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Sphere at Re=1e+7

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Old   June 13, 2018, 07:08
Smile Sphere at Re=1e+7
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danny9019 is on a distinguished road
i'm trying to simulate a 3D-Sphere in water at Reynolds Number 1e+7 (i.e. 10'000'000) in Star-CCM+, but at the moment i'm not achieving the correct CD result of about 0.19. My physics options are:

Velocity Inlet V = 10.014 m/s
Density rho= 998.6 kg/m3
Sphere Diameter D = 1m
Turbulence Model = K-w
Time = Steady
Fluid Type = Liquid.

The Mesh options on the body are:
Number of Prism Layer = 10
Stretching Factor = 1.5

Can someone please help me?
I really appreciate much.

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Old   August 28, 2018, 14:28
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Might be a bit 2 late, but anyway, here it goes:
To correctly derive any force coefficients in CFD you need to solve the boundary layer, which means that you need to use low Reynolds models and have y+< 5 (maybe 1) around the surface of the sphere, which is really computational expansive for high Reynolds. Say you have 10m/s of reference speed but the maximum speed near the surface is 3x that, so, for 30m/s you'd need the first cell to be approx. 1e-5<h<1e-6m tall. Considering the 1m diameter, we are talking about some really fine mesh.

A way around would be to try your best to have 30 <y+<100 for the first layer of elements around the sphere and use the Hi Re kw SST turbulence model and hope for the best. You could also try a transient solver and average the results of the last 20-50 values, after convergence.

Also, check for boundary interference in the results (narrow domains). The stretch value might be a bit high for hydrodynamics, try the default 1.2.

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"Elune will grant us the strength"
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Old   August 29, 2018, 03:03
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Originally Posted by calim_cfd View Post
Might be a bit 2 late, but anyway, here it goes:
To correctly derive any force coefficients in CFD you need to solve the boundary layer, which means that you need to use low Reynolds models and have y+< 5 (maybe 1) around the surface of the sphere, which is really computational expansive for high Reynolds. Say you have 10m/s of reference speed but the maximum speed near the surface is 3x that, so, for 30m/s you'd need the first cell to be approx. 1e-5<h<1e-6m tall. Considering the 1m diameter, we are talking about some really fine mesh.

A way around would be to try your best to have 30 <y+<100 for the first layer of elements around the sphere and use the Hi Re kw SST turbulence model and hope for the best. You could also try a transient solver and average the results of the last 20-50 values, after convergence.

Also, check for boundary interference in the results (narrow domains). The stretch value might be a bit high for hydrodynamics, try the default 1.2.

it's not late at all. Thanks for your suggestions, much appreciated. I'm trying to do the mesh with your advices. Can i send you my results?
Really thanks again.
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Old   August 29, 2018, 07:34
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I could try to have a look! Send as much info as you can. You could send the model file too without mesh and/or results so we can get a small file. If you could also send your reference with the problem description and the target CD value that's good too.

Best Regards

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Old   May 17, 2022, 11:40
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Hi ,

Im running into the same issue of underpredicting the Cd of a sphere at High Re cases (1e6). Were you able to figure out a set-up that gets close to correlating to literature.
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