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Foam::error::printStack(Foam::Ostream&) with pimpleFoam of OF1612 on Cluster |
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January 18, 2018, 14:23 |
Foam::error::printStack(Foam::Ostream&) with pimpleFoam of OF1612 on Cluster
#1 |
Join Date: Jul 2014
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Hello everybody,
I had been testing a case with wavy channel by a self-installed (no sudo right) OF1612 on my Uni's cluster. The calculation had been running well but terminated unexpectedly at one time step (Time = 15.4823) with following error message: Code:
[44] #0 Foam::error::printStack(Foam::Ostream&) addr2line failed [44] #1 Foam::sigFpe::sigHandler(int) addr2line failed [44] #2 ? addr2line failed [44] #3 Foam::FaceCellWave<Foam::wallPointYPlus, int>::updateFace(int, Foam::wallPointYPlus const&, double, Foam::wallPointYPlus&) addr2line failed [44] #4 Foam::FaceCellWave<Foam::wallPointYPlus, int>::mergeFaceInfo(Foam::polyPatch const&, int, Foam::List<int> const&, Foam::List<Foam::wallPointYPlus> const&) addr2line failed [44] #5 Foam::FaceCellWave<Foam::wallPointYPlus, int>::handleProcPatches() addr2line failed [44] #6 Foam::FaceCellWave<Foam::wallPointYPlus, int>::cellToFace() addr2line failed [44] #7 Foam::FaceCellWave<Foam::wallPointYPlus, int>::FaceCellWave(Foam::polyMesh const&, Foam::List<int> const&, Foam::List<Foam::wallPointYPlus> const&, Foam::UList<Foam::wallPointYPlus>&, Foam::UList<Foam::wallPointYPlus>&, int, int&) addr2line failed [44] #8 Foam::patchDataWave<Foam::wallPointYPlus>::correct() addr2line failed [44] #9 Foam::patchDataWave<Foam::wallPointYPlus>::patchDataWave(Foam::polyMesh const&, Foam::HashSet<int, Foam::Hash<int> > const&, Foam::UPtrList<Foam::Field<double> > const&, bool) addr2line failed [44] #10 Foam::wallDistData<Foam::wallPointYPlus>::correct() addr2line failed [44] #11 Foam::wallDistData<Foam::wallPointYPlus>::wallDistData(Foam::fvMesh const&, Foam::GeometricField<double, Foam::fvPatchField, Foam::volMesh>&, bool) addr2line failed [44] #12 Foam::LESModels::vanDriestDelta::calcDelta() addr2line failed [44] #13 Foam::LESModels::Smagorinsky<Foam::IncompressibleTurbulenceModel<Foam::transportModel> >::correct() addr2line failed [44] #14 ? [44] #15 __libc_start_main addr2line failed [44] #16 ? Code:
Time = 15.4822 PIMPLE: iteration 1 DILUPBiCG: Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 0.000556487, Final residual = 2.12262e-06, No Iterations 1 DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.00596978, Final residual = 9.37667e-07, No Iterations 2 DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.00639191, Final residual = 9.79846e-07, No Iterations 2 Pressure gradient source: uncorrected Ubar = 0.3, pressure gradient = 0.173112 DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.0201665, Final residual = 0.000198046, No Iterations 22 time step continuity errors : sum local = 4.22849e-09, global = 6.70099e-15, cumulative = -7.63734e-11 Pressure gradient source: uncorrected Ubar = 0.3, pressure gradient = 0.173323 DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.00155507, Final residual = 9.92083e-07, No Iterations 219 time step continuity errors : sum local = 2.28596e-11, global = 6.70113e-15, cumulative = -7.63667e-11 Pressure gradient source: uncorrected Ubar = 0.3, pressure gradient = 0.173316 ExecutionTime = 35366.4 s ClockTime = 35563 s fieldAverage fieldAverage1 write: Calculating averages Courant Number mean: 0.0786736 max: 0.345867 Time = 15.4823 PIMPLE: iteration 1 DILUPBiCG: Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 0.000556473, Final residual = 2.12284e-06, No Iterations 1 DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.00596983, Final residual = 9.38263e-07, No Iterations 2 DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.0063918, Final residual = 9.82205e-07, No Iterations 2 Pressure gradient source: uncorrected Ubar = 0.3, pressure gradient = 0.173062 DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.02018, Final residual = 0.000195317, No Iterations 23 time step continuity errors : sum local = 4.17008e-09, global = 6.77215e-15, cumulative = -7.63599e-11 Pressure gradient source: uncorrected Ubar = 0.3, pressure gradient = 0.173276 DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.00155713, Final residual = 9.79816e-07, No Iterations 192 time step continuity errors : sum local = 2.27268e-11, global = 6.77206e-15, cumulative = -7.63531e-11 Pressure gradient source: uncorrected Ubar = 0.3, pressure gradient = 0.173274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A process has executed an operation involving a call to the "fork()" system call to create a child process. Open MPI is currently operating in a condition that could result in memory corruption or other system errors; your job may hang, crash, or produce silent data corruption. The use of fork() (or system() or other calls that create child processes) is strongly discouraged. The process that invoked fork was: Local host: [[60763,1],44] (PID 115663) If you are *absolutely sure* that your application will successfully and correctly survive a call to fork(), you may disable this warning by setting the mpi_warn_on_fork MCA parameter to 0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [node087:01306] *** Process received signal *** [node087:01307] *** Process received signal *** [node087:01309] *** Process received signal *** [node087:01311] *** Process received signal *** [node087:01312] *** Process received signal *** [node087:01313] *** Process received signal *** [node087:01314] *** Process received signal *** [node087:01315] *** Process received signal *** [node087:01316] *** Process received signal *** [node087:01317] *** Process received signal *** [node087:01319] *** Process received signal *** [node087:01320] *** Process received signal *** [node087:115663] *** Process received signal *** [node087:115663] Signal: Floating point exception (8) [node087:115663] Signal code: (-6) [node087:115663] Failing at address: 0xbfec0001c3cf [node087:115663] [ 0] /lib64/libc.so.6[0x3e13632660] [node087:115663] [ 1] /lib64/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x35)[0x3e136325e5] [node087:115663] [ 2] /lib64/libc.so.6[0x3e13632660] [node087:115663] [ 3] /mnt/nfs2/engdes/ys92/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1612+/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/libturbulenceModels.so(_ZN4Foam12FaceCellWaveINS_14wallPointYPlusEiE10updateFaceEiRKS1_dRS1_+0x6f)[0x2aaaaab7201f] [node087:115663] [ 4] /mnt/nfs2/engdes/ys92/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1612+/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/libturbulenceModels.so(_ZN4Foam12FaceCellWaveINS_14wallPointYPlusEiE13mergeFaceInfoERKNS_9polyPatchEiRKNS_4ListIiEERKNS6_IS1_EE+0xe9)[0x2aaaaab722a9] [node087:115663] [ 5] /mnt/nfs2/engdes/ys92/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1612+/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/libturbulenceModels.so(_ZN4Foam12FaceCellWaveINS_14wallPointYPlusEiE17handleProcPatchesEv+0x457)[0x2aaaaab79957] [node087:115663] [ 6] /mnt/nfs2/engdes/ys92/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1612+/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/libturbulenceModels.so(_ZN4Foam12FaceCellWaveINS_14wallPointYPlusEiE10cellToFaceEv+0x568)[0x2aaaaab7a1d8] [node087:115663] [ 7] /mnt/nfs2/engdes/ys92/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1612+/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/libturbulenceModels.so(_ZN4Foam12FaceCellWaveINS_14wallPointYPlusEiEC2ERKNS_8polyMeshERKNS_4ListIiEERKNS6_IS1_EERNS_5UListIS1_EESF_iRi+0x40a)[0x2aaaaab7a66a] [node087:115663] [ 8] /mnt/nfs2/engdes/ys92/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1612+/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/libturbulenceModels.so(_ZN4Foam13patchDataWaveINS_14wallPointYPlusEE7correctEv+0xc8)[0x2aaaaab7aae8] [node087:115663] [ 9] /mnt/nfs2/engdes/ys92/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1612+/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/libturbulenceModels.so(_ZN4Foam13patchDataWaveINS_14wallPointYPlusEEC2ERKNS_8polyMeshERKNS_7HashSetIiNS_4HashIiEEEERKNS_8UPtrListINS_5FieldIdEEEEb+0x154)[0x2aaaaab7af94] [node087:115663] [10] /mnt/nfs2/engdes/ys92/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1612+/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/libturbulenceModels.so(_ZN4Foam12wallDistDataINS_14wallPointYPlusEE7correctEv+0x153)[0x2aaaaab7b1b3] [node087:115663] [11] /mnt/nfs2/engdes/ys92/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1612+/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/libturbulenceModels.so(_ZN4Foam12wallDistDataINS_14wallPointYPlusEEC2ERKNS_6fvMeshERNS_14GeometricFieldIdNS_12fvPatchFieldENS_7volMeshEEEb+0x1a4)[0x2aaaaab7b6d4] [node087:115663] [12] /mnt/nfs2/engdes/ys92/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1612+/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/libturbulenceModels.so(_ZN4Foam9LESModels14vanDriestDelta9calcDeltaEv+0x539)[0x2aaaaab6d889] [node087:115663] [13] /mnt/nfs2/engdes/ys92/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1612+/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/libincompressibleTurbulenceModels.so(_ZN4Foam9LESModels11SmagorinskyINS_29IncompressibleTurbulenceModelINS_14transportModelEEEE7correctEv+0x1b)[0x2aaaab0d7bbb] [node087:115663] [14] pimpleFoam[0x426834] [node087:115663] [15] /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xfd)[0x3e1361ed1d] [node087:115663] [16] pimpleFoam[0x42739d] [node087:115663] *** End of error message *** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mpirun noticed that process rank 44 with PID 115663 on node node087 exited on signal 8 (Floating point exception). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may have noticed, the output in the attached log (for the first termination at T = 15.1755) is different from the log output above (for the second termination at T = 15.4823), this indicates the two terminations might be due to different reasons, but I can't tell without the error message of the first termination, shame... I have done some researches in the forum and got some initial thoughts about the error message:
I think the problem was not caused by bad boundary conditions or division of 0, as the case had been running for quite a long time and the continuity errors at the last time step before the termination was at a fairly low level.
The problem seems to point to a file called "FaceCellWave.C". However, when I open the file and go to the updateFace method, I can't really find anything which can cause FPE (maybe because I am not familiar with the code). The method reads:I re-submitted the job yesterday with the data written at Time = 15.48 to continue the simulation, since then no error has occurred and it now reaches Time = 16.5. So, I have no clue about what exact the problem was and how did it cause the termination. Can anybody give me some hints? BTW, The controlDict, fvSchemes and fvSolution files are included in my another thread in pimpleFoam in OF1612 shows same time step twice in log file Many thanks, Yeru |
January 22, 2018, 07:54 |
#2 |
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: UK
Posts: 36
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Anyone has any idea about above error message?
January 22, 2018, 08:01 |
#3 |
Senior Member
Uwe Pilz
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Leipzig, Germany
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It would be easier for us to answer if you describe your case here, perhaps with some sketches. It is contained in your file, of course, but we had to analyze it first.
Please explain your b.c. too.
Uwe Pilz -- Die der Hauptbewegung überlagerte Schwankungsbewegung ist in ihren Einzelheiten so hoffnungslos kompliziert, daß ihre theoretische Berechnung aussichtslos erscheint. (Hermann Schlichting, 1950) |
January 22, 2018, 11:58 |
#4 |
Join Date: Jul 2014
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Hey Uwe,
The case is a fairly standard wavy channel test case with the geometry attached. It has a periodic inlet and outlet, the wavy wall and side wall are no-slip. On the wall, U and nut are 0, and p is zero gradient. I think the BC is same as the channel395 tutorial case. Thanks, Yeru |
January 22, 2018, 12:58 |
#5 |
Senior Member
Uwe Pilz
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Leipzig, Germany
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How do you set the periodic b.c. for pressure and velocity?
Uwe Pilz -- Die der Hauptbewegung überlagerte Schwankungsbewegung ist in ihren Einzelheiten so hoffnungslos kompliziert, daß ihre theoretische Berechnung aussichtslos erscheint. (Hermann Schlichting, 1950) |
January 22, 2018, 13:06 |
#6 |
Join Date: Jul 2014
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I just follow what channel395 did.
For p: Code:
boundaryField { WAVYTOPWALL { type zeroGradient; } WAVYBOTTOMWALL { type zeroGradient; } SIDEWALL { type zeroGradient; } inlet { type cyclic; } outlet { type cyclic; } } Code:
boundaryField { WAVYTOPWALL { type fixedValue; value uniform (0 0 0); } WAVYBOTTOMWALL { type fixedValue; value uniform (0 0 0); } SIDEWALL { type fixedValue; value uniform (0 0 0); } inlet { type cyclic; } outlet { type cyclic; } } |
January 23, 2018, 09:19 |
#7 |
Senior Member
Uwe Pilz
Join Date: Feb 2017
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The changes of the channel flow with it's overall cyclic b.c. does not contain from the boundary conditions but from the initial conditions. They have to be physical correct. It may happen, for instance, that the pressure difference does not fit the flow or that the velocity "generates" or "loses" volume. All of this would lead to a crash.
Uwe Pilz -- Die der Hauptbewegung überlagerte Schwankungsbewegung ist in ihren Einzelheiten so hoffnungslos kompliziert, daß ihre theoretische Berechnung aussichtslos erscheint. (Hermann Schlichting, 1950) |
January 24, 2018, 09:30 |
#8 |
Join Date: Jul 2014
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Hi Uwe,
I am sorry that I don't really understand your point on cyclic BC, do you mean the cyclic BC is just a initial condition rather than a BC for complete duration of simulation? Also, if the pressure difference doesn't fit the flow, I suppose the error of p or U will become large, but my case doesn't like that, as shown in the log file above, the error of p and U are very small. Do you know if there is any other thing can cause such termination as I encountered? Regards, Yeru |
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