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Interfoam Droplet under shear test case

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Old   January 25, 2009, 22:52
Default Hi Everyone, I am in the pr
Adam Donaldson
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Hi Everyone,

I am in the process of validating an alternative multiphase solver, and one of my test cases has been giving me some problems.

To determine if the issue was related to my solver, or the case, I have tried solving it using interFoam (and interDyMFoam). Alas, I obtain the same incorrect results. I was hoping someone might be able to shed some light on the problem.

In the classical droplet under shear case, a Capillary number of 0.1 should result in a deformation parameter, D=(L-S)/(L+S) = 0.109375, where L and S are the longest and shortest radii in the shear plane. Interfoam and my new solver both give a value of D = 1.68 (give or take). This is significantly higher than expected. When I try the case with a higher capillary number (0.3), the droplet doesn't reach a steady state (It eventually elongates and breaks)

I am working on a 3D grid, 128x64x128, with dimensions of [-4 to 4],[-2 to 2], [-4 to 4]. A droplet with radius = 1 is placed in the center of the domain. The top and bottom boundaries are walls, where the top has an imposed velocity of +4 in the x direction, while the bottom has a velocity of -4 in the negative x direction. The remainder of the velocity field is initialized with Ux = Z (i.e. a shear rate of 1).

The two boundaries on the left and right are cyclic, and the front and back are set to zero-gradient for all variables.

Both fluids have a density of 4 kg/m3, and a viscosity of 1 kg/ms (0.25 m2/s). The surface tension is = 10 kg/s2. Under these conditions, the Capillary number for the droplet is = 0.1.

If anyone has successfully completed this test case using interFoam, I would love to hear from you with details on how you set the case up, and what you think might be causing the shear stress to be poorly accounted for.
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Old   July 10, 2009, 16:54
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I am trying to solve the exact problem. I am not sure if you have met with any success. I was able to get something done for a 2D case with some accuracy, i.e., 1 cell in the z direction. I also found this over estimation issue. For a 2D it is not that bad. I am trying to set up a 3D case but am getting into problems while running it. Check my other latest post today.
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Old   July 10, 2009, 16:57
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You should try the inflow-outflow condition on the left and right face instead of the cyclic boundary conditions. This might be the problem.
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Old   May 3, 2010, 19:46
Join Date: Nov 2009
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farhagim is on a distinguished road
Hello sir,

I am a new user in openfoam.. I want to simulate the droplet which falls on surface ( solid or liquid ). Could you please help me and tell me how do i have to define a droplet in openFoam and which solver do i have to use...

I would also be so grateful if you can help me simulate the one that u done.



Originally Posted by adona058 View Post
Hi Everyone,

I am in the process of validating an alternative multiphase solver, and one of my test cases has been giving me some problems.

To determine if the issue was related to my solver, or the case, I have tried solving it using interFoam (and interDyMFoam). Alas, I obtain the same incorrect results. I was hoping someone might be able to shed some light on the problem.

In the classical droplet under shear case, a Capillary number of 0.1 should result in a deformation parameter, D=(L-S)/(L+S) = 0.109375, where L and S are the longest and shortest radii in the shear plane. Interfoam and my new solver both give a value of D = 1.68 (give or take). This is significantly higher than expected. When I try the case with a higher capillary number (0.3), the droplet doesn't reach a steady state (It eventually elongates and breaks)

I am working on a 3D grid, 128x64x128, with dimensions of [-4 to 4],[-2 to 2], [-4 to 4]. A droplet with radius = 1 is placed in the center of the domain. The top and bottom boundaries are walls, where the top has an imposed velocity of +4 in the x direction, while the bottom has a velocity of -4 in the negative x direction. The remainder of the velocity field is initialized with Ux = Z (i.e. a shear rate of 1).

The two boundaries on the left and right are cyclic, and the front and back are set to zero-gradient for all variables.

Both fluids have a density of 4 kg/m3, and a viscosity of 1 kg/ms (0.25 m2/s). The surface tension is = 10 kg/s2. Under these conditions, the Capillary number for the droplet is = 0.1.

If anyone has successfully completed this test case using interFoam, I would love to hear from you with details on how you set the case up, and what you think might be causing the shear stress to be poorly accounted for.
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