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turbulent mixing of two fluids

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Old   October 9, 1999, 08:00
Default turbulent mixing of two fluids
ulrich bieder
Posts: n/a
hi there

i want to model the mixing of two fluids in a tube bend. the fluids have the same density but very different molecular viscosities. the flow is turbulent (Re about 5000).

in fact, i want to solve the problem by using a two fluid model, i.e. i will use two momentum equtions, one mass transport equation and one continuity equation. however, i think that a turbulent viscosity which is calculated independently for each fluid will not lead to correct results.

i would be glad is someone who has already modeled this problem can give me some advise how to model physically corret the mixing of two fluids.

thanks in advance

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Old   October 9, 1999, 14:57
Default Re: turbulent mixing of two fluids
Md. Ziaul Islam
Posts: n/a
You are working in a complex area. No wonder you are kind of lost! Let me give you some references for you--

McMurtry, P.A., Jou, W.-H., Riley, J.J. and Metcalfe, R.W. "Direct Numerical Simulations of a

Reacting Mixing Layer with Chemical Heat Release," AIAA Journal, 24, pp. 962-970, 1986.

McMurtry, P.A., Riley J.J., and Metcalfe, R.W. "Effects of Heat Release on the Large Scale

Structures in a Turbulent Reacting Mixing Layer," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 199, pp. 297-332,


Son, S.F., McMurtry, P.A., and Queiroz, M. "The Effects of Heat Release on Various Statistical

Properties of a Reacting Shear Layer," Combustion and Flame, 85, pp. 51-67, 1991.

McMurtry, P.A. and Givi, P. "Direct Numerical Simulations of a Reacting, Turbulent Mixing Layer

By A Pseudospectral-Spectral Element Method," Finite Element Methods in Fluids, 8, pp. 355-378,


McMurtry, P.A., Menon, S. and Kerstein, A.R. "A Linear Eddy Subgrid Model for Turbulent

Reacting Flows: Application to Hydrogen-Air Combustion,"Proceeding of the 24th (International)

Symposium on Combustion, the Combustion Institute, pp. 271-278, 1992.

McMurtry, P.A., Gansauge, T. and Kerstein, A.R "Linear Eddy Simulations of Mixing and Reaction

in A Homogeneous Turbulent Flow," Phys. Fluids A, 5, pp. 1023-1034, 1993.

McMurtry, P.A. and Menon, S. "Linear Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Combustion," J. Energy &

Fuels, 7, pp. 817-826, 1993.

Kerstein, A.R. and McMurtry, P.A. "Mean-Field Theories of Random Advection," Physical Review

E, 49, pp. 474-482, 1994.

Cremer, M., McMurtry, P.A., and Kerstein, A.R. "Effects of Turbulent and Scalar Length-Scale

Distributions on Turbulent Mixing Processes," Phys. Fluids A, 6, pp. 2143-2153, 1994.

Kerstein, A.R. and McMurtry, P.A. "Low Wavenumber Statistics of Randomly Advected Passive

Scalars," Physical Review E, 50, pp. 2057-2063, 1994.

Kerstein, A.R., Cremer, M.A. and McMurtry, P.A. "Scaling Properties of Differential Molecular

Diffusion Effects in Turbulence," Physics of Fluids, 7, pp. 1999-2007, 1995.

Guilkey, J.E., Gee, K.R., McMurtry, P.A. and Klewicki, J.C. "Use of Caged Fluorescent Dyes for

the Study of Turbulent Passive Scalar Mixing," Experiments in Fluids, 21, pp. 237-242, 1996.

McMurtry, P.A. "Turbulence," in Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather, pp. 786-793, Oxford

University Press, 1996.

Guilkey, J.E., Kerstein, A.R., McMurtry, P.A. and Klewicki, J.C. "Long-tailed Probability

Distribution Functions in Turbulent Pipe Flow Mixing," Physical Review E, 56, (2), 1753, 1997.

Krueger, S.K., Su, C.-W., and McMurtry, P.A. "Modeling Entrainment and Fine- Scale mixing in

Cumulus Clouds," Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 54, 2697- 2712, 1997.

Maynes, D., Klewicki, J.C., McMurtry, P.A. and Robey, H. "Hydrodynamic Scalings in the Rapid

Growth of Crystals From Solution," J. Crystal Growth, 178, 545-558, 1997.

Maynes, D., Klewicki, J.C., McMurtry, P.A. "Time Resolved Torque of Rotating Bluff Bodies in a

Cylindrical Tank," J. Fluids Eng., 120, 23-28, 1998.

Su, C-W., Krueger, S.K., McMurtry, P.A. and Austin, P.H., "Linear Eddy Modeling of Droplet

Spectral Evolution During Entrainment and Mixing in Cumulus Clouds," Atmospheric Research, 47,

41--58, 1998.

Cremer, M. and McMurtry, P.A. "A Model of Turbulent Mixing and Reaction for H2- air

Combustion," Journal of Propulsion and Power, 14, 3, 309--317, 1998.

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Old   October 9, 1999, 17:15
Default Re: turbulent mixing of two fluids
John C. Chien
Posts: n/a
(1). In the mixing zone, the turbulent Reynolds number will be of O(100) or less. (2). So, I don't think the difference in the molecular viscosity between two fluid is important in the mixing process.
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