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Unexpected fail in mass conservation in ACMI case

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Old   December 12, 2015, 08:03
Default Unexpected fail in mass conservation in ACMI case
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Dear all,

I'm working on a case which consists in a mini-gear pump. The geometry is divided into two parts, the pump body (static part) and the gear profiles (moving part). I am currently still trying to perform some static simulations, but I have noticed a problem which I'm trying to solve. All the simulation seems to be running properly, but there's an unbalance between the phi at the inlet and outlet. I mean, is entering more fluid that is leaving the mechanism. Specifically, when these values are stabilized, the difference is around the 17%.
I've carried out the static simulation without the gear profiles (only the pump body) and everything runs o.k. The mass is conserved every time step (as is expected, I think). So, I've though that the error comes from the ACMI preparation. I've followed this like in the oscilatingInletACMI2D tutorial. Also, I've already tried several changes in my case in order to find where's the error such as changing tolerance values in fvSolution. But I'm not able to find what's happening with the loss of mass. I've checked the phi in the rest of patches and is 0, or almost 0 in the case of couple patches. But in any case the 17% phi difference. Has anyone find a similar situation working with the combination ACMI + rotative movement (pimpleDyMFoam) ? I've forgot to tell that I'm working with 2M cells more or less. I've also tried to increase the number of cells (7,5M) but the problem is remaining. So it's neither the origin of the problem. Has anyone any idea? Thank you very much in advance.

I've attached the boundary conditions files (0), and fvSchemes and fvSolution. OFVersion: 2.3.1





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acmi, failed mass conservation, mass conservation

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