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Old   March 8, 2007, 17:44
Default Thanks Martin & Hrvoje for tho
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Chris Harvey
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Thanks Martin & Hrvoje for those incredibly fast replies. I got the soft link to work (strange... I tried that before but kept getting "No such file or directory" errors. It works now though so nevermind). It is a quick and dirty solution though (as Bernhard said) so I will at some point try to rebuild as described as well.

Thanks for your help,
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Old   March 17, 2007, 13:29
Default I'm a super new to OpenFOAM, a
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I'm a super new to OpenFOAM, and as a Mac user, very excited about the possibility of using it natively. However, I'm having trouble running it. I've followed the directions given at the top, but not successfully. My questions are:

1. After these instructions, is a compile required?
2. What should be in .bashrc? It contains OpenFOAM relavent text, so I'm not sure where to put the "source..." line.

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Old   March 19, 2007, 14:42
Default Hi Ben! @1: If you download
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Bernhard Gschaider
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Hi Ben!

@1: If you downloaded the binaries: No
@2: Which bashrc? The one in your home directory? That should be just the same as in the general OpenFOAM-installation instructions

What exactly are your troubles?
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Old   March 20, 2007, 09:17
Default Thanks for the reply. 1. I
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Thanks for the reply.

1. I did so I'm not missing anything there.
2. I've tried this with both ~/.basrch and ~/.cshrc, they both contain OpenFOAM comment blocks at the top. I've added the lines as per the instructions above, and still get "command not found" for FoamX. I can write the whole path out, and that calls FoamX but then I get an error:
"Can't find FoamX configuration directory at /.-/apps/FoamX."
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Old   March 20, 2007, 09:59
Default Figured it out. New error is:
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Figured it out. New error is: "/Users/g4ben/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.3/bin/runFoamXHB: line 122: nsd: command not found"
and hangs.

Thanks again for the help!
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Old   March 20, 2007, 10:03
Default FoamX does not work: use OpenF
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Hrvoje Jasak
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FoamX does not work: use OpenFOAM applications straight from the xommand line (xterm).

Sorry, there was too many problems compiling mico on OS X.

Hrvoje Jasak
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Old   March 21, 2007, 04:30
Default Hi I tried to open ParaView, b
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Hi I tried to open ParaView, but the following error message poped up:
Major opcode of failed request: 129 (Apple-DRI)
Minor opcode of failed request: 1 ()
Serial number of failed request: 1146
Current serial number in output stream: 1146

could anyone help me, please?
I am a beginner mac/linux user.

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Old   March 21, 2007, 08:26
Default This seems like a problem betw
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Bernhard Gschaider
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This seems like a problem between paraview and the X-Server. Maybe the paraview-list is a better source for that problem.

- When does the problem occur (before or after the splash-screen ....)
- What is your architecture (PowerPC or Intel)?
- Which verison of the OS/X-Server (xdpyinfo gives that kind of info)?
- what is the output of
glxinfo | grep direct
xdpyinfo | grep Apple
- does paraview (not Foam) work? (you could also try if the problem persists with the original paraview from their site)
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Old   March 21, 2007, 09:31
Default An add-on comment: you need to
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An add-on comment: you need to run paraview from xterm - and xterm is something that does not come with your standard installation. You can get it for free from the Apple web site.

Hrvoje Jasak
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Old   March 21, 2007, 09:36
Default Hi Bernhard, Thank you for r
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Hi Bernhard,
Thank you for replying to my message.
Answer to your question in order:
- Problem I could not even get a splash-screen working now. It worked before, but when I restarted my computer it does not work anymore
- Architecture: Intel Duo Processor (I just bought this MacBook, and I am very new to them.)
- I would say I have the Mac OS X latest version. I am not aware as to what are the available version out there.

- output of:
felicia-tristantos-computer:~ flic$ glxinfo | grep direct
direct rendering: Yes

-output of:
felicia-tristantos-computer:~ flic$ xdpyinfo | grep Apple

Both outputs are obtained from typing command in xterm windows.

I do not understand why I am getting different error message. I was very sure that the problem that paraView did not opened up is because I do not know how to set the $DISPLAY environment.

I typed:
source ~/.bashrc

then when I typed paraFoam . cavity, it comes out with this message:
/Users/flic/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.3/bin/paraFoam: line 57: paraview: command not found

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Old   March 21, 2007, 09:49
Default Hi Hrv, Yep, I have install
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Hi Hrv,

Yep, I have installed X11 from the installation CD that comes with it. I basically followed installation guide from the following link:

after I installed X11, when I typed paraFoam . cavity it asks for the $DISPLAY environment. Then I typed:
touch ~/.bashrc

but do not know how to insert the attached .bashrc file in the above link to the file.

after this, when I ran ParaFoam . cavity it gives the following error:
bash: paraView: command not found

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Old   March 21, 2007, 09:54
Default Hi Felicia! OK. Your archit
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Bernhard Gschaider
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Hi Felicia!

OK. Your architecture is an Intel (mine is PowerPC so I won't be able to reproduce your problem).

Which binaries are you using? My theory is that they are PowerPC (at least the last time I looked only those were available) and they have trouble talking to the X-Server (which is an Intel-binary). But that is a guess.

I think I'll have to pass the question to someone who is running OpenFOAM on an Intel-MacOS. (Anyone? Could you please stand up?)

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Old   March 21, 2007, 10:08
Default paraview - all lowercase, righ
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paraview - all lowercase, right?

Could you try saying 'which paraview' and find out if the directory exists etc. Mine lives under ~/OpenFOAM/darwin/paraview-...

Having in mind that you're running a shiny new Intel Mac and Bernhard and I are still in the last century, could you tell me if this worked before + did you compile paraview yourself. Did you mount the disk images (if that's now you work)?

Keeping my fingers crossed,

Hrvoje Jasak
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Old   March 21, 2007, 20:48
Default Hi Hrv, Bernhard, I'm Felic
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Hi Hrv, Bernhard,

I'm Felicia's supervisor - we're both new to the mac world. I've had a little experience with linux and a small amount of OF.

Somehow the darwin disk image became unmounted since I last tried + xterm sources .bashrc and terminal sources .bash_profile -> this is all fixed now.

Which paraview finds it in the same place as above, and running paraview brings up the splash screen and then dumps the same error as above.

we haven't compiled paraview ourselves. If this is the next obvious step we'll give it a go (unless anyone knows of paraview-2.4.3 binaries for intel mac? - or is it likely that the 2.4.4 binaries from the paraview website will work?

Actually given time constraints, I'm downloading paraview 2.6 binaries, will see if I can get something like this (

Will let you know if we have success.


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Old   March 22, 2007, 06:24
Default I'm afraid there are no Intel-
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Bernhard Gschaider
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I'm afraid there are no Intel-Darwin-binaries at

Try the 2.6-Binaries found there. If they work you might as well try recompiling 2.6 (it's the same effort). The process of recompiling paraview is quite good documented. The problem might be to compile the 'glue' between paraview and Foam (I had to hand-patch some files on my Mac before I succeeded, but that was with a 2.4-version. Might be better with 2.6).

On the other hand: if I remember it correctly the 2.6-source-tree has an OpenFOAM-reader. I just don't know if it is enabled in their standard-binaries. If it is you might safe you all the trouble of recompiling.

I know: there's a lot of if/might/should in this message, but it's the best I know.
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Old   March 22, 2007, 08:26
Default You may be in trouble (let's h
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You may be in trouble (let's hope not). I had a ton of problems with the Mac build and had to manually fiddle the build flags in order to get it to work. If you "just compile" it, the executable will start up, show a banner and then fall over.

The other issue is that you need a full build, with all the header files, position-specific derivaed headers from cmake etc just to rebuild the OpenFOAM reader. The last issue is whether the binary build has been done with shared libraries or not: by default, they used to be off, which will not work.

In any case, the time is nigh for me to re-port all my bug fixes etc to the Mac, so please keep me posted.

Hrvoje Jasak
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Old   March 22, 2007, 09:39
Default I meant to do this some time a
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I meant to do this some time ago: I've added a list of things I had to do in order to compile OF1.3 on a Mac on the Wiki:
My guess is that most of the stuff you don't have to do if you're using Hrv's images as a basis and only clean out the PPC-binary files. Only the last thing (the flag for the PVReader - if I remember it correctly cmake overwrites it every time)

@compiling paraview to cooperate with OF: maybe g_ParaView can be helpful (you might want to interpolate it with X .3F)
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Old   April 3, 2007, 11:05
Default Not sure if this helps anyone,
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Not sure if this helps anyone, but I know one of the major problems compiling FoamX was mico:
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Old   April 3, 2007, 16:24
Default Mico is all done and working -
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Mico is all done and working - did anyone manage to right click?

Hrvoje Jasak
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Old   April 10, 2007, 20:32
Default Greetings everyone! This is
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Greetings everyone!

This is my first post over here. First of all, thank you very much Hrvoje for your Mac porting!

I am just learning how to use OpenFOAM and so far I do whole tutorial under my linux machine where everything works and is stable. Then I try to do the same things on my Mac machine - which is also stable, but to be sure first I try in linux.

The only problem which I experience on Mac is a paraFoam file opener. Software opens, however it has got some problems with opening .foam files.
It means, I do:
paraFoam <root> <example>

What happens paraviem/Foam opens in X11 environment (as it should), however it doesn't want to open the picked file.

After paraview is launched, I can only point out to file manually, but even then it cannot open it, the paraview is somehow stucked, but functional so I can stop openning etc.

What I discovered, when I click File -> Open there is no .foam extension to choose in file extension list (on Mac machine), whereas on my linux box it appears as (probably) a second one from the bottom.

Any ideas or tips how to open these .foam files in paraview under Mac, so I can actually see how structure/example looks like? Actually, I am playing in tutorial with '..path../icoFoam cavityGrade' example.

Thanks! And thanks for a great work with OpenFOAM Mac port!

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