February 4, 2023, 13:51
Pressure become suddenly unsteady when using rhoSimpleFOAM
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Originally Posted by Sakun
I am trying to replicate isentropic mach number graph as shown in the attached picture(research paper link is attached) and i am using rhoSimpleFOAM to validate this case since paper has validated using RANS.
Basically velocity is developed using total and static pressure difference in INLET (115775) and OUTLET (97251) respectively and i am running the simulation using ESI version of openfoam v2122.
Problem occurs when the developed flow is about exit the OUTLET, such as pressure become unsteady and continuity error increased but simulation doesn’t diverge.
Research paper link :
Pictures of the openFOAM case file :
I can share the case file upon on request and would like to post openFOAM files as well.
Can someone help me to overcome this issue, i have been stuck on this case for 7 months now
Highly appreciate your time, please help me.
Hello Foamers,
I made a post about my simulation case that pressure become unsteady out of nowhere. I highly appriciate ,if someone could help me to solve this
Thank you,