October 29, 2023, 00:59
OpenFOAM_interfoam_hole at top
Join Date: Feb 2023
Posts: 80
Rep Power: 3
Hi All, I am using the interFoam multiphase solver for air-water flow inside a pipe. Everything is running fine but when I am trying to introduce a hole at the top of the 3d pipe for some air to come in it is producing a floating point error after some time. Actually I wanted to introduce a hole at the top of the pipe and designated it as outlet(similar BCs as the real outlet at the end of the pipe). My BCs are: inlet-vel intlet pure water, walls-no slip, real outlet-pressureinletoutletvelocity and a small circular section on top of pipe on the walls(I created this mesh (and named selections) in ansys and converted it to Openfoam format) which I gave the same BCs as real outlet as I wanted it to behave as the actual outlet. I just want some air to come in from the top of the pipe in addition to from the actual outlet at the end. Can someone please give me suggestions why its producing an error??
Many Thanks.