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Have you ever seen this FEM mesh format?

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Old   December 12, 2015, 12:47
Default Have you ever seen this FEM mesh format?
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lzk12520 is on a distinguished road
Below is a mesh file for a non-commercial FEM 2D NS programme. I was wondering if this format looks familiar to you? I am trying to figure out which commercial software (Ansys?) can read in this format of data, so that I can adjust the mesh.

If it is not possible I may have to use Matlab to convert it to Ansys or Gmsh format.

It is my first post. Thanks in advance guys! Appreciate any suggestion!



4 2
136711 136376 672
0.353553390974006 -2.35355339097401
0.355827191946658 -2.35537026691292
0.358237420950116 -2.35729615538062
0.360792263693782 -2.35933759715638
4 1 54 55 2
4 2 55 56 3
4 3 56 57 4
4 4 57 58 5
4 5 58 59 6
4 6 59 60 7
4 7 60 61 8
4 8 61 62 9
4 9 62 63 10
4 10 63 64 11
4 11 64 65 12
4 12 65 66 13
4 13 66 67 14
4 14 67 68 15
4 15 68 69 16
4 16 69 70 17
4 17 70 71 18
4 18 71 72 19
4 19 72 73 20
2 3 1 54
2 3 54 107
2 3 107 160
2 3 160 213
2 3 213 266
2 3 266 319
2 3 319 372
2 3 372 425
2 3 425 478

First line must be “4 2”
Second line are Node number, element number and boundary line number
x- and y-coordinates of all the FEM nodes
Node number for each elements. There is a number “4” in front of each line. This “4” means that this is a four-node element.
The line like 2 3 1 54
The first number has to be 2, means 2-node line boundary
The meaning of the second number: 1=inlet boundary; 2=outlet boundary; 3=smooth wall surface; 4=symmetric boundary
The last two numbers are the Node IDs of the boundary (at the two end points)


FORCE_PARA.TXT (only part of the file)

1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 1
7 1
8 1
9 1
10 1
11 1
12 1
13 1
372 2
373 2
374 2
375 2
376 2
377 2
378 2
379 2
380 2
381 2
382 2
383 2
384 2

The first line is the total number of the boundary elements that are on the surfaces of the structures.
From the second line
First number is the boundary ID, corresponding to the boundary element ID in “MESH.TXT”. The second number is the structure ID. For example, the boundary boundary 1 to 13 belong to cylinder 1 and the boundary 372 to 384 belong to cylinder 2.
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