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here open research unstructured fluid solver

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Old   August 9, 2008, 08:27
Default here open research unstructured fluid solver
Posts: n/a
Hi All,

I am working on gas-solid flow based on my own in-house code. Solid particle in my code is solved by discrete element method, whereas gas is based on a general structured fluid solver. I am supposed to handle some complex geometry which is beyond of the capability of my code. An unstructured fluid solver handling incompressible flow can be used to overcome this problem. I know that there are several open sources are available, such as OpenFoam, Code_Saturne. However, these codes are very poor for dense-phase gas-solid flow. Also they are complicated (for me) and require a long time to learn and control because they try to deal with a wide range of applications. Actually, I just require fluid solver is able to handle incompressible flow with standard turbulent models. More importantly, I can not get enough time to learn OpenFoam or the like by myself. To date, CFD is well-developed and has been dominated by commercial package. Many researchers no more further develop their in-house codes and turn to some commercial package. Is there any group who are willing to open me their previous research code which has been well validated and has a good robustness in handling single-phase flow. So I can shift my stuff to their code to handle dense-phase flow which is a very hot research topic. As a credit, I will share them with my final development. If you are interested in this idea, we can contact and show each other our past research outputs,and schedule details.


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Old   August 10, 2008, 00:49
Default Is there open research unstructured fluid solver?
Posts: n/a
I notice that one world is missed in the title. It is "Is there open research unstructured fluid solver?". Sorry for this mistake.
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