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Trying to validate fvDOM and view factors methods

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Old   June 12, 2015, 05:03
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Hi Alex,

did you ever tried to change the number of rays for your fvDOM calculation?
In your posted radiationProperties i can see your nPhi is 3 and your nTheta is 5, that's ok but that will not give you a uniformly field of rays.
nPhi are the number of rays over 90° azimuthal
nTheta over 180° polar
So if you want to solve the field equidistant it is more useful to take 2*nPhi for the nTheta value.
When you rise the number of rays the failure you make by simplify the radiation field with a definite number of rays will decrease.

The other question is: why do you have defined G?
The G BC is only used in the P1 model.
IDefault is for fvDOM an Qr for viewFactor model.
The generated fields differ to that.

best regards

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Old   June 12, 2015, 09:11
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Originally Posted by RobinZ View Post
Hi Alex,

did you ever tried to change the number of rays for your fvDOM calculation?
In your posted radiationProperties i can see your nPhi is 3 and your nTheta is 5, that's ok but that will not give you a uniformly field of rays.
nPhi are the number of rays over 90° azimuthal
nTheta over 180° polar
So if you want to solve the field equidistant it is more useful to take 2*nPhi for the nTheta value.
When you rise the number of rays the failure you make by simplify the radiation field with a definite number of rays will decrease.

The other question is: why do you have defined G?
The G BC is only used in the P1 model.
IDefault is for fvDOM an Qr for viewFactor model.
The generated fields differ to that.

best regards

Hi Robin,

Thanks for your insight and your advices.

Some days ago I found that chosing an odd number of nTheta provokes an unexpected behavior in the radiation calculation. See a deep analysis here and feel free to respond if you have some knowledge on the matter.

With regard to the definition of G in the fvDOM, I didn't know it was not necessary to define it! I have always done it because I started my fvDOM calculations with the "hotRadiationRoomFvDOM" tutorial under "tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam" and, if you take a look into that case, you will see that G is also specified... Besides that, if you execute the following command in the terminal:
find $FOAM_TUTORIALS -iname "rad*prop*" | xargs grep -il fvdom
you will see all the tutorials that use fvDOM in the radiation calculation. You can check that all tutorials shown have G defined but only one ("flameSpreadWaterSuppressionPanel") that it doesn't. However, after I read your advise about the unnecessity to define G when using fvDOM, I immediately ran a simple test case (the same that is uploaded in the link above) without G and the results were exactly the same that I obtained with G. Thus, it makes no difference to define G or not...

Best regards,

Web site where I present my Master's Thesis:

The case I talk about in this site was solved with chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam solver and involves radiation. Some basic tutorials are also resolved step by step in the web. If you are interested in these matters, you are invited to come in!
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Old   June 12, 2015, 10:07
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First of all it's an interesting behaviour of the fvDOM model you have in your Case.
I never tried to use a odd number for nTheta. I always tried to have the same angles of polar and azimuthal between the rays, so nTheta=2*nPhi like i've mentioned before.

Then to the G BC topic. I know it is often specified in the tutorials, but when you look in the code of viewFactor.C or fvDOM.C you will see that G don't have to be specified.
You already seen that by running your Case without the G BC.

To your Case how fine is your grid?
I've seen a paper in which is mentioned, that the grid spacing have an enourmous influence on the quality of the radiation results. I've attached a .png from the paper.
So i think you can make your results better by increasing the number of rays and decreasing your grid spacing.

Finally i have an own question on the viewFactor model.
In the radiationProperties you can specify the viewFactorCoeffs.
I don't find the influence(if there is one) of constantEmissivity. I run some testcases and i see no difference if i set it false or true.
I already checked the source code of viewFactor.C and .H but for now in which i can see there is no difference for calculating the radiation in the end.

Best regards

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Old   June 12, 2015, 10:35
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Thanks for the information about the grid spacing. Is that paper written in german? If the answer is no, can you please attach it here?

Regarding the question related to the view factors I can't help you much for now...
Web site where I present my Master's Thesis:

The case I talk about in this site was solved with chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam solver and involves radiation. Some basic tutorials are also resolved step by step in the web. If you are interested in these matters, you are invited to come in!
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Old   June 12, 2015, 10:45
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The answer is yes it is written in german.
That's why i did not posted it in my last reply. Sorry.
I will open a new thread for my question on the viewFactor model.
Hopefully someone else have more experience with this model and is able to answer my question.
Good luck for your case, perhaps my annotations will help you.

best regards

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Old   May 23, 2018, 09:46
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Dear olivier,

If you chould share your validation case of S2S and DO on this website?

Best regards,

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Old   July 24, 2018, 15:45
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Originally Posted by RobinZ View Post
Finally i have an own question on the viewFactor model.
In the radiationProperties you can specify the viewFactorCoeffs.
I don't find the influence(if there is one) of constantEmissivity. I run some testcases and i see no difference if i set it false or true.
I already checked the source code of viewFactor.C and .H but for now in which i can see there is no difference for calculating the radiation in the end.
ViewFactor radiation solves linear system Ax=b where normally (static geometry and constant emissivity) only b can change over iterations. So that you can decompose A into LU only once at the very beginning and solve the system with back substitution at every iteration. If A is not constant you have to do LU decomposition at every iteration which is not good performancewise. You might have not seen any difference between on and off because your simulation model was rather small and LU decomposition didn't affect performance that much.
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Old   June 8, 2021, 08:26
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I had a similar problem and found the solution recently. I am sharing it in this thread so that people can check it out.

Both the viewFactor model and the fvDOM model create fields named G and qr. You have to be very aware of this, as the fvDOM, in its initial conditions, does not require qr, but viewFactors does.

In case of including qr in the initial conditions (folder 0) for the fvDOM case, the calculations will be WRONG (likely).

That happened to me. I copied the case with viewFactors to the fvDOM case, adding only the boundary conditions corresponding to IDefault. By not removing qr. In this way, boundary conditions for qr were being imposed that prevented fvDOM from reaching the good result.

Also watch out for G.
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Old   August 25, 2021, 02:48
Bushra Rasheed
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Hi! I am trying to use fvDOM to simulate UV radiations. Can anyone guide if we can define wavelength band in fvDOM? I know there is nLambda in code of fvDOM but I don't know how do we define it in radiationProperties in constant folder.

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Old   August 25, 2021, 03:46
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Take a look to :

If it is not suitable for you, try to implement a new absorptionEmissionModel to be in the range of UV.

Another option is modifying fvDOM. Create a new emissor different from BlackBody emission
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Old   August 25, 2021, 03:57
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Originally Posted by B_R_Khan View Post
Hi! I am trying to use fvDOM to simulate UV radiations. Can anyone guide if we can define wavelength band in fvDOM? I know there is nLambda in code of fvDOM but I don't know how do we define it in radiationProperties in constant folder.

I am not an expert, but I would try to modify fvDOM creating a new emissor different from BlackBodyemission. In this way you can adjust the emission band to the UV.

Another option would be modifying the emissivity. Take a look to:
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Old   August 25, 2021, 05:16
Bushra Rasheed
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Originally Posted by keitaro7_14 View Post
I am not an expert, but I would try to modify fvDOM creating a new emissor different from BlackBodyemission. In this way you can adjust the emission band to the UV.

Another option would be modifying the emissivity. Take a look to:
Thanks for quick reply!

There will not be any obstacle so I can turn off absorption. I just need a boundary emitting UV rays. Does that still need modifying blackBodyEmissions?
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Old   August 25, 2021, 06:07
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Originally Posted by B_R_Khan View Post
Thanks for quick reply!

There will not be any obstacle so I can turn off absorption. I just need a boundary emitting UV rays. Does that still need modifying blackBodyEmissions?
The correct way would be to modify the emissivity to be temperature and wavelength dependent. The issue is that it is not clear to me how to do it. I should study the code more deeply.

I am practically certain that the correct way is creating a new BC for your emitting surface, similar to

Obviously, your surface could be diffusive but not grey and emissivity depends on temperature and wavelength.

For that reason I proposed you the "hack" of changing the blackBodyEmission instead of creating a new BC. It's not at all the ideal way, but my mind is not capable of anything else at the moment. I think it could work.
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Old   August 25, 2021, 08:58
Bushra Rasheed
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Originally Posted by keitaro7_14 View Post
The correct way would be to modify the emissivity to be temperature and wavelength dependent. The issue is that it is not clear to me how to do it. I should study the code more deeply.

I am practically certain that the correct way is creating a new BC for your emitting surface, similar to

Obviously, your surface could be diffusive but not grey and emissivity depends on temperature and wavelength.

For that reason I proposed you the "hack" of changing the blackBodyEmission instead of creating a new BC. It's not at all the ideal way, but my mind is not capable of anything else at the moment. I think it could work.
Thank You for your valuable insights. One thing more that I need to ask, do you know which tutorial utilizes wideBand model?
Also, fvDOM source code mentions nLambda but it is not asked from user or calculated anywhere else in the code. Do you know how does openfoam calculate nLmabda in fvDOM?
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chtmultiregion, fvdom, radiation, thermal baffles, viewfactor

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