March 15, 2023, 07:19
solver selection and setup: particles in air flow
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Join Date: Mar 2023
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Hi everybody,
I am interested in a simulation of particles in an air flow. As a starting point, I have used the cyclone tutorial case which seemed quite close to my case.
Actually I only need a drag force from the air motion and additionally gravitation on the physics side. I am interested in the behavior (loss at the outlet or inlet) of different particle sizes for evaluation. Also simulating few monodisperse particles in several simulations would be fine and probably easier to evaluate than getting a histogram of the lost particle size distribution.
Is the denseParticleFoam solver the right choice here (I do not need particle-particle interaction!)? In the paper with DOI 10.1080/19942060.2015.1104266, others seem to have used pimpleLPTbubbleFoam instead.
thanks for any advice!
openfoam 10 (20221128) on ubuntu 18.04
Last edited by thi-gs; March 15, 2023 at 07:24.
Reason: missing version