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Contribute a forceCoeff plot and merge utility

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Old   June 16, 2014, 13:05
Default Contribute a forceCoeffs monitoring, plotting and merging utility
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Dear All,

I'd like to share my small force coefficient merging/plotting utility with you. It can plot and merge and write out a postscript file. The merge function is quite useful in many situations.

Download Link:

The needs (Situation A):
  1. You are doing transient simulation.
  2. And there are probably more than one forceCoeffs folders in your postprocessing/forceCoeffs directory, due to the following reasons (to list a few):
    • you have restarted the simulation because your simulation was killed by the system; or
    • you have changed your time step for some reason.
    So now you will have the folder tree something like this:
    ├── 0
    ├── constant
    ├── postProcessing
    │** ├── forceCoeffs
    │** │** ├── 0
    │** │** │** └── forceCoeffs.dat
    │** │** ├── 20
    │** │** │** └── forceCoeffs.dat
    │** │** ├── 35
    │** │** │** └── forceCoeffs.dat
    │** │** ├── 50
    │** │** │** └── forceCoeffs.dat
    │** │** └── 6
    │** │** └── forceCoeffs.dat
    ├── system
  3. Now, you want to merge these forceCoeffs files into one to plot it. Note: the time in these files might be overlapped!!!!

The needs (Situation B):
You just want to monitor your force history

This code should work on Ubuntu. To give a few examples:

$ ./fcsp -help --> This will show the help. 

USAGE: fcsp [-x label] [-y label] [-t title] [-c NUMBER] [-m OFF|ON] [-f] [-d ON|OFF] [-v OFF|ON] [-s width:height] dataFile ...

Further Explanation:

        [**] Merged before or not, the default data file is ALWAYS in the LATEST local forceCoeffs time directory
        [-c] Number of lines needed to be cut off from the head of data file (100 by default)
        [-m] Generate a merged data file and then plot it (OFF by default)
        [-f] Without asking, force replacing the existing merged file
        [-d] Gnuplot's dumb plot output (ON by default)
        [-v] Vector plot output (OFF by default), output file name is fcsPlot.eps
        [-s] Fill Screen by default
By default the fcsp will plot the forceCoeffs from the latest folder to the screen. A most common usage of this utility is to run
./fcsp -m on -v on
This will merge all the forceCoeffs files into a single file, then plot it on the screen and export the cd and cl to an eps file.

Daniel WEI
Boeing Research & Technology - China
Beijing, China

Last edited by lakeat; June 16, 2014 at 16:57.
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Old   May 31, 2016, 01:39
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Qin Zhang
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nice tool. I am looking for something like this.
It could be better if the mean value and rms value also calculated.
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Old   June 14, 2018, 12:53
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Originally Posted by lakeat View Post
Dear All,

I'd like to share my small force coefficient merging/plotting utility with you. It can plot and merge and write out a postscript file. The merge function is quite useful in many situations.

Download Link:
--->Attachment 31688

The needs (Situation A):
  1. You are doing transient simulation.
  2. And there are probably more than one forceCoeffs folders in your postprocessing/forceCoeffs directory, due to the following reasons (to list a few):
    • you have restarted the simulation because your simulation was killed by the system; or
    • you have changed your time step for some reason.
    So now you will have the folder tree something like this:
    ├── 0
    ├── constant
    ├── postProcessing
    │** ├── forceCoeffs
    │** │** ├── 0
    │** │** │** └── forceCoeffs.dat
    │** │** ├── 20
    │** │** │** └── forceCoeffs.dat
    │** │** ├── 35
    │** │** │** └── forceCoeffs.dat
    │** │** ├── 50
    │** │** │** └── forceCoeffs.dat
    │** │** └── 6
    │** │** └── forceCoeffs.dat
    ├── system
  3. Now, you want to merge these forceCoeffs files into one to plot it. Note: the time in these files might be overlapped!!!!

The needs (Situation B):
You just want to monitor your force history

This code should work on Ubuntu. To give a few examples:

$ ./fcsp -help --> This will show the help. 

USAGE: fcsp [-x label] [-y label] [-t title] [-c NUMBER] [-m OFF|ON] [-f] [-d ON|OFF] [-v OFF|ON] [-s width:height] dataFile ...

Further Explanation:

        [**] Merged before or not, the default data file is ALWAYS in the LATEST local forceCoeffs time directory
        [-c] Number of lines needed to be cut off from the head of data file (100 by default)
        [-m] Generate a merged data file and then plot it (OFF by default)
        [-f] Without asking, force replacing the existing merged file
        [-d] Gnuplot's dumb plot output (ON by default)
        [-v] Vector plot output (OFF by default), output file name is fcsPlot.eps
        [-s] Fill Screen by default
By default the fcsp will plot the forceCoeffs from the latest folder to the screen. A most common usage of this utility is to run
./fcsp -m on -v on
This will merge all the forceCoeffs files into a single file, then plot it on the screen and export the cd and cl to an eps file.

Thanks for your code!

I try to use your code to merge my data:

$ ./fcsp -c 10 -m on -d off -v off

Folder Name : forcesTesting
Data Type : forceCoeffs
4 time folders need to be merged
-- Folder 0 found in case forcesTesting/forceCoeffs.
./fcsp: line 139: bc: command not found
./fcsp: line 140: bc: command not found
-- Another folder 45 found in case forcesTesting/forceCoeffs.
--> Start merging ...
./fcsp: line 194: bc: command not found
./fcsp: line 195: bc: command not found
-- Another folder 90 found in case forcesTesting/forceCoeffs.
--> Start merging ...
./fcsp: line 194: bc: command not found
./fcsp: line 195: bc: command not found
-- Another folder 136.17 found in case forcesTesting/forceCoeffs.
--> Start merging ...
./fcsp: line 194: bc: command not found
./fcsp: line 195: bc: command not found
--> The latest simulation time is: 158.003
--> End merging ...

The force coefficient in my case looks like this in the 0 folder:

================================================== ===========
# Time Cm Cd Cl Cl Cl
0.003 1.886651e+02 3.765786e+02 1.110647e-03 1.886657e+02 -1.886645e+02
0.006 -9.400345e+01 -1.876334e+02 -1.919551e-03 -9.400441e+01 9.400249e+01
0.009 2.102545e-01 4.195944e-01 5.499815e-03 2.130044e-01 -2.075046e-01
0.012 1.636652e-01 3.268441e-01 -1.894238e-03 1.627181e-01 -1.646123e-01
================================================== ===========

However, I got the result like this in the mergedForceCoeffs.dat

# Time Cm Cd Cl
0 Time Cm Cd
0 Time Cm Cd
1 1.051044e-01 2.097883e-01 -2.932875e-04
2 4.741239e-01 9.463588e-01 1.309910e-04
3 4.638071e-01 9.257501e-01 8.461592e-04
4 2.801007e-01 5.591725e-01 5.642334e-04
5 3.741845e-01 7.446019e-01 7.464010e-03
6 3.897489e-01 7.761408e-01 3.843773e-02

- the time seem not correct after the merging

In my cases, the time step is 0.003, but the output is 1,2,3 ...

- at the end of the merged data:
158 5.474296e-01 1.081924e+00 -1.853809e-01
158 5.503081e-01 1.087717e+00 -1.837162e-01
158 5.482237e-01 1.083649e+00 -1.835996e-01
158 5.503837e-01 1.087997e+00 -1.827931e-01
158 5.495114e-01 1.086341e+00 -1.812269e-01
158 5.486711e-01 1.084763e+00 -1.803950e-01
158 5.504223e-01 1.088290e+00 -1.792501e-01
158.003 5.504223e-01 1.088290e+00 -1.792501e-01

The time is the same 158.

Is there any format requirement for your code?

Is my usage correct?

What does the meaning of "bc: command not found" ?

What pre-requirments of this code?

Is that possible to merge the bin data for further development this code?


Looking forward to hearning from you.

P.S. my machine:

Linux version 4.4.0-127-generic (buildd@lcy01-amd64-023) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.9) ) #153-Ubuntu SMP Sat May 19 10:58:46 UTC 2018

Last edited by random_ran; June 14, 2018 at 12:55. Reason: update machine info
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Old   October 5, 2018, 13:03
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After some time of searching on the Internet, I decided to write my own shell script.

As a newbie in shell scripts, I've tried my best effort to make it run. It seems fine in my situation, and I just want to share with anyone who has the same problem.

Please see this repository.

Hope it can help you.

Yours in CFD,

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Old   October 5, 2018, 20:05
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Just a quick comment. bc is a Linux for more advanced calculations in bash. General, it should be installed on your machine. Otherwise install it.
Keep foaming,
Tobias Holzmann
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Old   October 5, 2018, 23:48
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Originally Posted by Tobi View Post

Just a quick comment. bc is a Linux for more advanced calculations in bash. General, it should be installed on your machine. Otherwise install it.
Thanks for your comment. I tested on a naive Ubuntu platform and did not notice 'bc' command. It could save me lot of effort if I know this at that time.

Last edited by random_ran; October 6, 2018 at 13:07.
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