August 21, 2000, 05:23
total mass flux correction for compressible fluid?
As a part of a bigger project, I have developed a CFD code to solve the transient NS equations in 2 & 3 D using the SIMPLE method, staggered grid, cartesian orthogonal grid. The code deals with air at low speed (0.1-1.0 m/s), in a rectangular duct. Fluid is treated as incompressible and viscid. In the alghoritm, for the outlet velocity the total mass flux correction is applied, in order to made the total mass flux at outlet equal to the total mass flux at outlet.
Because the final goal is to simulate the flow in fixed and fluidized beds, in same case I'll must remove the assumption of uncompressible flow (in a very high bed, pressure difference between top and bottom of the system can be high). I would like to know: 1) how I can perform the total mass flux correction for a compressible fluid ? In this case, it is not true that the outlet mass flux=inlet mass flux. 2) where I can find data to check the precision of my results ? 3) where I can find freeware/shareware CFD programs able to analyze this case, in order to compare results ? I have searched in different compilations present on the net, but I was not able to find them.
Many thanks in advance
Francesco Di Maio