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October 16, 2001, 05:12 |
PHI file structure
#1 |
Posts: n/a
Hi All! Where I can find !full! description of PHI file? Eugene
October 16, 2001, 07:45 |
Re: PHI file structure
#2 |
Posts: n/a
1. Format of the PHI(DA) file
The PHI(DA) file created by EARTH ver 3.1 can be divided into three parts: * header with some general information; * fields of stored variables grouped by domains; and * the block of auxiliary information normally used only for an EARTH restart. Depending on the settings in the section [Compression] of the CHAM.INI file, EARTH can use compression when writing the PHI file. The direct-access PHIDA file is created using records of a fixed length, thus it is impossible to apply compression. The compression algorithm is described in more detail in the appropriate document. The PHI(DA) file is structured as follows: A. PHI(DA) file header ------------------------------------------------------ Record | Data written to PHI file ------------------------------------------------------- 1. | ( MESS(I),I=1,10 ), ( CTMP(I),I=1,5 ) 2. | CARTES, ONEPHS, BFC.OR.LSG59, XCYCLE, CCM.OR.CCV, LCMPRS 3. | NX, NY, NZ, NPHI, DEN1, DEN2, EPOR, NPOR, HPOR, VPOR, | LENREC, NUMBLK, NMATST, NFMAK1 4. | RINNER, FLOAT(NPRPHI), FLOAT(NCSPAT), FLOAT(NFMAK2), | FLOAT(IDMAT1), FLOAT(IDMAT2) 5. | ( NAME(I),I=1,NPHI ) 6. | ( F(KXXU+I),I=1,NX ) 7. | ( F(KYYV+I),I=1,NY ) 8. | ( F(KZZW+I),I=1,NZ ) 9. | Either (F(KZZW+I),I=1,NZ), or (F(KZP+I),I=1,NZ) if KZP.NE.0 10. | ( LWORK(I),I=1,NPHI ) B. Fields of stored variables grouped by domains ------------------------------------------------------- Record | Data written to PHI file ------------------------------------------------------ Domain header for the 2nd, 3rd, etc. domains DO IDMN= 1, NUMDMN IF(IDMN.GT.1) THEN 11m NXDMN(IDMN), NYDMN(IDMN), NZDMN(IDMN) 12m ( F(ICLCR(IDMN,3)+I),I=1,NXDMN(IDMN) ) 13m ( F(ICLCR(IDMN,1)+I),I=1,NYDMN(IDMN) ) 14m ( F(ICLCR(IDMN,5)+I),I=1,NZDMN(IDMN) ) 15m ( F(ICLSZ(IDMN,3)+I),I=1,NXDMN(IDMN) ) 16m ( F(ICLSZ(IDMN,1)+I),I=1,NYDMN(IDMN) ) 17m ( F(ICLSZ(IDMN,5)+I),I=1,NZDMN(IDMN) ) 18m ( LFCLNG(IDMN,IDR),IDR=1,6 ) ENDIF Fields of stored variables in NXNY chunks DO IZ= 1,NZDMN(IDMN) DO MPHI= 1, NPHI IF(STORE(MPHI)) THEN 19. ( F(MPHI0+I),I=1,NXNYDMN(IDMN) ) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO C. Block of auxiliary infromation for EARTH restart. ---------------------------------------------------- Record| Data written to PHI file ------------------------------------------------- Property table IF(NPRPHI.GT.0) 20. ( F(NFMAK1+I),I=1,NPRPHI ) Header to provide "old" NFUSER and NFGMAK at restart 21. NFPWVT, NFUSER, NFGMAK Patch-wise variables look up table IF(NFPWVT.GT.0) 22. ( F(NFMAK1+NPRPHI+I),I=1,NFPWVT ) The NFUSER segment IF(NFUSER.GT.0) 23. ( F(NFMAK1+NPRPHI+NFPWVT+I),I=1,NFUSER ) Memory segment allocated by the user in GR(1,1) IF(NFGMAK.GT.0) 24. ( F(NFMAK1+NPRPHI+NFPWVT+NFUSER+I),I=1,NFGMAK ) Patch-wise variables IF(NFMAK2-(NFMAK1+NPRPHI+NFPWVT+NFUSER).GT.0) 25. ( F(NFMAK1+NPRPHI+NFPWVT+NFUSER+NFGMAK+I),I=1,NFTPWV ) ------------------------------------------------------ Note, that for the sequential access PHI file, records 1 and 5 are written using FORMAT(1X,19A4); records 2,10,18m are written using FORMAT(1X,79L1); record 3,11m and 21 are written using FORMAT(1X,7I10); record 4 is written using FORMAT(6(1PE13.6)). Other records are either compressed and then written as character strings with a variable length; or written using FORMAT(6(1PE13.6)). 2. Header of the PHI(DA) file ------------------------- The header of the PHI(DA) file consists of constants which provide additionalinformation necessary either for EARTH, or PHOTON to process the file. The latest version of the PHI(DA) file includes one more record which can be attributed to the header (record 21). The only reason why it appears at the bottom part of the PHI(DA) file, is due to the consideration of compatibility with earlier versions. Constants written into the header of the PHI(DA) file created by PHOENICS ver. 3.1 have the following meaning: ---------------------------------------------------- Ident. | Type | Meaning ---------------------------------------------------- MESS | CHARACTER*4 | Stores the run title (total 40 characters) CTMP | CHARACTER*4 | Stores version string (total 20 characters). | | Version number is retrieved from VER. CARTES | LOGICAL | See POLIS ONEPHS | LOGICAL | See POLIS BFC | LOGICAL | See POLIS XCYCLE | LOGICAL | See POLIS CCM | LOGICAL | See POLIS CCV | LOGICAL | See POLIS LCMPRS | LOGICAL | Set to TRUE for the compressed PHI file. | | Note, that if LCMPRS is TRUE, EARTH will | | read PHI file as compressed ignoring the | | setting in CHAM.INI Well known NX,NY,NZ,NPHI,DEN1,DEN2,EPOR,NPOR,HPOR,VPOR,LENREC , | | NUMBLK | INTEGER | NUMBLK number of domains (applicable to | | MBFGE and new multi-domain EARTH 3.0). NMATST | INTEGER | Number of entries (materials) into the | | property table. NFMAK1 | INTEGER | Starting index of the F-array segment | | written after dependent variables. RINNER | REAL | See POLIS Next three variables are in fact integers, but written as reals NPRPHI | INTEGER | Length of the property table NCSPAT | INTEGER | Control Sum for patches. It is compared to | | the that calculated at the restart to check | | for the PATCH consistency. NFMAK2 | INTEGER | End of the F-array segment written after the | | dependent variables IDMAT1 | IDMAT2 | Well known NAME, KXXU, KYYV, KZZW, KZP LWORK | LOGICAL | It is set as LWORK(I)= STORE(I).AND. | | ISLN(I).GT.0.AND.MOD(IPRN(I),5).EQ.0 ------------------------------------------------------ 3. Fields of stored variables grouped by domains ------------------------------------------------ The set of integer arrays describing domains, as well as the structure of the F-array allocated for domains are applicable only to the multi-domain EARTH version 3.0 and higher. The MBFGE approach to multi-domain problems is based on "carving" domains from a single grid, thus fields of stored variables must be dumped into the PHI(DA) file as for one domain. 4. Segment of F-array dumped into the PHI(DA) file ---------------------------------------------- This segment, sometimes referred to as the "user allocated" segment, is the part of the F-array between NFMAK1 and NFMAK2 (common block /GENI/). At present it incorporates the following memory groups: * The Property table; * Patch-wise variables look up table (details of the PWV look up table, as well as patch-wise storage can be found in the 'Patch-wise variables' document); * The NFUSER-segment is allocated by the direct call to the ADDL1 if NFUSER (common block /IDATA/ in 'satear') is greater than zero. It is up to the user to introduce a structure of that segment. * Memory segment allocated by the user in GR(1,1). This segment is the part of the F-array allocated by calls to the GXMAKE subroutine. * Patch-wise variables form a segment of the F-array, the structure of which is described by the PWV look up table. EARTH versions prior to 3.1 dumped the "user allocated" segment as a single chunk of the F-array. As a result, the information stored in that segment could be read in by EARTH at the restart only if the structure of the segment was exactly the same as that created for the original run. There are many situations when that structure is different at the restart. For example, an additional material entry, or even a new material, changes the length of the property table. Starting from the EARTH version 3.1, the "user allocated" segment is divided into parts according to the logical structure described above. Each part is written separately. This enabled to take from the PHI file at the restart as much information as possible, even if the structure of the segment is different. 5. Work performed with the PHI(DA) file in EARTH (background information) ---------------------------------- The PHI(DA) file is created in EARTH by the DUMP subroutine which resides in the file E2EAIO.FOR. Unfortunately, this FORTRAN file is not provided with the installation as it forms part of the PHOENICS EARTH source code, which is confidential. Normally DUMP is called from MAIN3, but it can be also called from the EXPST subroutine to provide intermediate files for the EXPERT system; and from DUMPS for the IDISPA-controlled dumps. EARTH reads the PHI(DA) file in the READFL subroutine (E2EAIO.FOR). READFL can be called to perform three distinctive jobs: A. Process the header of the PHI(DA) file, when called with MPHI=-1. That call is made from the INDX subroutine, right after the PHI(DA) file is open for reading which happens if at least for one variable FIINIT(MPHI)=READFI. First EARTH tests for the version of the PHI(DA) file. Files created by PHOENICS older than 3.0 are "old-formattted". Currently the test consists in the check for the presence of the version string in the first line of the file. If it is found that the file is in old format; OLDVER is set to TRUE. As a result only fields of stored variables will be read in. There is also a difference between versions 3.0 and 3.1. in the format of the "user segment" dumping. PHOENICS version 3.0 dumps that segment as a single chunk, while version 3.1 divides it into logical groups (see the description in paragraph 4). Thus if EARTH 3.1 encounters the PHI-file created by EARTH 3.0; only the property table is taken from the bottom of the PHI(DA)-file (RSTPRP is set to TRUE). At the second step EARTH carries out few more consistency checks on the PHI(DA) file, including the check whether it is compressed or not. If the file is compressed, but compression is OFF in CHAM.INI file, EARTH makes the initialization necessary to use the decompression. B. Read in the field of MPHI variable for a current slab. That is a group of calls made from the START subroutine. READFL is called to retrieve the field of a variable MPHI necessary for its initialization. Note, that starting from EARTH version 2.2.1, the order in which variables had been written into the PHI(DA) file can differ from the current order of variables. C. Read in the information stored at the bottom of the PHI(DA) file. This call to READFL is also done from the START. The purpose of this call is to read in the look up table of patch-wise variables; contents of the storage allocated by the user in Group 1 Section 1 at the previous run; contents of the NFUSER segment; and the fields of patch-wise variables. Note, that the property table, which is also stored at the bottom of the PHI(DA) file, is not processed by READFL. At restart it is either taken from the PHI file by the GETABL, or recreated by the SETABL and REDPRP subroutines. These subroutines are called from INDX. Before reading any segment from the file EARTH checks its length. If "old" and "new" lengths are the same the segment is read in. Note that no check of the segment internal structure is performed. |
October 18, 2001, 04:12 |
Re: PHI file structure
#3 |
Posts: n/a
Thanks a lot for this information. But I have some questions. I workin with 3.3 version Are there some difference in structure of Phi file? When I open information for 2nd, 3rd ... domains, there are 5 flags FFFFF - what is it? NUMDMN=NUMBLK? What is ICLCR(IDMN,3) and step 18m? Eugene
October 26, 2001, 09:28 |
Re: PHI file structure
#4 |
Posts: n/a
Dear Mike I have the same question with Eugene's. I can't fully understand the variable's meaning in part B and C, e.g. NXDMN(IDMN),NXNYDMN(IDMN) etc, where can I get their value in PHI,could you explain in detail? thanks very much.
November 2, 2001, 09:07 |
Re: PHI file structure
#5 |
Posts: n/a
The data for the 2nd, 3d domain, etc in PartB should only relevant if you are using the fine-grid embedding feature in VR. Please confirm this or otherwise, and state what type of CFD simulation you are making with PHOENICS?
November 2, 2001, 09:17 |
Re: PHI file structure
#6 |
Posts: n/a
If you only wnat to read the field variables from the PHI file, you don't need to bother with PartC. So don't read this part of the PHI file. For PartB, in most cases the fine-grid embedding feature is not used, and so NUMDMN=1. Therefore, the field variable sequence simply reduces to:
DO IZ = 1,NZ DO MPHI=1,NPHI IF(STORE(MPHI)) THEN F(MPHIO+I), I=1,NX*NY) ENDIF ENDDO Note that in PHOENICS V3.3 and earlier, there is a FORTRAN source file cond.for in phoenics/d_utils/d_cond that reads the phi file, allows the user to remove selected field variables, and then writes a new file. This may be useful for providing guidance on how to write your own program for reading the PHI file. Finally, users want to read the PHI file for different reasons, but if it is merely to process the results and output information such as Nusselt number, normalised or scaled field variables, integral parameters, etc, then it is easier to do it from GROUNDm provided that one is prepared to spend a little time learning how to use GROUND. |
November 2, 2001, 11:33 |
Re: PHI file structure
#7 |
Posts: n/a
I working with longitudinal heat sink in long channel. And I want to shallow mesh near sink, but not do this in hole channel. I use cartesian coodrinates (BFC may be better, but I haven't mesh editor).
November 2, 2001, 11:54 |
Re: PHI file structure
#8 |
Posts: n/a
Why do you want to read the PHI file?
November 2, 2001, 12:04 |
Re: PHI file structure
#9 |
Posts: n/a
I make some program to reduct CFD data (average technique). I solve integrals on surface and e.t.c. As addition I use it to transfer data to MathCAD.
November 2, 2001, 23:00 |
Re: PHI file structure
#10 |
Posts: n/a
Thank you MIke, I can do it now.
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