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[swak4Foam] Lagrangian Dispersion Models with Swak4Foam

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Old   October 6, 2023, 06:06
Default Lagrangian Dispersion Models with Swak4Foam
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How can I get dispersion models for Lagrangian particles with swak4Foam? When I couple the particles into interFoam, the only dispersion model I can set is "none".

Do I have to load another swak4foam library, or would I need to compile / #include something into my interFoam version?

Or would that effect be already taken care of by the turbulence model for the carrier fluid?

(Sorry for X-posting, it just turned out to be a swak question and I feel it's more suitable/findable in this section - feel free to delete my other thread)
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Old   October 12, 2023, 09:38
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Answering half of my question:
The dispersion would need to be compiled into the solver of the carrier fluid. Alternatively, it seems like loading the dynamic library "" in the controlDict works as well.

Now the question is:
Does it make sense? Or would the turbulent particle dispersion already be taken care of by the turbulence model (when running the case transient)?

My take on this:
For each model it has to be decided based on the flow conditions and particle properties, if the turbulent dispersion should be considered or not. In case it is important, the approach differs for RANS vs LES:
When using a RANS model for the carrier fluid it actually makes sense to include the turbulent dispersion for the particles. With an LES model, it should probably be decided upon the relevance of the resolved vs. unresolved turbulence (and is only needed if the dispersion due to the unresolved turbulence is actually relevant for the solution).

Last edited by 37269; October 13, 2023 at 12:09. Reason: some additional info and thoughts.
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lagrangian particles, swak4foam

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