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Could Somebody Please Explain Doxygen to me

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Old   March 24, 2011, 09:35
Default Could Somebody Please Explain Doxygen to me
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: UK
Posts: 41
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dandalf is on a distinguished road
Hi all, I'm still relatively new to Open Foam. (And Linux generaly for that matter).

I have been having trouble figuring out what the input requirements are for the various patch types in the Open Foam Dictionaries.

Several sites have mentioned the use of Doxygen to create a users manual from the code. Unfortunately years of being a slave to Windows has left me unable to fathom how to use the doxygen comands.

For example If i wish to learn more about a open foam library how do I generate a corresponding doxygen pdf file.

The acceptable command seems to be
doxygen -w latex headerFile styleSheetFile [configFile]
However I don't know what the various parts mean.

Doxygen version 1.6.3
CAELinux 2010
I would apreciate any help you can give

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