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[snappyHexMesh] determining displacement for added points

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Old   October 22, 2013, 10:51
Default determining displacement for added points
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 62
Rep Power: 13
CFDnewbie147 is on a distinguished road
Hello together,

I get the following error when trying to add layers to my geometry:

Handling points with inconsistent layer specification ...
Handling non-manifold points ...
Checking patch manifoldness ...
Outside of local patch is multiply connected across edges or points at 20 points.
Set displacement to zero for all 20 non-manifold points
Handling feature edges ...
patch        faces    layers avg thickness[m]
                             near-wall overall
-----        -----    ------ --------- -------
flange_CATIA 206017   3      0.0826    0.274   
medialAxisSmoothingInfo : Calculate distance to Medial Axis ...
shrinkMeshDistance : Smoothing normals ...
    Iteration 0   residual 0.0456
    Iteration 10   residual 0.00928
    Iteration 20   residual 0.0057
    Iteration 30   residual 0.00446
    Iteration 40   residual 0.00377
Inserting points on patch frontAndBack if angle to nearest layer patch > 45 degrees.
Inserting points on patch inlet if angle to nearest layer patch > 45 degrees.
Inserting points on patch outlet if angle to nearest layer patch > 45 degrees.
Inserting points on patch lowerWall if angle to nearest layer patch > 45 degrees.
Inserting points on patch upperWall if angle to nearest layer patch > 45 degrees.
shrinkMeshDistance : Smoothing normals ...
shrinkMeshDistance : Smoothing normals in interior ...
    Iteration 0   residual 0.0245
    Iteration 10   residual 0.00464
    Iteration 20   residual 0.00375
    Iteration 30   residual 0.0035
    Iteration 40   residual 0.0034
Layer addition iteration 0
Prevented extrusion on 0 coupled patch points during syncPatchDisplacement.
Determining displacement for added points according to pointNormal ...
[10] No valid normal for point 10055 (0.33760606 -0.020770016 -0.01326083); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10038 (0.33846815 -0.020809381 -0.01330311); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10015 (0.33953233 -0.020809521 -0.013303263); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10105 (0.34725905 -0.020860544 -0.013350414); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10182 (0.34836028 -0.020858473 -0.013337962); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10021 (0.34062795 -0.020835922 -0.0133303); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10104 (0.34505075 -0.020852025 -0.013340819); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10177 (0.34615639 -0.020836525 -0.01332464); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10122 (0.34946398 -0.02089999 -0.013370452); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10111 (0.35168798 -0.020918959 -0.013423772); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10205 (0.35057317 -0.020895948 -0.013381923); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10204 (0.35279487 -0.020902918 -0.013410996); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10108 (0.34283841 -0.020844317 -0.013335845); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10191 (0.34173238 -0.020821664 -0.013313753); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10178 (0.34394459 -0.02082997 -0.013318798); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10112 (0.35390092 -0.020916105 -0.013423902); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10489 (0.38050563 -0.020811749 -0.014800697); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10848 (0.37964356 -0.020772418 -0.014758414); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10851 (0.38156976 -0.020811753 -0.014800924); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10497 (0.38929109 -0.020889075 -0.014855704); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10876 (0.39039932 -0.020882104 -0.014867966); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10512 (0.3959363 -0.020925412 -0.014934505); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10930 (0.39483041 -0.020898307 -0.014913045); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10511 (0.39814875 -0.020926426 -0.014927813); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10925 (0.39704338 -0.020912288 -0.014915963); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10440 (0.43576353 -0.020903247 -0.01641191); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10725 (0.43465745 -0.020881193 -0.016389856); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10874 (0.38818688 -0.020852058 -0.014824078); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10503 (0.39151304 -0.020903388 -0.014909697); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10895 (0.39261992 -0.02088883 -0.014900123); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10710 (0.42389372 -0.020767841 -0.016251473); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10432 (0.42475579 -0.020806761 -0.016293301); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10446 (0.4313289 -0.020877633 -0.016343512); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10746 (0.43243717 -0.020871688 -0.016356552); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10711 (0.42581996 -0.02080658 -0.016293305); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10500 (0.38708407 -0.020855507 -0.0148406); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10884 (0.38598119 -0.020830882 -0.014817551); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10535 (0.38487583 -0.020845401 -0.014834134); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10981 (0.38376981 -0.020823281 -0.014811806); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10542 (0.38266534 -0.020837897 -0.014828099); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10544 (0.39372578 -0.020910274 -0.014924235); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10463 (0.43355086 -0.020894288 -0.016399274); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10445 (0.42912192 -0.020842389 -0.016327125); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10742 (0.42801915 -0.020817941 -0.016304065); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10449 (0.42691551 -0.020832561 -0.016320317); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] No valid normal for point 10741 (0.43022475 -0.020839484 -0.016311084); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.33760606 -0.020770016 -0.01326083) set to (0.010910834 0.15448494 0.096358887)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.33846815 -0.020809381 -0.01330311) set to (0.0071355521 0.15186289 0.099448714)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.33953233 -0.020809521 -0.013303263) set to (0.0037995699 0.15098951 0.10043665)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.34725905 -0.020860544 -0.013350414) set to (0.003943789 0.11582797 0.072210415)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.34836028 -0.020858473 -0.013337962) set to (0.0078327923 0.1464971 0.087616263)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.34062795 -0.020835922 -0.0133303) set to (0.0024886053 0.15121587 0.10016284)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.34505075 -0.020852025 -0.013340819) set to (0.00079371277 0.11579572 0.07214439)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.34615639 -0.020836525 -0.01332464) set to (0.0026320679 0.17366994 0.10828142)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.34946398 -0.02089999 -0.013370452) set to (0.0090912259 0.15418196 0.09138958)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.35168798 -0.020918959 -0.013423772) set to (0.0014913243 0.11809527 0.068974234)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.35057317 -0.020895948 -0.013381923) set to (0.0067084984 0.18671729 0.10792715)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.35279487 -0.020902918 -0.013410996) set to (0.00089364525 0.14750121 0.086351017)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.34283841 -0.020844317 -0.013335845) set to (0.0013046221 0.11519726 0.072889263)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.34173238 -0.020821664 -0.013313753) set to (0.0025761925 0.18090078 0.11722501)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.34394459 -0.02082997 -0.013318798) set to (0.0013618142 0.17339979 0.10849766)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.35390092 -0.020916105 -0.013423902) set to (0.0016522326 0.21038204 0.13064235)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.38050563 -0.020811749 -0.014800697) set to (0.0043610629 0.11221667 0.076897146)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.37964356 -0.020772418 -0.014758414) set to (0.012505656 0.19064782 0.12394355)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.38156976 -0.020811753 -0.014800924) set to (0.0031002957 0.13968562 0.09683935)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.38929109 -0.020889075 -0.014855704) set to (0.005940777 0.10857964 0.082456434)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.39039932 -0.020882104 -0.014867966) set to (0.0059472912 0.13784342 0.10000683)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.3959363 -0.020925412 -0.014934505) set to (0.0023884035 0.11688159 0.070976513)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.39483041 -0.020898307 -0.014913045) set to (0.0044922933 0.14386262 0.092096999)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.39814875 -0.020926426 -0.014927813) set to (0.0022170434 0.17206934 0.11131311)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.39704338 -0.020912288 -0.014915963) set to (0.0021186336 0.18915243 0.11646137)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.43576353 -0.020903247 -0.01641191) set to (0.0010433266 0.15840425 0.12928821)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.43465745 -0.020881193 -0.016389856) set to (0.0011451492 0.14666603 0.11637983)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.38818688 -0.020852058 -0.014824078) set to (0.004966735 0.13730149 0.100561)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.39151304 -0.020903388 -0.014909697) set to (0.0037184625 0.14530358 0.1046429)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.39261992 -0.02088883 -0.014900123) set to (0.0024684457 0.14760138 0.10525113)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.42389372 -0.020767841 -0.016251473) set to (0.01101549 0.15068388 0.10223599)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.42475579 -0.020806761 -0.016293301) set to (0.0069232572 0.14789926 0.10559629)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.4313289 -0.020877633 -0.016343512) set to (0.0053261217 0.10684945 0.084575228)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.43243717 -0.020871688 -0.016356552) set to (0.004940136 0.13472561 0.10377143)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.42581996 -0.02080658 -0.016293305) set to (0.003477306 0.14672903 0.10693607)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.38708407 -0.020855507 -0.0148406) set to (0.0025899373 0.14504646 0.10434535)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.38598119 -0.020830882 -0.014817551) set to (0.0014067964 0.14707707 0.10507761)
[10] Displacement at illegal point (0.38487583 -0.020845401 -0.014834134) set to (0.0010587843 0.14768961 0.10515671)
[41] No valid normal for point 11389 (0.20706878 -0.020773371 0.0072629595); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 11349 (0.20793081 -0.02081229 0.0073062569); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 11358 (0.20899451 -0.020811092 0.0073046146); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 11639 (0.21009002 -0.020829311 0.0073238208); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 12661 (0.24327167 -0.020860066 0.008845118); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 12721 (0.23885081 -0.020841136 0.0088339618); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 12724 (0.23995637 -0.020827063 0.0088148349); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 13026 (0.24106147 -0.02084461 0.0088298399); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 12870 (0.26982602 -0.02083836 0.01332806); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 12657 (0.247655 -0.020886323 0.0088892966); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 12658 (0.24658202 -0.020865177 0.0088536918); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 12664 (0.24438002 -0.020855074 0.0088415161); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 12708 (0.24548607 -0.020878208 0.0088669107); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 12777 (0.26123333 -0.020800461 0.011812911); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 12773 (0.26545618 -0.020806948 0.013304081); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 12776 (0.26459635 -0.020761373 0.01325905); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 12861 (0.26651917 -0.020811937 0.013304986); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 12863 (0.26761486 -0.020839453 0.013332625); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 12873 (0.26871949 -0.020823878 0.013314158); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 13018 (0.23448098 -0.020806626 0.0088029619); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 13366 (0.23361865 -0.020768248 0.0087600261); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 13414 (0.23774498 -0.020818467 0.0088121366); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 13024 (0.23664053 -0.020832342 0.0088296257); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 13415 (0.23554498 -0.020806305 0.0088025312); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[17] No valid normal for point 12260 (0.19907724 0.010293904 -0.019306386); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[17] No valid normal for point 880 (0.19907727 0.019305429 -0.010293392); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[17] Displacement at illegal point (0.19907724 0.010293904 -0.019306386) set to (0.013196484 -0.13046506 0.23922859)
[17] Displacement at illegal point (0.19907727 0.019305429 -0.010293392) set to (0.013196035 -0.23923907 0.13044678)
[41] No valid normal for point 11808 (0.3265415 -0.020770644 0.016258465); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 13734 (0.33177602 -0.020843557 0.016337879); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 13735 (0.33288218 -0.02082942 0.016320868); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 13731 (0.33398868 -0.020852376 0.016344254); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
[41] No valid normal for point 13738 (0.33067 -0.020820913 0.01631591); setting displacement to (0 0 0)
Prevented extrusion on 0 coupled patch points during syncPatchDisplacement.
shrinkMeshMedialDistance : Smoothing using Medial Axis ...
shrinkMeshMedialDistance : Reduce layer thickness at 107168 nodes where thickness to medial axis distance is large 
shrinkMeshDistance : Removing isolated regions ...
Number isolated points extrusion stopped : 0
shrinkMeshDistance : Smoothing field ...
    Iteration 0   residual 0.00133
    Iteration 10   residual 0.000381
    Iteration 20   residual 0.000251
    Iteration 30   residual 0.000193
    Iteration 40   residual 0.000158
    Iteration 50   residual 0.000136
    Iteration 60   residual 0.000119
    Iteration 70   residual 0.000106
    Iteration 80   residual 9.64e-05
    Iteration 90   residual 8.82e-05
shrinkMeshMedialDistance : Moving mesh ...
What's going wrong? Where is the failure?
I hope anybody can help me,
best regards,

CFDnewbie147 is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   October 22, 2013, 10:53
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 62
Rep Power: 13
CFDnewbie147 is on a distinguished road

my SHM layer section looks like:

// Settings for the layer addition.
    // Are the thickness parameters below relative to the undistorted
    // size of the refined cell outside layer (true) or absolute sizes (false).
    relativeSizes false;
    // Per final patch (so not geometry!) the layer information
            nSurfaceLayers 3;
    // Expansion factor for layer mesh
    expansionRatio 1.1;

    // Wanted thickness of final added cell layer. If multiple layers
    // is the thickness of the layer furthest away from the wall.
    // See relativeSizes parameter.
    finalLayerThickness 0.001;
    // Minimum thickness of cell layer. If for any reason layer
    // cannot be above minThickness do not add layer.
    // See relativeSizes parameter.
    minThickness 0.000000000000001;
    // If points get not extruded do nGrow layers of connected faces that are
    // also not grown. This helps convergence of the layer addition process
    // close to features.
    nGrow 0;

    // Advanced settings
    // When not to extrude surface. 0 is flat surface, 90 is when two faces
    // are perpendicular
    featureAngle 90;
    // Maximum number of snapping relaxation iterations. Should stop
    // before upon reaching a correct mesh.
    nRelaxIter 10;
    // Number of smoothing iterations of surface normals
    nSmoothSurfaceNormals 50;
    // Number of smoothing iterations of interior mesh movement direction
    nSmoothNormals 50;
    // Smooth layer thickness over surface patches
    nSmoothThickness 100;
    // Stop layer growth on highly warped cells
    maxFaceThicknessRatio 0.8;
    // Reduce layer growth where ratio thickness to medial
    // distance is large
    maxThicknessToMedialRatio 0.9;
    // Angle used to pick up medial axis points
    minMedianAxisAngle 130;
    // Create buffer region for new layer terminations
    nBufferCellsNoExtrude 0;

    // Overall max number of layer addition iterations. The mesher will exit
    // if it reaches this number of iterations; possibly with an illegal
    // mesh.
    nLayerIter 50;
    // Max number of iterations after which relaxed meshQuality controls
    // get used. Up to nRelaxIter it uses the settings in meshQualityControls,
    // after nRelaxIter it uses the values in meshQualityControls::relaxed.
    nRelaxedIter 100;
I reduced the minThickness onto this given value and now I don't get the posted error message but the layers are not generated over the whole geometry.

I will post some picture afterwards...
CFDnewbie147 is offline   Reply With Quote


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