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Problems Installing OF 1.6 32 bit

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Old   July 29, 2009, 18:35
Default Problems Installing OF 1.6 32 bit
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Adrian Stalnak
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I'm pretty new to the whole linux and CFD scene but I built 1.5 in red hat, now I'm trying to build 1.6 on ubuntu 9.04 and every time i do i get this same error.

adrian@adrian:~/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.6$ ./Allwmake
+ cd wmake/src
+ make
Makefile:55: /rules//general: No such file or directory
Makefile:56: /rules: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `/rules'. Stop.
+ cd
+ ./Allwmake
./Allwmake: 1: ./Allwmake: not found
+ src/Allwmake
+ wmakePrintBuild -check
src/Allwmake: 1: wmakePrintBuild: not found
+ /bin/rm -f OpenFOAM/Make//global.?
+ wmakeLnInclude OpenFOAM
src/Allwmake: 1: wmakeLnInclude: not found
+ wmakeLnInclude OSspecific/
src/Allwmake: 1: wmakeLnInclude: not found
+ Pstream/Allwmake
+ wmake libso dummy
Pstream/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libo OSspecific/
src/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso OpenFOAM
src/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso lagrangian/basic
src/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso triSurface
src/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso edgeMesh
src/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso surfMesh
src/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ decompositionMethods/Allwmake
+ wmake libso decompositionMethods
decompositionMethods/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ [ -d ]
+ wmake libso meshTools
src/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso finiteVolume
src/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso sampling
src/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso dynamicMesh
src/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso dynamicFvMesh
src/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso topoChangerFvMesh
src/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso fvMotionSolver
src/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso engine
src/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso ODE
src/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso randomProcesses
src/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ thermophysicalModels/Allwmake
+ wmake libso specie
thermophysicalModels/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso thermophysicalFunctions
thermophysicalModels/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso liquids
thermophysicalModels/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso liquidMixture
thermophysicalModels/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso solids
thermophysicalModels/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso solidMixture
thermophysicalModels/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso basic
thermophysicalModels/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso reactionThermo
thermophysicalModels/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso laminarFlameSpeed
thermophysicalModels/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso chemistryModel
thermophysicalModels/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso pdfs
thermophysicalModels/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso radiation
thermophysicalModels/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso barotropicCompressibilityModel
thermophysicalModels/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ transportModels/Allwmake
+ wmake libso incompressible
transportModels/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso interfaceProperties
transportModels/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ turbulenceModels/Allwmake
+ LES/Allwmake
+ wmakeLnInclude ../incompressible/LES
LES/Allwmake: 1: wmakeLnInclude: not found
+ wmake libso LESfilters
LES/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso LESdeltas
LES/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ incompressible/Allwmake
+ wmake libso turbulenceModel
incompressible/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso RAS
incompressible/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso LES
incompressible/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ compressible/Allwmake
+ wmake libso turbulenceModel
compressible/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso RAS
compressible/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso LES
compressible/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ lagrangian/Allwmake
+ wmake libso basic
lagrangian/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso solidParticle
lagrangian/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso intermediate
lagrangian/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso dieselSpray
lagrangian/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso dsmc
lagrangian/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso coalCombustion
lagrangian/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ molecularDynamics/Allwmake
+ wmake libso potential
molecularDynamics/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso molecularMeasurements
molecularDynamics/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso molecule
molecularDynamics/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ postProcessing/Allwmake
+ wmake libo postCalc
postProcessing/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso foamCalcFunctions
postProcessing/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ functionObjects/Allwmake
+ wmake libso field
functionObjects/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso forces
functionObjects/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso IO
functionObjects/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso utilities
functionObjects/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso systemCall
functionObjects/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ conversion/Allwmake
+ wmake libso
conversion/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso autoMesh
src/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake libso errorEstimation
src/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ fvAgglomerationMethods/Allwmake
+ wmake libso MGridGenGamgAgglomeration
fvAgglomerationMethods/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ applications/Allwmake
+ wmake all solvers
applications/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ wmake all utilities
applications/Allwmake: 1: wmake: not found
+ [ = doc ]

any info on why or what i can do would be great. I made sure my qmake and my gcc are all correct as well.

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Old   July 29, 2009, 18:46
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Gavin Tabor
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To me it looks like your environment variables are not correctly set - the script seems not to be able to find wmake at all.

Out of interest, why are you trying to compile it from scratch?

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Old   July 29, 2009, 18:54
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Adrian Stalnak
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bucksfan is on a distinguished road
never mind i got it. my bashrc file didn't save for some reason when i updated it
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Old   July 29, 2009, 18:56
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Adrian Stalnak
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is there any other way to compile it? i need it on this machine and there is no other version that is currently on it, so that is the only way am i correct?
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Old   July 29, 2009, 19:06
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Adrian Stalnak
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bucksfan is on a distinguished road
ok so now that i did that and when i tried to source it it gave me this error.

adrian@adrian:~$ . .bashrc

Warning in /home/adrian/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.6/etc/
Cannot find /home/adrian/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-1.6/gcc-4.3.3/platforms/linux installation.
Please install this compiler version or if you wish to use the system compiler,
change the 'compilerInstall' setting to 'System' in this file

when i try to go into the file to change it over there isn't even a platforms directory in the gcc-4.3.3 directory, so how am i supposed to change it or should i be looking somewhere else?

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Old   July 30, 2009, 06:05
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Steffen Goertz
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Ghash is on a distinguished road
hi bucksfan,

I've got exactly the same problem...

There is no platforms directory, and I don't know what to choose instead.
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Old   July 30, 2009, 06:18
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Jose Luis Santos
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I think you are missing one file: ThirdParty-1.6.linuxGcc.gtgz.

Jose Santos
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Old   July 30, 2009, 06:26
Andrew King
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Since, I'd written it anyway - I've added instructions on how to install the git version of OF-1.6.x

It's available at

It should work, as I wrote it up as I performed the steps. note that the easiest thing to do for the missing compiler is to change to the system compiler, as long as you've got a 4.3.3+ version (such as ubuntu jaunty 9.04)

see section 2 of the linked page.

Dr Andrew King
Fluid Dynamics Research Group
Curtin University
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Old   July 30, 2009, 10:31
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Adrian Stalnak
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bucksfan is on a distinguished road
If i use you git installation will i need to also download the ThirdParty-1.6.linuxGcc.gtgz file? and if so where should it be unpacked?

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Old   July 30, 2009, 10:51
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I think you will need it unless you want to compile everything from source by following Andrew King instructions (above).

Anyway, I managed to install OpenFOAM on 2 different systems just by following what is said in

Give it a try! After it is up and running you could always recompile it later.

Jose Santos
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Old   August 2, 2009, 12:16
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Hello Foamers

When installing the new version of OpenFOAM (OF-1.6), I encountered an error saying that makeParaView is not found. In ThirdParty-1.6 directory, both makeParaView and makeQt files are present.
here is the error message:

bash: makeParaView: command not found

I tried the instruction on 7.1 and i got similar error
bash: makeQt: command not found

However, i successfully compiled the PV3FoamReader module.
Can anyone tell me how to fix this?


Last edited by carlos; August 2, 2009 at 12:59.
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Old   August 3, 2009, 04:18
Default missing CintDefs.H
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Nugroho Agung Prasetyo
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Hello all,
i want to install OpenFOAM 1.6, and i've following all the instruction but still have a problem.
make: *** No rule to make target `/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.6/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude/CintDefs.H', needed by `OPwrite.dep'. Stop.

please tell me what is the problem?? i've search the files (CintDefs.H) and there is no file with that name in the OpenFOAM folder.

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Old   August 3, 2009, 04:36
Andrew King
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If you're compiling from scratch, then you've probably got old *.dep files around. Running wcleanAll from the OpenFOAM-1.6.x directory (followed by ./Allwmake ) should fix it.

The other alternative is to use the pre-compiled binaries instead. (The instructions I posted before compile everything from scratch - this means you get the latest bug-fixes, but spend a lot of time compiling).

If you've not used foam before, the binaries are probably the better way to go.

you probably mean ./makeParaView, the current directory is (usually) not in your executable path - note that if you're not sure why this is you should probably start with the binary installation.

Dr Andrew King
Fluid Dynamics Research Group
Curtin University
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Old   August 3, 2009, 06:38
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Originally Posted by santos View Post
I think you will need it unless you want to compile everything from source by following Andrew King instructions (above).

Anyway, I managed to install OpenFOAM on 2 different systems just by following what is said in

Give it a try! After it is up and running you could always recompile it later.

Jose Santos
Helo Santos

I also followed the instructions given in
Everything went right except compiling the paraview part. Even I managed building the PV3FoamReader module. i got the following error when i run makeParaView:
bash: makeParaView: command not found

I also tried the instruction 7.1 and i got similar error
bash: makeQt: command not found

In ThirdParty-1.6 directory, both makeParaView and makeQt files are present. And,
I used qt version : qt-4.3.5.
Can you tell me what i did wrong?

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Old   August 3, 2009, 07:00
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Jose Luis Santos
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1-Did you try to use the pre-compiled packages before trying to compile paraview? That is the easiest approach. And if you already have qt-4.3.5, you dont need to compile qt.

2-makeParaView and makeQt are scripts. In order to run them, you can either use 'sh makeParaView' or './makeParaView'.

Jose Santos
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Old   August 3, 2009, 08:35
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Originally Posted by santos View Post
1-Did you try to use the pre-compiled packages before trying to compile paraview? That is the easiest approach. And if you already have qt-4.3.5, you dont need to compile qt.

2-makeParaView and makeQt are scripts. In order to run them, you can either use 'sh makeParaView' or './makeParaView'.

Jose Santos
I was running makeParaView (as written on the README) with out the prefix 'sh' or './'. Now i managed compiling ParavView. Thank you Santos and Dr Andrew for your help.

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Old   August 3, 2009, 10:31
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Wouter van der Meer
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Originally Posted by Ghash View Post
hi bucksfan,

I've got exactly the same problem...

There is no platforms directory, and I don't know what to choose instead.
I got the same problem. I tracked it down to the bashrc file where for the i686 processor is no settings.
Are they missing because the i686 is not supported or is there another problem I have not found.

Last edited by wouter; August 3, 2009 at 11:06.
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Old   August 3, 2009, 11:08
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Wouter van der Meer
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I think I found my problem, I downloaded the 64 bit first, after the problem I downloaded the 32 bit version as well and unpacked it, there where no problems anymore. i686 is not 64 bit?
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Old   August 3, 2009, 22:44
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Nugroho Agung Prasetyo
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tty0 is on a distinguished road
Thanks to andrew
now my installation is running good, at least until it asking for cmake . the distribution doesn't including cmake in the distribution (64 bit) so i install it and everything is fine now .

cheers ,
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Old   August 4, 2009, 02:36
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Hi all,

I am newbie to OpenFOAM. The problem is that damBreak tutorial is not giving me results. When I compile the interFoam solver, i got a warning message which says

.........../OpenFOAM-1.5-dev/src/finiteVolume/lnInclude/readPISOC ontrols.H:3: warning: unused variable "ncorr".

Can anyone tell me what i did wrong?

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