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Question about parallel processing

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Old   December 20, 2022, 13:28
Default Question about parallel processing
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Join Date: Nov 2022
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cegan09 is on a distinguished road
I hope it's ok to ask here, the question relates to a few portions of the process, so I didn't know which sub section to throw it in.

I'm new to openFOAM, just starting to wrap my head around it. I have my setup successfully splitting a job up to run on multiple CPU cores through the decomposeParDict configuration. However, I had hoped this would allow me to run two simulations at the same time by assigning each of them half my cores and it doesn't seem to work that way. My virtual machine has 24 cores assigned, I have 16 running the first job, and when I try to run the second job with 8 cores, it seems to just pick cores 0-7 and overlap with the job assigned cores 0-15.

I have searched, but not had much luck finding an answer. Is there a way to specify the cores I want each job to use? Meaning is there a way to force the second job to use Cores 16-23?

If I missed the answer somewhere obvious I apologize.

Also, I know my example above doesn't evenly split the cores between the two jobs. I'd assigned 16 when verifying that the simulations even run, and now I'm just trying to figure out the part of running both at once.
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