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cuttingPlane with cyclic BC

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Old   August 14, 2013, 06:20
Smile cuttingPlane with cyclic BC
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Julia Docampo
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Barcelona, Spain
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Xulia is on a distinguished road
Dear Foamers:

I have been using OF-2.1.x for the past two months, forgive me if my problem is very easy/obvious to fix. I am running simulations on open channel so my BCs are cyclic in the spanwise direction. I am generating turbulence (using LES) that I will save as initial conditions for the next simulation: turbine performance. I want to save a plane from the middle of the channel (normal to streamwise direction) containing data of U, p, U_0, etc during different times, that I will use as inlet for the turbine simulation. I found that cuttingPlane can do that and I imitated the case incompressible/simpleFoam/motorbike.

This is my cuttingPlane function:
type surfaces;
functionObjectLibs ("");
outputControl outputTime;

surfaceFormat vtk;
fields ( p U U_0 nuSgs);

interpolationScheme cellPoint;

type cuttingPlane;
planeType pointAndNormal;
basePoint (2 1 1);
normalVector (0 1 0);
interpolate true;

When I run the solver (channelFoam), it gives me this error:

Unhandled coupledPolyPatch type cyclic

From function isoSurface::collocatedFaces(const coupledPolyPatch&) const
in file sampledSurface/isoSurface/isoSurface.C at line 94.

FOAM aborting

I can't avoid the cyclic BC, since it represents the width of my channel and I need it to be that way... I am confused because I went through the cuttingPlane case (/src/sampling/cuttingPlane) and read all the functions and I don't know when isoSurface.C is called... I can't find that line....
Has anybody succeed in using cuttingPlane involving cyclic BCs?
Is there an alternative way to save a plane during simulations?

Many thanks!!
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Old   April 26, 2016, 08:27
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 13
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vishwakarma is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Xulia View Post
Dear Foamers:

I have been using OF-2.1.x for the past two months, forgive me if my problem is very easy/obvious to fix. I am running simulations on open channel so my BCs are cyclic in the spanwise direction. I am generating turbulence (using LES) that I will save as initial conditions for the next simulation: turbine performance. I want to save a plane from the middle of the channel (normal to streamwise direction) containing data of U, p, U_0, etc during different times, that I will use as inlet for the turbine simulation. I found that cuttingPlane can do that and I imitated the case incompressible/simpleFoam/motorbike.

This is my cuttingPlane function:
type surfaces;
functionObjectLibs ("");
outputControl outputTime;

surfaceFormat vtk;
fields ( p U U_0 nuSgs);

interpolationScheme cellPoint;

type cuttingPlane;
planeType pointAndNormal;
basePoint (2 1 1);
normalVector (0 1 0);
interpolate true;

When I run the solver (channelFoam), it gives me this error:

Unhandled coupledPolyPatch type cyclic

From function isoSurface::collocatedFaces(const coupledPolyPatch&) const
in file sampledSurface/isoSurface/isoSurface.C at line 94.

FOAM aborting

I can't avoid the cyclic BC, since it represents the width of my channel and I need it to be that way... I am confused because I went through the cuttingPlane case (/src/sampling/cuttingPlane) and read all the functions and I don't know when isoSurface.C is called... I can't find that line....
Has anybody succeed in using cuttingPlane involving cyclic BCs?
Is there an alternative way to save a plane during simulations?

Many thanks!!

Did you get the answer to your question? I am facing the same problem and not able to resolve it.
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channelflow les, cuttingplane, cyclic bc, runtime postprocessing

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