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Change MotorBike Tutorial to Water

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Old   January 7, 2015, 21:57
Default Change MotorBike Tutorial to Water
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Connor Anderson
Join Date: Jan 2015
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Hi All,

This is my first post on this forum, so thanks in advance for your help!

I'm working on a project where I'm designing some hydrofoils that will be traveling underwater under a sailboat. I'm trying to perform an analysis of the lift/drag characteristics of various models of foils.

For starters, I tried using the already existing motorBike tutorial, but replacing the geometry with my own, updating the initial conditions for a new velocity, updating transportProperties to change Nu, and lastly updating blockMesh to accommodate the size of my foil. However, when I run the program, it meshes beautifully, but freezes once it gets to the iteration 20 (or whatever value I set the writeInterval constant to in controlDict). When I change the fluid properties back to air, the solver can finish running, but modifying Nu seems to prevent the solver from finishing the case.

My question to the OpenFOAM community is this, how would you go about updating the motorBike tutorial for water? I believe that I lack the openFOAM knowledge to make my current case work, so I would love to start from scratch and hear someone's step-by-step analysis of what would need to change in the control files.

Thank you!
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foil, hydrodynamics, hydrofoil, openfoam, water

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