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[snappyHexMesh] bumps and broken surface after meshing with snappyhexmesh

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Old   February 12, 2018, 13:07
Default bumps and broken surface after meshing with snappyhexmesh
New Member
Richard adeyemi
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 2
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Dear all,

I would like to count on your expertise and wealth of experiences. Am trying to create a mesh in OpenFoam using SHMdict. i have done some preliminary works and meshing. Please see the attached my dict, geometry and meshing figures. I could observed that after snappyhexmesh is applied, there is broken surface on my blades.
How can i correct this error?

/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
| ========= | |
| \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox |
| \\ / O peration | Version: 3.0.1 |
| \\ / A nd | Web: |
| \\/ M anipulation | |
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
object snappyHexMeshDict;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

// Which of the steps to run
castellatedMesh true;// was set true before
snap true;
addLayers false;// was set false before

// set addLayers at first. you can always go back and change to true when there is no more error.
// Geometry. Definition of all surfaces. All surfaces are of class
// searchableSurface.
// Surfaces are used
// - to specify refinement for any mesh cell intersecting it
// - to specify refinement for any mesh cell inside/outside/near
// - to 'snap' the mesh boundary to the surface
//outercube.stl {type triSurfaceMesh; name outercube;}
//innercube.stl {type triSurfaceMesh; name innercube;}
//innercylindersmal1.stl {type triSurfaceMesh; name innercylindersmal1;}
//blades.stl {type triSurfaceMesh; name blades;}

type triSurfaceMesh;
name outercube;

type triSurfaceMesh;
name innercube;

type triSurfaceMesh;
name innercylindersmal1;

type triSurfaceMesh;
name blades;
/* outercube.stl
type triSurfaceMesh;
name outercube;
name outercube;

type triSurfaceMesh;
name innercube;
name innercube;
type triSurfaceMesh;
name innercylindersmal1;
name innercylindersmal1;


type triSurfaceMesh;
name blades;
name blades;
*/ //refinementBox {type searchableBox; min (-25 -30.2509 -20.9932); max ( 30 30.129 24.0068);

// Settings for the castellatedMesh generation.


maxLocalCells 1000000;
maxGlobalCells 20000000;
minRefinementCells 0;// was 100
maxLoadUnbalance 0.10;
nCellsBetweenLevels 3; // it was 7 before.

// Explicit feature edge refinement
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

features // taken from STL from each .eMesh file created by "SurfaceFeatureExtract" command
file "innercylindersmal1.eMesh";
level 2; //was 3
file "outercube.eMesh";
level 0;
file "blades.eMesh";
level 3; // was 4
file "innercube.eMesh";
level 1; // was 2


// Surface based refinement
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

level (2 2); // was (3 3) before

faceType boundary;
cellZone innercylindersmal1;
faceZone innercylindersmal1;
cellZoneInside inside;
level (0 0);// it was initially (0 0)
level (3 3);// was initially (4,4)
// level (3 3);// it was (4 4) and was commented


resolveFeatureAngle 30; // it can use 95

// Region-wise refinement
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

// innercube
// mode inside;
//levels ((1E15 3));// it was 3 before and commented
// }
mode inside;
levels ((1E15 2)); // it was 3


// Mesh selection
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
locationInMesh (8.2 12.906 9.16859); // it was (-0.153401 0.15340 0.450484)
allowFreeStandingZoneFaces true;

// Settings for the snapping.

nSmoothPatch 4;// was 3 before
tolerance 1.0; // was 4.0;
nSolveIter 300; // was 30 before
nRelaxIter 5; // it was 10 before

// Feature snapping
nFeatureSnapIter 15; // was 10 before
implicitFeatureSnap false;
explicitFeatureSnap true;
multiRegionFeatureSnap false; //it was true before. Just for explicit method, "...detect features between multiple surfaces..."

// Settings for the layer addition.

relativeSizes true;// was false before

nSurfaceLayers 3; // was commented and set to 5.


// Expansion factor for layer mesh
expansionRatio 1.2;// was 1.0
finalLayerThickness 0.1;// was 0.16
minThickness 0.01;// was 0.08
nGrow 0; // was 1

// Advanced settings
featureAngle 60; //it was 30 before. i can use 60 as well
nRelaxIter 20;// was 3
nSmoothSurfaceNormals 1;
nSmoothNormals 3;
nSmoothThickness 10;
maxFaceThicknessRatio 0.5;
maxThicknessToMedialRatio 0.3; // it was 0.3 before
minMedianAxisAngle 130;
nBufferCellsNoExtrude 0;
nLayerIter 100; // was 50.
slipFeatureAngle 30;

// Generic mesh quality settings. At any undoable phase these determine
// where to undo.
// Specify mesh quality constraints in separate dictionary so can
// be reused (e.g. checkMesh -meshQuality)
#include "meshQualityDict"

maxNonOrtho 75;

// Advanced
nSmoothScale 4;
errorReduction 0.75;
// Advanced
// put 1 if you wnat to write all the meshes at each stage so that you look and make correction and 0 if not
debug 0; //0: only write final meshes

// Merge tolerance. Is fraction of overall bounding box of initial mesh.
// Note: the write tolerance needs to be higher than this.
mergeTolerance 1e-6;

// ************************************************** *********************** //
Attached Images
File Type: jpg bladepic3..jpg (39.6 KB, 59 views)
File Type: jpg presentmesh.jpg (203.9 KB, 70 views)
File Type: png snapshot00.png (31.1 KB, 56 views)
File Type: png snapshot02.png (76.4 KB, 52 views)
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openfoam 2.1, snappyhesmeshdict, snappyhexmesh 3d

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