March 26, 2012, 04:24
Probelem in simulation of multiphase
New Member
neetu kumari
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 14
Rep Power: 15
Hello all!
I am simulating the multiphase (cavitating) fluid flow using FLUENT. I have used mixture model for multiphase flow. I have written an udf for source term of vapor transfer equation of multiphase solver. In this udf I have tried to incorporate mass transfer from liquid to vapor or vapor to liquid according to pressure variation below to vapor pressure and above to vapor pressure respectively. But I am facing a big problem of convergence of solutions. The solutions are converging upto the time when local pressure is above the vapor pressure but as soon as it is going below or approaching to vapor pressure all the residuals are blowing upto very high value suddenly and fluent showing an error. At this point I am not able to think what I should do. If anyone has understood my problem have some solution of it, Please help me it is too urgent.