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[Other] refineWallLayer Error

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Old   April 27, 2015, 19:25
Default refineWallLayer Error
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Munich
Posts: 47
Rep Power: 12
Yuby is on a distinguished road
Hi FOAMers!

I need help... When I execute refineWallLayer o refineWallLayerSmart, I get this error:

| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  2.3.0                                 |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:                      |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
Build  : 2.3.0-f5222ca19ce6
Exec   : refineWallLayerSmart -overwrite bordes 1.5
Date   : Apr 28 2015
Time   : 00:21:51
Host   : "usuario-SATELLITE-P50-A-14G"
PID    : 7330
Case   : /home/usuario/Prueba2
nProcs : 1
sigFpe : Enabling floating point exception trapping (FOAM_SIGFPE).
fileModificationChecking : Monitoring run-time modified files using timeStampMaster
allowSystemOperations : Disallowing user-supplied system call operations

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Create time

Create mesh for time = 1

Using refineWallLayer utility in old way. Refine once!

	Originally, patch 6 named bordes
	 d  : min: 1.66788e-07 max: 0.000214227 average: 8.26792e-05

Selected 70953 cells connected to patch bordes


For cell 2368702 : trying to add duplicate cut 8945297edge:5995962(1993924 2921916) (0.0337437 -0.126156 -0.0212349) to path:edge:5995962(1993924 2921916) (0.0337437 -0.126156 -0.0212349) edge:5995960(1993924 2920707) (0.0335926 -0.126184 -0.0214339)
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:2368702 face:8230090 cuts:4(8945295 8945297 8941880 8941879) current cut:8941880
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:2368702 face:8230090 cuts:4(8945295 8945297 8941880 8941879) current cut:8941880
calcCellLoops(const labelList&) : did not find valid loop for cell 2368702
Writing cell for time 1 to "./cell_2368702.obj"
Writing raw cuts on cell for time 1 to "./cellCuts_2368702.obj"
For cell 807480 : trying to add duplicate cut 5787906edge:2838571(932829 2896314) (0.128168 -0.0140988 -0.029766) to path:edge:2838571(932829 2896314) (0.128168 -0.0140988 -0.029766) edge:2838572(932829 2897968) (0.128171 -0.014248 -0.0296272)
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:807480 face:8174688 cuts:4(5787907 5787906 5710259 5710258) current cut:5710259
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:807480 face:8174688 cuts:4(5787907 5787906 5710259 5710258) current cut:5710259
calcCellLoops(const labelList&) : did not find valid loop for cell 807480
Writing cell for time 1 to "./cell_807480.obj"
Writing raw cuts on cell for time 1 to "./cellCuts_807480.obj"
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:2380385 face:8233772 cuts:4(9280538 9243704 9243703 9280537) current cut:9243704
For cell 2245339 : trying to add duplicate cut 4351019edge:1401684(450774 2877753) (0.0331998 0.1263 -0.0212687) to path:edge:1401684(450774 2877753) (0.0331998 0.1263 -0.0212687) edge:1401683(450774 2877468) (0.0332996 0.12626 -0.0214547)
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:2245339 face:8146588 cuts:4(4351018 4351019 4352525 4352523) current cut:4352525
For cell 2245339 : trying to add duplicate cut 4352525edge:1403190(451193 2877971) (0.0337446 0.126153 -0.0212357) to path:edge:1403190(451193 2877971) (0.0337446 0.126153 -0.0212357) edge:1403188(451193 2877469) (0.0335935 0.126182 -0.0214346)
calcCellLoops(const labelList&) : did not find valid loop for cell 2245339
Writing cell for time 1 to "./cell_2245339.obj"
Writing raw cuts on cell for time 1 to "./cellCuts_2245339.obj"
For cell 2251869 : trying to add duplicate cut 4525950edge:1576615(506431 2882170) (0.0736209 0.107093 -0.024884) to path:edge:1576615(506431 2882170) (0.0736209 0.107093 -0.024884) edge:1576616(506431 2882309) (0.0737256 0.107034 -0.0247474)
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:2251869 face:8148578 cuts:4(4525951 4525950 4502565 4502564) current cut:4502565
For cell 2251869 : trying to add duplicate cut 4502565edge:1553230(499484 2880857) (0.0734071 0.107246 -0.0248547) to path:edge:1553230(499484 2880857) (0.0734071 0.107246 -0.0248547) edge:1553229(499484 2879757) (0.0733516 0.107314 -0.0246001)
calcCellLoops(const labelList&) : did not find valid loop for cell 2251869
Writing cell for time 1 to "./cell_2251869.obj"
Writing raw cuts on cell for time 1 to "./cellCuts_2251869.obj"
For cell 2254212 : trying to add duplicate cut 4596552edge:1647217(527269 2883623) (0.0794677 0.102706 -0.0253737) to path:edge:1647217(527269 2883623) (0.0794677 0.102706 -0.0253737) edge:1647219(527269 2884408) (0.0795795 0.102642 -0.0251749)
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:2254212 face:8150066 cuts:4(4596554 4596552 4596559 4596560) current cut:4596559
For cell 2254212 : trying to add duplicate cut 4596559edge:1647224(527270 2883624) (0.0792482 0.102877 -0.0253737) to path:edge:1647224(527270 2883624) (0.0792482 0.102877 -0.0253737) edge:1647225(527270 2884410) (0.0791745 0.102958 -0.0251842)
calcCellLoops(const labelList&) : did not find valid loop for cell 2254212
Writing cell for time 1 to "./cell_2254212.obj"
Writing raw cuts on cell for time 1 to "./cellCuts_2254212.obj"
For cell 420486 : trying to add duplicate cut 4514615edge:1565280(503835 2881920) (0.0677614 0.111005 -0.0243808) to path:edge:1565280(503835 2881920) (0.0677614 0.111005 -0.0243808) edge:1565281(503835 2882168) (0.0678725 0.110953 -0.0242043)
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:420486 face:8148574 cuts:4(4514616 4514615 4490887 4490888) current cut:4490887
For cell 420486 : trying to add duplicate cut 4490887edge:1541552(496808 2879746) (0.067529 0.111155 -0.0243427) to path:edge:1541552(496808 2879746) (0.067529 0.111155 -0.0243427) edge:1541553(496808 2879747) (0.0674728 0.111211 -0.0241411)
calcCellLoops(const labelList&) : did not find valid loop for cell 420486
Writing cell for time 1 to "./cell_420486.obj"
Writing raw cuts on cell for time 1 to "./cellCuts_420486.obj"
For cell 2278453 : trying to add duplicate cut 5323852edge:2374517(775728 2891858) (0.079248 -0.102877 -0.0253732) to path:edge:2374517(775728 2891858) (0.079248 -0.102877 -0.0253732) edge:2374518(775728 2892997) (0.079174 -0.102957 -0.0251838)
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:2278453 face:8165035 cuts:4(5323853 5323852 5323845 5323847) current cut:5323845
For cell 2278453 : trying to add duplicate cut 5323845edge:2374510(775727 2891857) (0.0794674 -0.102705 -0.0253732) to path:edge:2374510(775727 2891857) (0.0794674 -0.102705 -0.0253732) edge:2374512(775727 2892995) (0.0795789 -0.102641 -0.0251744)
calcCellLoops(const labelList&) : did not find valid loop for cell 2278453
Writing cell for time 1 to "./cell_2278453.obj"
Writing raw cuts on cell for time 1 to "./cellCuts_2278453.obj"
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:2558934 face:8177130 cuts:4(6654436 6654437 6654777 6654776) current cut:6654777
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:2558934 face:8177130 cuts:4(6654436 6654437 6654777 6654776) current cut:6654777
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:2558934 face:8177130 cuts:4(6654436 6654437 6654777 6654776) current cut:6654437
calcCellLoops(const labelList&) : did not find valid loop for cell 2558934
Writing cell for time 1 to "./cell_2558934.obj"
Writing raw cuts on cell for time 1 to "./cellCuts_2558934.obj"
For cell 2305310 : trying to add duplicate cut 6924013edge:3974678(1317368 1317454) (-0.120861 -0.0521468 0.004342) to path:edge:3974824(1317402 2900998) (-0.121026 -0.0517238 0.00434471) edge:3974821(1317402 1317454) (-0.120973 -0.0518941 0.00432689) edge:3974678(1317368 1317454) (-0.120861 -0.0521468 0.004342) edge:3974680(1317368 2900984) (-0.120782 -0.052276 0.00437773) edge:3974679(1317368 2900983) (-0.12078 -0.0523435 0.00420131)
For cell 2305310 : trying to add duplicate cut 6924156edge:3974821(1317402 1317454) (-0.120973 -0.0518941 0.00432689) to path:edge:3974679(1317368 2900983) (-0.12078 -0.0523435 0.00420131) edge:3974678(1317368 1317454) (-0.120861 -0.0521468 0.004342) edge:3974821(1317402 1317454) (-0.120973 -0.0518941 0.00432689) edge:3974823(1317402 2900720) (-0.121071 -0.0516898 0.00413059) edge:3974824(1317402 2900998) (-0.121026 -0.0517238 0.00434471)
For cell 2305310 : trying to add duplicate cut 6924156edge:3974821(1317402 1317454) (-0.120973 -0.0518941 0.00432689) to path:edge:3974679(1317368 2900983) (-0.12078 -0.0523435 0.00420131) edge:3974680(1317368 2900984) (-0.120782 -0.052276 0.00437773) edge:3974678(1317368 1317454) (-0.120861 -0.0521468 0.004342) edge:3974821(1317402 1317454) (-0.120973 -0.0518941 0.00432689) edge:3974824(1317402 2900998) (-0.121026 -0.0517238 0.00434471) edge:3974823(1317402 2900720) (-0.121071 -0.0516898 0.00413059)
For cell 2305310 : trying to add duplicate cut 6924013edge:3974678(1317368 1317454) (-0.120861 -0.0521468 0.004342) to path:edge:3974824(1317402 2900998) (-0.121026 -0.0517238 0.00434471) edge:3974823(1317402 2900720) (-0.121071 -0.0516898 0.00413059) edge:3974821(1317402 1317454) (-0.120973 -0.0518941 0.00432689) edge:3974678(1317368 1317454) (-0.120861 -0.0521468 0.004342) edge:3974679(1317368 2900983) (-0.12078 -0.0523435 0.00420131) edge:3974680(1317368 2900984) (-0.120782 -0.052276 0.00437773)
calcCellLoops(const labelList&) : did not find valid loop for cell 2305310
Writing cell for time 1 to "./cell_2305310.obj"
Writing raw cuts on cell for time 1 to "./cellCuts_2305310.obj"
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:2317514 face:8196766 cuts:4(7267817 7267818 7267947 7267945) current cut:7267947
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:2317514 face:7471435 cuts:4(7267819 7267817 7267945 7267948) current cut:7267945
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:2317514 face:8196766 cuts:4(7267817 7267818 7267947 7267945) current cut:7267818
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:2317514 face:8196766 cuts:4(7267817 7267818 7267947 7267945) current cut:7267818
calcCellLoops(const labelList&) : did not find valid loop for cell 2317514
Writing cell for time 1 to "./cell_2317514.obj"
Writing raw cuts on cell for time 1 to "./cellCuts_2317514.obj"
For cell 2358694 : trying to add duplicate cut 8601258edge:5651923(1878766 2916886) (0.0737214 -0.107037 -0.024747) to path:edge:5651923(1878766 2916886) (0.0737214 -0.107037 -0.024747) edge:5651922(1878766 2916877) (0.0736183 -0.107094 -0.0248843)
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:2358694 face:8222795 cuts:4(8601257 8601258 8592060 8592061) current cut:8592060
For cell 2358694 : trying to add duplicate cut 8592060edge:5642725(1876012 2916121) (0.0733466 -0.107316 -0.0246056) to path:edge:5642725(1876012 2916121) (0.0733466 -0.107316 -0.0246056) edge:5642726(1876012 2916532) (0.0734048 -0.107247 -0.024857)
calcCellLoops(const labelList&) : did not find valid loop for cell 2358694
Writing cell for time 1 to "./cell_2358694.obj"
Writing raw cuts on cell for time 1 to "./cellCuts_2358694.obj"
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:2359219 face:8222917 cuts:4(8631463 8631462 8631049 8631050) current cut:8631049
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::walkFace
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 786
    In middle of cut. cell:2359219 face:8222917 cuts:4(8631463 8631462 8631049 8631050) current cut:8631462
For cell 2359219 : trying to add duplicate cut 8631049edge:5681714(1889917 2916973) (0.0395752 -0.124358 -0.0217789) to path:edge:5681714(1889917 2916973) (0.0395752 -0.124358 -0.0217789) edge:5681715(1889917 2916974) (0.039671 -0.124315 -0.0219527)
calcCellLoops(const labelList&) : did not find valid loop for cell 2359219
Writing cell for time 1 to "./cell_2359219.obj"
Writing raw cuts on cell for time 1 to "./cellCuts_2359219.obj"
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::validLoop
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 1974
    Found loop on cell 706148 with all points on face 8166521
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function cellCuts::setFromCellLoops
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 2033
    Illegal loop 4(5497464 5497463 5495354 5495353) when recreating cut-addressing from existing cellLoops for cell 706148
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::validLoop
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 1974
    Found loop on cell 2260185 with all points on face 8151574
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function cellCuts::setFromCellLoops
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 2033
    Illegal loop 4(4811149 4811148 4833515 4833516) when recreating cut-addressing from existing cellLoops for cell 2260185
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::validLoop
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 1974
    Found loop on cell 2265257 with all points on face 8159791
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function cellCuts::setFromCellLoops
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 2033
    Illegal loop 4(4987438 4987893 4987894 4987439) when recreating cut-addressing from existing cellLoops for cell 2265257
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::calcAnchors
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 1474
    Invalid loop 6(11148124 11148642 6924015 6924013 6924156 6924159) for cell 2305314 since face 7(2764937 2900998 1317402 1317454 1317368 2900984 2764918) would be split into more than two faces
Writing cell for time 1 to "./cell_2305314.obj"
Writing loop for time 1 to "./cellLoop_2305314.obj"
Writing anchors for time 1 to "./anchors_2305314.obj"
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function cellCuts::setFromCellLoops
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 2033
    Illegal loop 6(11148124 11148642 6924015 6924013 6924156 6924159) when recreating cut-addressing from existing cellLoops for cell 2305314
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::calcAnchors
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 1474
    Invalid loop 6(11172385 11171914 7267948 7267945 7267817 7267819) for cell 2317518 since face 7(2776656 2902571 1432392 1432468 1432423 2902578 2776672) would be split into more than two faces
Writing cell for time 1 to "./cell_2317518.obj"
Writing loop for time 1 to "./cellLoop_2317518.obj"
Writing anchors for time 1 to "./anchors_2317518.obj"
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function cellCuts::setFromCellLoops
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 2033
    Illegal loop 6(11172385 11171914 7267948 7267945 7267817 7267819) when recreating cut-addressing from existing cellLoops for cell 2317518
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::calcAnchors
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 1579
     For cell:2322273 achorpoints and nonanchorpoints are geometrically on same side!
cellPoints:10(1467596 1469147 1469837 1470761 2903443 2903444 2903544 2903657 2903831 2904161)
loop:6(7380517 7377963 7383200 7383199 7371792 7371793)
anchors:4(1470761 1467596 1469837 1469147)
otherPoints:6(2904161 2903657 2903443 2903444 2903831 2903544)
Writing cell for time 1 to "./cell_2322273.obj"
Writing loop for time 1 to "./cellLoop_2322273.obj"
Writing anchors for time 1 to "./anchors_2322273.obj"
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::validLoop
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 1974
    Found loop on cell 2380385 with all points on face 8233772
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function cellCuts::setFromCellLoops
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 2033
    Illegal loop 4(9280538 9243704 9243703 9280537) when recreating cut-addressing from existing cellLoops for cell 2380385
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::validLoop
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 1974
    Found loop on cell 2533334 with all points on face 8147276
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function cellCuts::setFromCellLoops
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 2033
    Illegal loop 4(4477887 4476985 4476984 4477886) when recreating cut-addressing from existing cellLoops for cell 2533334
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function Foam::cellCuts::validLoop
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 1974
    Found loop on cell 2590611 with all points on face 8222793
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function cellCuts::setFromCellLoops
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 2033
    Illegal loop 4(8595070 8589142 8589141 8595069) when recreating cut-addressing from existing cellLoops for cell 2590611
Morphing ...
Writing refined morphMesh to time 1

	After refining, Patch 6 named bordes
	 d  : min: 1.06057e-07 max: 0.000146726 average: 5.06654e-05

And, of course, many .obj files are created in the folder.

Can anyone help me with this issue?

Thank very much in advance!
Yuby is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   May 19, 2017, 11:13
New Member
Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 2
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aeksberde is on a distinguished road
Did you solved your Problem? Cause i am facing the same troubles
aeksberde is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   November 11, 2021, 12:04
New Member
Ben Gherardi
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 17
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BenGher is on a distinguished road

digging this old topic because I encounter the same issue with refineWallLayer with OF9.

refineWallLayer -overwrite "(glider)" 0.7
Create time

Create polyMesh for time = 0

--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function bool Foam::cellCuts::walkFace(Foam::label, Foam::label, Foam::label, Foam::label, Foam::label&, Foam::label&, Foam::label&, Foam::labelList&) const
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 920
    In middle of cut. cell:4132586 face:12531172 cuts:4(18639513 18639914 18639827 18639284) current cut:18639827
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function bool Foam::cellCuts::walkFace(Foam::label, Foam::label, Foam::label, Foam::label, Foam::label&, Foam::label&, Foam::label&, Foam::labelList&) const
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 920
    In middle of cut. cell:4132586 face:12531172 cuts:4(18639513 18639914 18639827 18639284) current cut:18639827
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function bool Foam::cellCuts::walkFace(Foam::label, Foam::label, Foam::label, Foam::label, Foam::label&, Foam::label&, Foam::label&, Foam::labelList&) const
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 920
    In middle of cut. cell:4132586 face:12531172 cuts:4(18639513 18639914 18639827 18639284) current cut:18639827
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function bool Foam::cellCuts::walkFace(Foam::label, Foam::label, Foam::label, Foam::label, Foam::label&, Foam::label&, Foam::label&, Foam::labelList&) const
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 920
    In middle of cut. cell:4132586 face:12531172 cuts:4(18639513 18639914 18639827 18639284) current cut:18639827
For cell 4132586 : trying to add duplicate cut 18639914edge:12847158(4333489 4333690) (0.70964 -0.305124 0.0274176) to path:edge:12847158(4333489 4333690) (0.70964 -0.305124 0.0274176) edge:12847758(4333690 4333884) (0.703264 -0.30552 0.0288219) edge:12846757(4333372 4333690) (0.69618 -0.305902 0.0306609)
calcCellLoops(const labelList&) : did not find valid loop for cell 4132586
Writing cell for time 0 to "./cell_4132586.obj"
Writing raw cuts on cell for time 0 to "./cellCuts_4132586.obj"
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function bool Foam::cellCuts::walkFace(Foam::label, Foam::label, Foam::label, Foam::label, Foam::label&, Foam::label&, Foam::label&, Foam::labelList&) const
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 920
    In middle of cut. cell:4132646 face:12531172 cuts:4(18639513 18639914 18639827 18639284) current cut:18639827
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function bool Foam::cellCuts::calcAnchors(Foam::label, const labelList&, const pointField&, Foam::labelList&) const
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 1702
     For cell:3209558 achorpoints and nonanchorpoints are geometrically on same side!
cellPoints:6(3365993 3366110 3366829 3367301 3368117 3368134)
loop:3(15844517 15844514 15844516)
otherPoints:5(3367301 3368117 3368134 3366829 3366110)
Writing cell for time 0 to "./cell_3209558.obj"
Writing loop for time 0 to "./cellLoop_3209558.obj"
Writing anchors for time 0 to "./anchors_3209558.obj"
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function bool Foam::cellCuts::calcAnchors(Foam::label, const labelList&, const pointField&, Foam::labelList&) const
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 1702
     For cell:4067720 achorpoints and nonanchorpoints are geometrically on same side!
cellPoints:8(4259611 4259938 4259939 4260114 4260749 4261247 4262509 4262512)
loop:3(18441097 18441677 18441101)
anchors:7(4262512 4259938 4259939 4259611 4262509 4260749 4261247)
Writing cell for time 0 to "./cell_4067720.obj"
Writing loop for time 0 to "./cellLoop_4067720.obj"
Writing anchors for time 0 to "./anchors_4067720.obj"
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function bool Foam::cellCuts::calcAnchors(Foam::label, const labelList&, const pointField&, Foam::labelList&) const
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 1597
    Invalid loop 6(18639281 18639284 18639827 18639914 18639513 18639512) for cell 4132646 since face 5(4333330 4333372 4333690 4333489 4333463) would be split into more than two faces
Writing cell for time 0 to "./cell_4132646.obj"
Writing loop for time 0 to "./cellLoop_4132646.obj"
Writing anchors for time 0 to "./anchors_4132646.obj"
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function void Foam::cellCuts::setFromCellLoops()
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 2151
    Illegal loop 6(18639281 18639284 18639827 18639914 18639513 18639512) when recreating cut-addressing from existing cellLoops for cell 4132646
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function bool Foam::cellCuts::calcAnchors(Foam::label, const labelList&, const pointField&, Foam::labelList&) const
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 1702
     For cell:4632738 achorpoints and nonanchorpoints are geometrically on same side!
cellPoints:6(4869619 4870597 4871209 4871222 4871855 4871857)
loop:3(20224943 20224944 20224940)
anchors:5(4871857 4869619 4871222 4871209 4871855)
Writing cell for time 0 to "./cell_4632738.obj"
Writing loop for time 0 to "./cellLoop_4632738.obj"
Writing anchors for time 0 to "./anchors_4632738.obj"
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function bool Foam::cellCuts::calcAnchors(Foam::label, const labelList&, const pointField&, Foam::labelList&) const
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 1702
     For cell:4638396 achorpoints and nonanchorpoints are geometrically on same side!
cellPoints:6(4874358 4874615 4876136 4877663 4879716 4880034)
loop:3(20237995 20238957 20238958)
anchors:5(4880034 4879716 4874358 4876136 4877663)
Writing cell for time 0 to "./cell_4638396.obj"
Writing loop for time 0 to "./cellLoop_4638396.obj"
Writing anchors for time 0 to "./anchors_4638396.obj"
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function bool Foam::cellCuts::calcAnchors(Foam::label, const labelList&, const pointField&, Foam::labelList&) const
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 1702
     For cell:4964597 achorpoints and nonanchorpoints are geometrically on same side!
cellPoints:8(5216168 5216229 5216230 5216231 5216763 5217043 5217220 5217376)
loop:3(21235589 21235586 21235597)
anchors:7(5217376 5217043 5217220 5216229 5216230 5216168 5216763)
Writing cell for time 0 to "./cell_4964597.obj"
Writing loop for time 0 to "./cellLoop_4964597.obj"
Writing anchors for time 0 to "./anchors_4964597.obj"
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function bool Foam::cellCuts::calcAnchors(Foam::label, const labelList&, const pointField&, Foam::labelList&) const
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 1702
     For cell:5079548 achorpoints and nonanchorpoints are geometrically on same side!
cellPoints:6(5345175 5345257 5345275 5345341 5345345 5345347)
loop:3(21597002 21597166 21596585)
anchors:5(5345347 5345175 5345257 5345275 5345341)
Writing cell for time 0 to "./cell_5079548.obj"
Writing loop for time 0 to "./cellLoop_5079548.obj"
Writing anchors for time 0 to "./anchors_5079548.obj"
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function bool Foam::cellCuts::calcAnchors(Foam::label, const labelList&, const pointField&, Foam::labelList&) const
    in file meshCut/cellCuts/cellCuts.C at line 1702
     For cell:5106610 achorpoints and nonanchorpoints are geometrically on same side!
cellPoints:6(5381467 5381521 5381576 5381577 5381653 5381654)
loop:3(21702790 21702791 21702787)
anchors:5(5381653 5381654 5381576 5381577 5381467)
Writing cell for time 0 to "./cell_5106610.obj"
Writing loop for time 0 to "./cellLoop_5106610.obj"
Writing anchors for time 0 to "./anchors_5106610.obj"
Finished refining
Writing refined mesh to time 0
Although it is "Writing refined mesh to time 0", nothing actually changes when checked on paraview.
Enjoy the flow
BenGher is offline   Reply With Quote


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