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Are my IRIXbs systune parametersb setting correct |
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April 28, 2008, 23:42 |
Sorry : I thin
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Daniel WEI (老魏)
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Beijing, China
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Sorry : I think I have to post a longgggg list. System: IRIX6.5 Reason: If I include the link -lincompressibleTurbulenceModels.so and/or -lincompressibleTransportModels.so, then the turbFoam solver fails with coredump, but if I implement TurbulenceModels and TransportModels into finiteVolume.so, then the solver woks. else if ... endif Questions: 1. Are my IRIX's systune parameters' setting correct? 2. Is "rlimit_nofile_cur = 200 (0xc8) ll" in "group: resource (statically changeable)" good? (Because it takes time for me to have the root right, so I post the questions first here.) Return(A lot of Thanks!) Best Regards, Daniel ---------------------------------------------------- bash-2.05$ systune group: dms (statically changeable) dms_always_use_lomem = 0 (0x0) group: oplock (statically changeable) oplock_timeout = 30 (0x1e) oplocks_enabled = 1 (0x1) group: oncrpc (dynamically changeable) ksvc_node_affine = 1 (0x1) ksvc_max_manages = 0 (0x0) ksvc_pool_timeout = 60 (0x3c) ksvc_queue_timeout = 5 (0x5) ksvc_queue_max_threads = 32 (0x20) ksvc_max_threads = 1024 (0x400) ksvc_min_threads = 0 (0x0) group: oncrpc (statically changeable) normal_retry = 1 (0x1) first_retry = 1 (0x1) portmap_timeout = 5 (0x5) group: xlv (statically changeable) xlv_top_mem_max_size = 4194304 (0x400000) xlv_top_mem_scale = 50 (0x32) xlv_top_mem_threshold = 10 (0xa) xlv_topmem_slots = 5 (0x5) xlv_low_mem_max_size = 4194304 (0x400000) xlv_low_mem_scale = 50 (0x32) xlv_low_mem_threshold = 10 (0xa) xlv_lowmem_slots = 15 (0xf) group: xfs (dynamically changeable) xfs_error_level = 3 (0x3) xfs_dcontention = 1 (0x1) xfs_panic_mask = 0 (0x0) ll group: xfs (statically changeable) xfs_max_bmap_len = 1024 (0x400) xfs_dcount = 13 (0xd) xfs_refcache_percent = 100 (0x64) xfs_nfs_io_units = 10 (0xa) group: net_stp (statically changeable) stp_timeout_vc = 10 (0xa) stp_max_retries = 4 (0x4) stp_support_unaligned_largepages = 1 (0x1) stp_keepalive_threshold2 = 120 (0x78) stp_keepalive_threshold1 = 39 (0x27) stp_keepalive_timeout = 2 (0x2) stp_slotaccounting = 0 (0x0) stp_ttl = 60 (0x3c) stp_etsupport = 0 (0x0) stp_ipsupport = 0 (0x0) group: snfs (dynamically changeable) nfsauth_timeout = 10 (0xa) nfsauth_refresh = 1800 (0x708) nfsauth_cachesz = 512 (0x200) nfs_access_check = 1 (0x1) nfs_portmon = 0 (0x0) group: numa (statically changeable) numa_migr_queue_control_max_page_age = 8 (0x8) numa_migr_queue_time_trigger_interval = 1 (0x1) numa_migr_queue_time_trigger_enabled = 0 (0x0) numa_migr_queue_capacity_trigger_threshold = 60 (0x3c) numa_migr_queue_capacity_trigger_enabled = 0 (0x0) numa_migr_queue_traffic_trigger_threshold = 80 (0x50) numa_migr_queue_traffic_trigger_enabled = 0 (0x0) numa_migr_queue_control_mlimit = 70 (0x46) numa_migr_queue_control_interval = 500 (0x1f4) numa_migr_queue_control_enabled = 0 (0x0) numa_migr_queue_maxlen = 70 (0x46) memoryd_enabled = 0 (0x0) numa_migr_enqonfail_enabled = 0 (0x0) numa_zone_radius = 1 (0x1) numa_paging_node_freemem_low_threshold = 40 (0x28) numa_kernel_replication_ratio = 1 (0x1) numa_migr_traffic_control_threshold = 80 (0x50) numa_migr_traffic_control_interval = 400 (0x190) numa_migr_traffic_control_enabled = 0 (0x0) numa_migr_unpegging_control_threshold = 90 (0x5a) numa_migr_unpegging_control_interval = 0 (0x0) numa_migr_unpegging_control_enabled = 1 (0x1) mem_tick_base_period = 1 (0x1) mem_tick_enabled = 1 (0x1) numa_migr_dampening_factor = 90 (0x5a) numa_migr_dampening_enabled = 0 (0x0) numa_migr_bounce_control_interval = 0 (0x0) numa_migr_melt_threshold = 90 (0x5a) numa_migr_melt_enabled = 0 (0x0) numa_migr_freeze_threshold = 20 (0x14) numa_migr_freeze_enabled = 0 (0x0) numa_migr_memory_low_threshold = 20 (0x14) numa_migr_memory_low_enabled = 1 (0x1) numa_migr_min_distance = 1 (0x1) numa_refcnt_overflow_threshold = 50 (0x32) numa_refcnt_default_mode = 0 (0x0) numa_migr_coaldmigr_mech = 0 (0x0) numa_migr_user_migr_mech = 0 (0x0) numa_migr_auto_migr_mech = 0 (0x0) numa_migr_min_maxradius = 2 (0x2) numa_migr_vehicle = 1 (0x1) numa_migr_threshold_reference = 0 (0x0) numa_migr_default_threshold = 50 (0x32) numa_migr_default_mode = 2 (0x2) group: nfs3 (dynamically changeable) nfs3_max_jukebox = 360 (0x168) nfs3_abio_read_quota = 2 (0x2) nfs3_abio_write_quota = 2 (0x2) group: nfs3 (statically changeable) nfs3_abio_write_lowat = 225 (0xe1) nfs3_abio_write_hiwat = 300 (0x12c) nfs3_unst_enforce_wtmark = 40 (0x28) nfs3_unst_low_wtmark = 60 (0x3c) nfs3_unst_crit_wtmark = 67 (0x43) nfs3_unst_wtmark = 75 (0x4b) nfs3_posix_atime_on_read = 0 (0x0) nfs3_commit_prd = 50 (0x32) nfs3_rah = 2 (0x2) nfs3_max_threads = 4 (0x4) nfs3_default_xfer = 32768 (0x8000) group: maxclient (statically changeable) nfs_close_sock = 0 (0x0) nfstcp_shutdown_wait = 500 (0x1f4) max_xnfs_clients = 32 (0x20) max_nsd_clients = 32 (0x20) max_nfs_clients = 32 (0x20) group: lockmgr (dynamically changeable) GraceWaitTime = 5 (0x5) sm_timeout = 5 (0x5) group: msg (statically changeable) pmqomax = 128 (0x80) msgseg = 1536 (0x600) msgtql = 40 (0x28) msgssz = 8 (0x8) msgmni = 50 (0x32) msgmnb = 32768 (0x8000) msgmax = 16384 (0x4000) group: bpmode (statically changeable) randthread_float = 0 (0x0) md_rq_depth = 5 (0x5) enable_poq_war = 0 (0x0) r10k_bpmode = 0 (0x0) group: miser (statically changeable) cpuset_nobind = 0 (0x0) group: ckpt (dynamically changeable) ckpt_enabled = 1 (0x1) group: ksync (statically changeable) mrlock_num_mria = 64 (0x40) group: ithread (statically changeable) default_timeout_pri = 1 (0x1) default_intr_pri = 200 (0xc8) tape_intr_pri = 205 (0xcd) disk_intr_pri = 205 (0xcd) scsi_intr_pri = 205 (0xcd) network_intr_pri = 210 (0xd2) parallel_intr_pri = 215 (0xd7) serial_intr_pri = 215 (0xd7) external_intr_pri = 220 (0xdc) graphics_intr_pri = 225 (0xe1) video_intr_pri = 230 (0xe6) tserialio_intr_pri = 235 (0xeb) audio_intr_pri = 235 (0xeb) group: sthread (statically changeable) randthread_pri = 98 (0x62) cl_async_pri = 90 (0x5a) xbox_poll_pri = 90 (0x5a) dpipe_pri = 90 (0x5a) munldd_pri = 90 (0x5a) cdl_attach_pri = 90 (0x5a) partition_pri = 90 (0x5a) io_init_pri = 90 (0x5a) tpisockd_pri = 90 (0x5a) mtcp_pri = 90 (0x5a) recovery_pri = 90 (0x5a) tiled_pri = 90 (0x5a) coalesced_pri = 90 (0x5a) sched_pri = 90 (0x5a) async_call_pri = 90 (0x5a) unmountd_pri = 90 (0x5a) onesec_pri = 90 (0x5a) xfsd_pri = 92 (0x5c) bdflush_pri = 92 (0x5c) vfs_sync_pri = 92 (0x5c) xlvd_pri = 94 (0x5e) bpsqueue_pri = 94 (0x5e) exim_pri = 96 (0x60) shaked_pri = 98 (0x62) vhand_pri = 98 (0x62) rmonqd_pri = 98 (0x62) pdflush_pri = 98 (0x62) batchd_pri = 98 (0x62) klogthrd_pri = 98 (0x62) netthread_pri = 98 (0x62) reaper_pri = 100 (0x64) msc_heartbeat_pri = 109 (0x6d) msc_shutdown_pri = 109 (0x6d) cmsd_pri = 109 (0x6d) mtcp_discovery_pri = 255 (0xff) hb_pri = 255 (0xff) du_conpoll_pri = 255 (0xff) console_pri = 255 (0xff) group: io (statically changeable) pciio_multimaster_override = 0 (0x0) pcibr_pioerr_dump = 1 (0x1) pciba_broken_le_be_compat = 0 (0x0) io_init_async = 1 (0x1) io_init_node_threads = 3 (0x3) graph_vertex_per_group = 128 (0x80) xxl_hwgraph_num_dev = 262144 (0x40000) hwgraph_num_dev = 262144 (0x40000) group: shm (statically changeable) sshmseg = 2000 (0x7d0) shmmni = 21160 (0x52a8) shmmin = 1 (0x1) ll shmmax = 24051816858 (0x59999999a) ll group: vme_dma (statically changeable) nvme32_dma = 64 (0x40) group: lpage_watermarks (dynamically changeable) coalesced_precoalesce = 0 (0x0) coalesced_run_period = 300 (0x12c) percent_totalmem_16m_pages = 0 (0x0) percent_totalmem_4m_pages = 0 (0x0) percent_totalmem_1m_pages = 0 (0x0) percent_totalmem_256k_pages = 0 (0x0) percent_totalmem_64k_pages = 20 (0x14) percent_totalmem_16k_pages = 0 (0x0) group: large_pages (statically changeable) large_pages_enable = 1 (0x1) nlpages_16m = 0 (0x0) nlpages_4m = 0 (0x0) nlpages_1m = 0 (0x0) nlpages_256k = 0 (0x0) nlpages_64k = 0 (0x0) group: internal (statically changeable) hub_2_4_iio_bte_crb_cnt = 2 (0x2) hub_2_4_iio_icmr_p_cnt = 0 (0x0) hub_2_4_iio_icmr_c_cnt = 4 (0x4) hub_core_arb_ctrl = 254 (0xfe) dumplo = 0 (0x0) errbuf_cpusz = 2048 (0x800) putbuf_cpusz = 2048 (0x800) conbuf_cpusz = 2048 (0x800) errbuf_maxsz = 16384 (0x4000) putbuf_maxsz = 16384 (0x4000) conbuf_maxsz = 16384 (0x4000) histmax = 0 (0x0) group: extacct (statically changeable) miser_rss_account = 1 (0x1) asarrayid = 65535 (0xffff) asmachid = 0 (0x0) incr_paggid = 1 (0x1) ll max_local_paggid = 65535 (0xffff) ll min_local_paggid = 1 (0x1) ll dflt_paggid = 0 (0x0) ll dfltprid = 0 (0x0) ll spilen = 64 (0x40) sessaf = 1 (0x1) do_csaacct = 0 (0x0) do_sessacct = 0 (0x0) do_extpacct = 0 (0x0) do_procacct = 1 (0x1) group: mload (statically changeable) vfssw_extra = 5 (0x5) fmodsw_extra = 20 (0x14) cdevsw_extra = 23 (0x17) bdevsw_extra = 21 (0x15) group: bufcache (statically changeable) nbufavoiddev = 16 (0x10) nbuf = 183600 (0x2cd30) group: paging (dynamically changeable) buf_throttle_sleep_recalc_prd = 25 (0x19) buf_throttle_sleep_base_prd = 50000000 (0x2faf080) buf_throttle_pending_threshold = 60 (0x3c) buf_throttle_off_threshold = 60 (0x3c) buf_throttle_threshold = 70 (0x46) buf_throttle_on = 0 (0x0) buf_clback = 0 (0x0) nfs_buf_commit_age = 0 (0x0) buf_relse_age = 0 (0x0) enable_kaio_fast_path = 1 (0x1) max_heap_mapping_size_hint = 2147483647 (0x7fffffff) enable_devzero_opt = 1 (0x1) cwcluster = 64 (0x40) zone_accum_limit = 30 (0x1e) shaked_interval = 1 (0x1) min_bufmem = 36700 (0x8f5c) min_free_pages = 12800 (0x3200) min_file_pages = 55606 (0xd936) autoup = 10 (0xa) dwcluster = 64 (0x40) rsshogslop = 20 (0x14) rsshogfrac = 75 (0x4b) tlbdrop = 100 (0x64) maxlkmem = 2000 (0x7d0) minasmem = 50 (0x32) minarmem = 50 (0x32) vfs_syncr = 30 (0x1e) bdflush_interval = 100 (0x64) bdflushr = 5 (0x5) maxdc = 1024 (0x400) maxfc = 1024 (0x400) maxsc = 1024 (0x400) gpgsmsk = 2 (0x2) gpgshi = 3200 (0xc80) gpgslo = 1600 (0x640) group: memsize (statically changeable) scache_pool_size = 32 (0x20) maxpglst = 1024 (0x400) maxdmasz = 257 (0x101) syssegsz = 917504 (0xe0000) maxpmem = 0 (0x0) group: timer (statically changeable) timetrim = 643628 (0x9d22c) itimer_on_clkcpu = 0 (0x0) fasthz = 1250 (0x4e2) group: signals (dynamically changeable) maxsigq = 128 (0x80) group: actions (statically changeable) nactions = 0 (0x0) group: streams (dynamically changeable) strholdtime = 50 (0x32) group: streams (statically changeable) strpmonmax = 4 (0x4) strctlsz = 1024 (0x400) strmsgsz = 32768 (0x8000) nstrintr = 1024 (0x400) nstrpush = 8 (0x8) group: numproc (statically changeable) nlog = 21160 (0x52a8) nclrus = 0 (0x0) ngroups_max = 16 (0x10) ncsize = 42520 (0xa618) ncallout = 10580 (0x2954) ndquot = 42520 (0xa618) nproc = 21160 (0x52a8) group: resource (statically changeable) rlimit_pthread_max = 1024 (0x400) ll rlimit_pthread_cur = 1024 (0x400) ll rlimit_nofile_max = 2500 (0x9c4) ll rlimit_nofile_cur = 200 (0xc8) ll rlimit_rss_max = 29794746368 (0x6efe7c000) ll rlimit_rss_cur = 29794746368 (0x6efe7c000) ll rlimit_vmem_max = 9223372036854775807 (0x7fffffffffffffff) ll rlimit_vmem_cur = 9223372036854775807 (0x7fffffffffffffff) ll rlimit_core_max = 9223372036854775807 (0x7fffffffffffffff) ll rlimit_core_cur = 9223372036854775807 (0x7fffffffffffffff) ll rlimit_stack_max = 536870912 (0x20000000) ll rlimit_stack_cur = 67108864 (0x4000000) ll rlimit_data_max = 9223372036854775807 (0x7fffffffffffffff) ll rlimit_data_cur = 9223372036854775807 (0x7fffffffffffffff) ll rlimit_fsize_max = 9223372036854775807 (0x7fffffffffffffff) ll rlimit_fsize_cur = 9223372036854775807 (0x7fffffffffffffff) ll rlimit_cpu_max = 9223372036854775807 (0x7fffffffffffffff) ll rlimit_cpu_cur = 9223372036854775807 (0x7fffffffffffffff) ll group: limits (dynamically changeable) idbgmaxfuncs = 1200 (0x4b0) maxup_enforce_penalty = 0 (0x0) maxup = 5290 (0x14aa) maxsymlinks = 30 (0x1e) nprofile = 100 (0x64) maxwatchpoints = 100 (0x64) shlbmax = 8 (0x8) ncargs = 262144 (0x40000) group: debug (dynamically changeable) r12k_bdiag = 0 (0x0) process_core_cpu_logging = 0 (0x0) power_button_changed_to_crash_dump = 0 (0x0) utrace_mask = 1048383 (0xfff3f) ll kmem_split_zone = 0 (0x0) kmem_make_zones_private_max = 0 (0x0) kmem_make_zones_private_min = 0 (0x0) kmem_do_poison = 1 (0x1) group: debug (statically changeable) utrace_bufsize = 0 (0x0) group: misc (statically changeable) engr_dvt_memchck_enable = 0 (0x0) engr_dvt_l2_scan_enable = 0 (0x0) engr_dvt_sleep = 300 (0x12c) engr_dvt_flag = 0 (0x0) l2_sbe_reset_sec = 60 (0x3c) l2_sbe_check = 12 (0xc) r4k_corrupt_scache_data = 0 (0x0) group: misc (dynamically changeable) la_trigger_val = 16045690984300792574 (0xdeadbeefbeefcafe) ll la_trigger_nasid2 = 18446744073709551615 (0xffffffffffffffff) la_trigger_nasid1 = 18446744073709551615 (0xffffffffffffffff) iio_icto = 255 (0xff) iio_ictp = 2048 (0x800) iio_bte_crb_count = 2 (0x2) iio_icmr_c_cnt = 6 (0x6) iio_icmr_precise = 1 (0x1) disable_bte_poison_range = 0 (0x0) disable_bte_pbzero = 64 (0x40) disable_bte_pbcopy = 64 (0x40) disable_bte = 0 (0x0) fru_disable_confidence = 90 (0x5a) full_fru_analysis = 1 (0x1) bridge_rev_b_data_check_disable = 0 (0x0) pcibr_wg_enable_rev = 4 (0x4) pcibr_prefetch_enable_rev = 3 (0x3) nomem_report_cons = 0 (0x0) pcmouse_mode = 0 (0x0) usb_discovery_verbose = 0 (0x0) coremask = 0 (0x0) mrlock_behavior = 3 (0x3) mrlock_starve_threshold = 3 (0x3) fpcsr_fs_bit = 1 (0x1) pci_user_dma_max_pages = 128 (0x80) evdev_intr_wakeup_cnt = 1 (0x1) hub_intr_wakeup_cnt = 1 (0x1) counter_intr_warn_period = 0 (0x0) counter_intr_panic = 0 (0x0) peer_peer_dma = 0 (0x0) max_shared_reg_refcnt = 4 (0x4) cpu_prid = 0 (0x0) crime_rev = 0 (0x0) ip32_pio_postdelay = 5 (0x5) ip32_pio_predelay = 5 (0x5) r10k_progress_diff = 200000000 (0xbebc200) ll r10k_check_count = 30000 (0x7530) r10k_progress_nmi = 0 (0x0) r10k_intervene = 1 (0x1) mmap_async_write = 0 (0x0) rpparm_maxburst_val = 36 (0x24) disable_sbe_polling = 0 (0x0) craylnk_bypass_disable = 0 (0x0) heartbeat_enable = 0 (0x0) disable_asyncdump = 0 (0x0) dump_hub_info = 2 (0x2) dump_level = 2 (0x2) module_unld_delay = 5 (0x5) ecc_recover_enable = 60 (0x3c) sbe_max_per_page = 60 (0x3c) sbe_maxout = 600 (0x258) sbe_report_cons = 0 (0x0) sbe_mfr_override = 0 (0x0) sbe_mem_verbose = 0 (0x0) sbe_log_errors = 0 (0x0) panic_on_sbe = 0 (0x0) corepluspid = 0 (0x0) r4k_div_patch = 0 (0x0) group: misc (statically changeable) bpush_source4 = 0 (0x0) bpush_source3 = 0 (0x0) bpush_source2 = 0 (0x0) bpush_source1 = 38 (0x26) bpush_war_enable = 1 (0x1) tigon2_war_enable = 1 (0x1) io4ia_war_enable = 0 (0x0) force_fire_and_forget = 1 (0x1) ignore_conveyor_override = 0 (0x0) io4ia_userdma_war = 1 (0x1) group: switch (dynamically changeable) maxfailcount = 10 (0xa) nodeminfree = 2000000 (0x1e8480) ll chunk_nodeshogfrac = 20 (0x14) nodeslimitfrac = 50 (0x32) disable_uspollsema_chk = 0 (0x0) enable_upanic = 0 (0x0) ip32_nvram_env_commit = 1 (0x1) dbe_recovery = 1 (0x1) ensure_no_rawio_conflicts = 1 (0x1) async_udma_copy = 1 (0x1) tty_auto_strhold = 0 (0x0) group: switch (statically changeable) limit_pinfo_access = 292 (0x124) allow_chroot_with_open_dirs = 1 (0x1) r10k_gfx_write_war_on = 0 (0x0) ignore_isolated_cpu_warning = 0 (0x0) cpulimit_gracetime = 0 (0x0) origin_use_hardware_bzero = 0 (0x0) xpc_override = 0 (0x0) snerrste_pages_per_cube = 1 (0x1) ignore_xsc = 0 (0x0) clean_shutdown_time = 120 (0x78) xbox_sysctlr_poll_interval = 60 (0x3c) powerfail_routerwar = 1 (0x1) intr_revive_delay = 300 (0x12c) powerfail_cleanio = 0 (0x0) ignore_sysctlr_intr = 0 (0x0) ip32_pci_flush_prefetch = 1 (0x1) ip32_pci_enable_prefetch = 0 (0x0) enable_pci_BIST = 0 (0x0) warbits_override = 18446744073709551615 (0xffffffffffffffff) spec_udma_war_on = 1 (0x1) perfcnt_arch_swtch_msg = 0 (0x0) perfcnt_arch_swtch_sig = 0 (0x0) r10k_cache_debug = 0 (0x0) r10k_halt_1st_cache_err = 0 (0x0) disable_r10k_log = 0 (0x0) prod_assertion_level = 0 (0x0) disable_ip25_check = 0 (0x0) mload_auto_rtsyms = 1 (0x1) xpg4_sticky_dir = 1 (0x1) add_kthread_stack = 0 (0x0) ip26_allow_ucmem = 0 (0x0) reset_limits_on_exec = 1 (0x1) restrict_fastprof = 0 (0x0) reboot_on_panic = -1 (0xffffffffffffffff) use_old_serialnum = 0 (0x0) posix_tty_default = 0 (0x0) restricted_chown = 0 (0x0) nosuidshells = 1 (0x1) group: gfx (statically changeable) gfxupdatedmousehandling = 1 (0x1) gfxdmasleepthreshold = 0 (0x0) gfxlockablemem_gt64 = 50 (0x32) gfxlockablemem = 20 (0x14) group: failover (statically changeable) fo_maximum_paths = 32 (0x20) group: disp (dynamically changeable) nonpreempts = 32 (0x20) runq_waittime = 8 (0x8) group: disp (statically changeable) rtcpus = 0 (0x0) gang_sched_off = 1 (0x1) memaff_sched = 1 (0x1) slice_size = 10 (0xa) group: if_is (dynamically changeable) is_reorder_flush_delay = 5 (0x5) is_reorder_thread_priority = 99 (0x63) is_outq_thread_priority = 97 (0x61) is_rrorder = 5 (0x5) group: sesmgr (dynamically changeable) t6find_wildcard_only = 0 (0x0) group: net_udp (dynamically changeable) lomtu = 32992 (0x80e0) udp_so_no_check = 0 (0x0) log_snoop_or_drain = 0 (0x0) vfe_ldtmr = 144 (0x90) arpreq_alias = 0 (0x0) udp_recvgrams = 2 (0x2) udp_sendspace = 61440 (0xf000) udp_ttl = 60 (0x3c) group: net_tcp (dynamically changeable) tcp_drop_SYN_with_extra_flags = 0 (0x0) tcp_last_ack_cnt = 0 (0x0) tcp_rfc2414 = 1 (0x1) tcp_pcb_cache = 0 (0x0) tcp_zaptw_secs = 2 (0x2) tcp_timestamps = 1 (0x1) tcp_agak_hysteresis_hi = 1000 (0x3e8) tcp_stretch_ack_interval = 8 (0x8) tcp_gofast = 0 (0x0) tcp_recvspace = 61440 (0xf000) tcp_sendspace = 61440 (0xf000) tcp_keepstyle = 0 (0x0) tcp_sack = 1 (0x1) tcprexmtthresh = 3 (0x3) tcp_2msl = 60 (0x3c) tcp_mss_min = 32 (0x20) tcp_mtudisc = 1 (0x1) tcp_maxpersistidle = 7200 (0x1c20) tcp_keepintvl = 75 (0x4b) tcp_keepidle = 7200 (0x1c20) tcp_ttl = 60 (0x3c) group: net_rsvp (statically changeable) ps_num_batch_pkts = 0 (0x0) ps_rsvp_bandwidth = 50 (0x32) ps_enabled = 1 (0x1) group: net_mbuf (statically changeable) mbretain = 20 (0x14) mbmaxpages = 458752 (0x70000) group: net_ip (dynamically changeable) tcpiss_md5_secret_hi = 0 (0x0) ll tcpiss_md5_secret_lo = 0 (0x0) ll tcpiss_md5 = 0 (0x0) subnetsarelocal = 1 (0x1) ipv4_frag_timeout = 30 (0x1e) ipv4_strict_reassembly = 0 (0x0) ip_allow_frag_bcast = 0 (0x0) allow_brdaddr_srcaddr = 0 (0x0) ip_nolgpg_brkup = 0 (0x0) ipdirected_broadcast = 0 (0x0) ipsendredirects = 1 (0x1) ip6_maxheaders = 64 (0x40) ip6_maxfragpackets = 1024 (0x400) ip6forwsrcrt = 0 (0x0) ip6forwarding = 0 (0x0) ipforwarding = 1 (0x1) ipfilterd_inactive_behavior = 1 (0x1) icmp_respond_to_timestamp = 1 (0x1) icmp_respond_to_address_mask = 1 (0x1) icmp_dropredirects = 0 (0x0) group: network (statically changeable) ngif = 4 (0x4) config_tunnel_enable = 0 (0x0) netthread_float = 0 (0x0) group: inpcb (statically changeable) udp_hashtablesz = 2048 (0x800) tcp_hashtablesz = 16384 (0x4000) group: net_ip6 (statically changeable) nsit = 1 (0x1) auto_tunnel_enable = 0 (0x0) ip6_enable = 0 (0x0) group: autofs (dynamically changeable) autofs_logging = 0 (0x0) group: kdsp (statically changeable) kdsp_pro_audio_subcode = 2 (0x2) group: usync (statically changeable) usync_max_objs = 8192 (0x2000) group: uds (statically changeable) unpdg_recvspace = 16384 (0x4000) unpdg_sendspace = 8192 (0x2000) unpst_recvspace = 131072 (0x20000) unpst_sendspace = 131072 (0x20000) group: svckudp (statically changeable) svc_maxdupreqs = 4096 (0x1000) group: sem (statically changeable) semaem = 16384 (0x4000) semvmx = 32767 (0x7fff) semopm = 100 (0x64) semmsl = 100 (0x64) semmni = 300 (0x12c) group: psema (statically changeable) psema_max_cnt = 8192 (0x2000) group: pipefs (dynamically changeable) svr3pipe = 1 (0x1) group: lockd (dynamically changeable) max_lockd_procs = 14106 (0x371a) nlm_callback_retry = 3 (0x3) nlm_maxdupreqs = 0 (0x0) nlm_granted_timeout = 1 (0x1) lock_share_requests = 0 (0x0) lockd_grace_period = 45 (0x2d) group: efs (dynamically changeable) efs_inline = 0 (0x0) group: cachefs (dynamically changeable) replacement_timeout = 600 (0x258) fileheader_cache_size = 512 (0x200) cachefs_max_threads = 5 (0x5) cachefs_readahead = 1 (0x1) bash-2.05$ ----------------------------------------------------
~ Daniel WEI ------------- Boeing Research & Technology - China Beijing, China |
May 5, 2008, 11:48 |
I got a hint from Nekochan.
#2 |
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Daniel WEI (老魏)
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Beijing, China
Posts: 689
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I got a hint from Nekochan.
--------------------- it'd be more useful just to include the contents of the /var/sysgen/stune file, which shows only parameters which have been changed from the OS defaults. --------------------- Daniel
~ Daniel WEI ------------- Boeing Research & Technology - China Beijing, China |
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