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Viscosity model - error: object is not allocated - C++ beginner

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Old   March 23, 2016, 11:48
Default Viscosity model - error: object is not allocated - C++ beginner
Vinícius da Costa Ávila
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Porto Alegre, Brazil
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I am trying to implement viscosity models in twoPhaseEulerFoam, but I am a beginner with C++.

It compiles ok, but when I try to run with bubbleColumn tutorial, I get this error message:

object of type N4Foam14transportModelE is not allocated

    From function Foam::autoPtr<T>::operator->()
    in file /opt/OpenFOAM-3.0.x/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude/autoPtrI.H at line 176.

FOAM aborting
I have modified phaseModel.H as follows:
    // Private data   
      //- Thermophysical properties
        autoPtr<rhoThermo> thermo_;

       //- Viscosity model properties
        autoPtr<transportModel> transport_; // I have included this line
    // Member Functions
// I have modified the lines below, the original code is commented right after each line
        //- Return the laminar viscosity
        tmp<volScalarField> nu() const
            return transport_->nu(); //return thermo_->nu();

        //- Return the laminar viscosity for patch
        tmp<scalarField> nu(const label patchi) const
            return transport_->nu(patchi); //return thermo_->nu(patchi);

        //- Return the laminar dynamic viscosity
        tmp<volScalarField> mu() const
            return transport_->nu()*rho(); //return thermo_->mu();

        //- Return the laminar dynamic viscosity for patch
        tmp<scalarField> mu(const label patchi) const
            return transport_->nu(patchi)*rho(); //return thermo_->mu(patchi);
What have I done wrong?
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Old   March 23, 2016, 15:38
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David Gaden
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autoPtr is just a pointer. It needs to point to something. You need to set it. That is, you need to give it a transportModel. Either in the constructor initialisation list, or with a call to set().
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Old   February 10, 2022, 00:32
hari charan
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hello avila,
Have you solved the problem? is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   February 10, 2022, 11:04
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Mark Olesen
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Originally Posted by View Post
hello avila,
Have you solved the problem?

A common problem you need to watch out for: the autoPtr behaves somewhat like auto_ptr (obsolete) as well as unique_ptr. Specifically, this means there is a misfeature that the copy constructor actually behaves like a move constructor and "steals" the pointer. If you have code using autoPtr for internal storage, you need to decide which behaviour you want:
  1. allow copy to 'steal' the pointer (default behaviour)
  2. initialize the new version to nullptr and have a lazy creation later in the class
  3. clone the autoPtr if non-null, or initialize as nullptr
The third option may be what you want. In this case, the autoPtr provides its own 'clone()' method that forwards to the clone method on the underlying pointer, or returns a nullptr if the original autoPtr was itself a nullptr.
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Old   February 10, 2022, 11:18
Default Error:Object not allocated.
hari charan
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Hello olesen,
Thanks for reply. Can you explain it in more detail.

I am developing the evaporation solver. I am using compressible Interfoam solver. I am modelling my physics in twoPhaseMixtureThermo files. I have calculated mDotAlphal which is evaporation rate. And it is declared as private member. As it is a private member I used following code in twoPhaseMixtureThermo. H as
 tmp<volScalarField> mDotE = this-> mDotAlphal
. And I used mDotE in pEqn. H and alpha Equation.
Code for pEqn is
tmp<volScalarField> mDotE = mixture.mDotE();
fvScalarMatrix p_rghEqnIncomp
          - fvm::laplacian(rAUf, p_rgh)
          - mDotE()*(1/rho1 - 1/rho2)
Solver compiled well but got the error Object not allocated when test case was setup.

Thanks in advance is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   February 14, 2022, 02:00
hari charan
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Originally Posted by olesen View Post
A common problem you need to watch out for: the autoPtr behaves somewhat like auto_ptr (obsolete) as well as unique_ptr. Specifically, this means there is a misfeature that the copy constructor actually behaves like a move constructor and "steals" the pointer. If you have code using autoPtr for internal storage, you need to decide which behaviour you want:
  1. allow copy to 'steal' the pointer (default behaviour)
  2. initialize the new version to nullptr and have a lazy creation later in the class
  3. clone the autoPtr if non-null, or initialize as nullptr
The third option may be what you want. In this case, the autoPtr provides its own 'clone()' method that forwards to the clone method on the underlying pointer, or returns a nullptr if the original autoPtr was itself a nullptr.

this is how I declared the fields.

class twoPhaseMixtureThermo
    public psiThermo,
    public twoPhaseMixture,
    public interfaceProperties
    // Private Data

        //- Thermo-package of phase 1
        autoPtr<rhoThermo> thermo1_;

        //- Thermo-package of phase 2
        autoPtr<rhoThermo> thermo2_;
        dimensionedScalar lambdaF_; // thermal conductivity [kg*m/s3/K]
        dimensionedScalar Tsat_; // saturation temp [K]
        dimensionedScalar Tinf_; // bulk temperature of the water [K]
        dimensionedScalar ifg_; // latent heat for for fluid [m2/s2]
        dimensionedScalar charLength_; //characteristic length
        dimensionedScalar g_; // gravity
        dimensionedScalar mcCoeff_; // mass condensation coefficient for better view
        // interface area function //ADDED
        tmp<volScalarField>interfaceArea() const;
        // heat transfer coefficient
        tmp<volScalarField> hCoeff() const;
         tmp<volScalarField> mDotAlphal() const;


    const volVectorField& U,
    const surfaceScalarField& phi
    psiThermo(U.mesh(), word::null),
    twoPhaseMixture(U.mesh(), *this),
    interfaceProperties(alpha1(), U, *this),
    lambdaF_("lambdaF", dimMass*dimLength/(dimTime*dimTime*dimTime*dimTemperature) , lookup("lambdaF")),
    Tsat_("Tsat",dimTemperature, lookup("Tsat")),
    Tinf_("Tinf",dimTemperature, lookup("Tinf")),
    ifg_("ifg", dimLength*dimLength/(dimTime*dimTime),lookup("ifg")),
    charLength_("charLength", dimLength, lookup("charLength")),
    g_("gravity", dimLength/(dimTime*dimTime) ,lookup("gravity")),
    mcCoeff_( (Tsat_-Tinf_) / ifg_ )
        volScalarField T1
                IOobject::groupName("T", phase1Name()),

        volScalarField T2
                IOobject::groupName("T", phase2Name()),

    // Note: we're writing files to be read in immediately afterwards.
    //       Avoid any thread-writing problems.

    thermo1_ = rhoThermo::New(U.mesh(), phase1Name());
    thermo2_ = rhoThermo::New(U.mesh(), phase2Name());

    // thermo1_->validate(phase1Name(), "e");
    // thermo2_->validate(phase2Name(), "e");


// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //


// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

void Foam::twoPhaseMixtureThermo::correctThermo()
    thermo1_->T() = T_;
    thermo1_->he() = thermo1_->he(p_, T_);

    thermo2_->T() = T_;
    thermo2_->he() = thermo2_->he(p_, T_);

Foam::twoPhaseMixtureThermo::interfaceArea() const
    // return the interfacial area based on model for interfacial area
    // returns dimensions Area

    // model based on regular volume cells, taking the largest cut area
    // as maximum for area, linear increase and decrease with alpha
    const volScalarField& cellVolume =
    volScalarField limitedAlpha1 = min(max(alpha1(), scalar(0)), scalar(1));

    const dimensionedScalar
                areaFactor("areaFactor",dimensionSet(0,2,0,0,0,0,0), 0.0);

    volScalarField interfaceArea = alpha1() * areaFactor;
    volScalarField maxArea = alpha1() * areaFactor;

    maxArea = sqrt(3.0)*pow(cellVolume,(2.0/3.0));
    return tmp<volScalarField>
      (neg(limitedAlpha1-0.5)*maxArea*2.0*limitedAlpha1) +
                  (pos(limitedAlpha1-0.5)*maxArea*(-2.0*( limitedAlpha1 - 1.0)))

Foam::twoPhaseMixtureThermo::hCoeff() const
// from [Bejan, Convection heat transfer, 1995]
const volScalarField& rho1 = thermo1_->rho();
const volScalarField& rho2 = thermo2_->rho();
    return tmp<volScalarField>
        1.079 * (lambdaF_ / charLength_ ) * pow(
         (pow3(charLength_) * ifg_ * g_ * (rho1-rho2) ) /
          (lambdaF_ * nu() * (Tsat_ - Tinf_) ) , 0.2 )

Can I know where the error is? is offline   Reply With Quote


allocated, beginner, c++, error, viscosity model

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