: the best CFD code for women
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If it's any consolation I saw it as a very funny joke in the context of the initial posting (which was so ridiculous it has to be laughed at). Unfortunately your never going to win the arguement against the people taking it serious. They lack the smarts to understand it, just be happy in the knowledge that they are always going to be like that in life and will never see the funny side in anything!

'Not a shred of evidence exists in favour of the idea that life is serious'. Brendan Gill 1914 - 1997.
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Old   August 24, 2006, 08:28
Default Re: the best CFD code for women
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Thank you Laurelei! Not many women would make themselves read through this crap, because they are sick of dealing with it every day, so thank you for doing it and responding.

Would you cut it out, Ben? Don't be so obsessed with nationality. This is not about being American or British. It's rather about decency and social intelligence. Based on all you said before and just now, showing your lack of understanding, your apology can hardly be accepted as sincere. You just don't get it. You find it ok to insult someone as long as you think it's humorous. The saddest part of all is that the more you blabber, the more you insult your own intelligence.
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Old   August 24, 2006, 13:17
Default Re: the best CFD code for women
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It seems I am damned if I do and damned if I don't if you find the comments so objectionable, why not stop reading them? You seem to have appointed yourself as the moral voice whereby I should conform to the happy clappy view of the world where everybody is nice to each other, no one has a bad word to say to one another and we all live in piece and harmony, it sounds fairly dull to me. And considering more people have come out saying they found the reply funny, its a fairly sparcely populated land too.

I'm not oppressing anyone am I, I'm not earnestly trying to say that women are lesser beings am I? I'm just making a joke, I have heard many a joke from the mouths of women directed at men (somehow it seems more socially acceptable) but I dont start jumping up and down and screaming "sexism" every time. I just laugh along with them, if I find them personally insulting, I walk away/turn off/stop reading, it's as easy as that.
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