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Cartesian Cut-Cell Method - Help needed!

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Old   March 11, 2014, 16:38
Post Cartesian Cut-Cell Method - Help needed!
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Sujith Rajagopal
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Hi everyone,

What programming software is easier to develop a code to apply the Cartesian Cut-cell method to a simple 2D geometry?

I have tried working with MATLAB but I could not figure out a way to develop the code.

Does anyone know any other software/programming tool that can generate a 2-D Cartesian mesh on a geometry ?

Any help would be much appreciated,
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Old   March 11, 2014, 17:13
Post Updated Question: Cartesian Cut-cell method - Help needed!
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Sujith Rajagopal
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I understand my question does not explain things clearly. So please look into this message where I have tried to explain things properly.

I am looking to create the 2D geometry of a Piston in a cylinder and then "mesh" the geometry using the "cartesian cut-cell approach"( Which is just basically ,chamfering the corners and merging the cut cells in the domain by identifying the node points in the mesh).

If you look into the image I have attached below, the green region refers to the geometry of a piston in a cylinder which I have created using the plot function. The rest of the geometry(next to the green region) is the geometry of the cylinder. (Assume the piston moves in the x-axis direction)

I want to instruct MATLAB to mesh this geometry in 2-D and then apply the Cut Cell Approach I have described above to this mesh. I understand this would require developing an algorithm in MATLAB but I could not figure out a way to do this.

I hope this explains my question a bit clearly. Please let me know if you can help me with it, I would really appreciate it.

Awaiting your reply,
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Old   June 13, 2017, 11:38
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Francisco Angel
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Originally Posted by sujithsubramanian View Post
I understand my question does not explain things clearly. So please look into this message where I have tried to explain things properly.

I am looking to create the 2D geometry of a Piston in a cylinder and then "mesh" the geometry using the "cartesian cut-cell approach"( Which is just basically ,chamfering the corners and merging the cut cells in the domain by identifying the node points in the mesh).

If you look into the image I have attached below, the green region refers to the geometry of a piston in a cylinder which I have created using the plot function. The rest of the geometry(next to the green region) is the geometry of the cylinder. (Assume the piston moves in the x-axis direction)

I want to instruct MATLAB to mesh this geometry in 2-D and then apply the Cut Cell Approach I have described above to this mesh. I understand this would require developing an algorithm in MATLAB but I could not figure out a way to do this.

I hope this explains my question a bit clearly. Please let me know if you can help me with it, I would really appreciate it.

Awaiting your reply,
Did you suceed? I'm starting my thesis and need to do exactly what you mention, implement the cut cell method. I just started so comments will be appreciated.
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Old   November 5, 2017, 23:30
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Francisco Angel
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Originally Posted by sujithsubramanian View Post
I understand my question does not explain things clearly. So please look into this message where I have tried to explain things properly.

I am looking to create the 2D geometry of a Piston in a cylinder and then "mesh" the geometry using the "cartesian cut-cell approach"( Which is just basically ,chamfering the corners and merging the cut cells in the domain by identifying the node points in the mesh).

If you look into the image I have attached below, the green region refers to the geometry of a piston in a cylinder which I have created using the plot function. The rest of the geometry(next to the green region) is the geometry of the cylinder. (Assume the piston moves in the x-axis direction)

I want to instruct MATLAB to mesh this geometry in 2-D and then apply the Cut Cell Approach I have described above to this mesh. I understand this would require developing an algorithm in MATLAB but I could not figure out a way to do this.

I hope this explains my question a bit clearly. Please let me know if you can help me with it, I would really appreciate it.

Awaiting your reply,
But you didn't explain what have you accomplished until now. I think is best for you to use a paper as an example and try to follow the methodology there.
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2d mesh, cartesian, cartesian cut cell, cut-cell

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