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[Commercial meshers] ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Velocity SA,

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Old   April 14, 2009, 15:45
Default ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Velocity SA,
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 14
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I am trying to run a simulation of air flower over a fin with inlet velcity of 1m/s and heat flux of 100.
when I running it in fluent .
I am a student and a beginner in fluent I really do not know what this error means can somebody help me

I get the following error.
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity energy time/iter

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Velocity SA, size 7657080, t 8, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Velocity SA, size 7363992, t 9, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Velocity SA, size 8373708, t 10, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Velocity SA, size 7653624, t 11, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Min, size 11643768, t 4, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Min, size 2486132, t 5, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Min, size 3142116, t 6, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Min, size 2558364, t 7, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Min, size 2552360, t 8, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Min, size 2454664, t 9, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Min, size 2791236, t 10, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Min, size 2551208, t 11, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Max, size 1233328, t 3, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Max, size 11643768, t 4, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Max, size 2486132, t 5, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Max, size 3142116, t 6, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Max, size 2558364, t 7, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Max, size 2552360, t 8, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Max, size 2454664, t 9, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Max, size 2791236, t 10, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Max, size 2551208, t 11, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Max, size 1365520, t 12, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Phi, size 1233328, t 3, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Phi, size 11643768, t 4, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Phi, size 2486132, t 5, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Phi, size 3142116, t 6, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Phi, size 2558364, t 7, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Phi, size 2552360, t 8, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Phi, size 2454664, t 9, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Phi, size 2791236, t 10, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Phi, size 2551208, t 11, myid 1000000.

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage: unable to malloc Reconstruction Phi, size 1365520, t 12, myid 1000000.
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need help with the error

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