August 11, 2007, 04:59
Modelling a "Rolling Road" in Fluent
I am modelling a 3D airfoil in ground effect. At the moment, to simulate a "rolling road" in Fluent where the ground plane moves with the same velocity as the input air velocity (ie. zero velocity relative to air), I have just set the ground plane as a non-stationary boundary with a translational velocity.
However, I want to get to the stage where I can model a fluctuating ground plane such as an ocean surface, under the airfoil. So the surface must not only move relative to the wing at the air speed, but I also want to set up something like a sine wave shape profile where the amplitude changes with time so that it mimicks a crude ocean surface with waves.
From what I have found out so far, I would need to use a UDF and a dynamic mesh. However, I would just like to hear from anyone who has done something like this before, if they have any hints or tips? I have 3 months to do this, part time, and I have never done any C programming before, or even used a dynamic mesh or done an unsteady sim in Fluent before. Am I biting off more than I can chew?