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2000 North American STAR-CD Users Conference

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Old   March 31, 2000, 19:18
Default 2000 North American STAR-CD Users Conference
Andrew Robertson
Posts: n/a
Dear STAR-CD User,

adapco is pleased to announce:

The 2000 STAR-CD North American Users Conference

---------------To be held:

May 1 - 2, 2000

Northfield Hilton

5500 Crooks Road

Troy, MI 48098

Ph: 248-879-2100

You are invited to be the guest of adapco at this years North American Users Conference. It will include two days of presentations, a variety of demonstrations and a Users. Forum. An informal reception will be held at the end of the first day where you are welcome to meet other users, chat with adapco employees, and enjoy the food and drink prepared by the catering staff at the Northfield Hilton. A block of rooms has been reserved under the name STAR-CD Users Conference. This block of rooms will be held until April 12th. The advance reservation room charge is $119. There is no charge to attend the conference.

Registration has been simplified this year if you have access to the internet. Just go to our website and select the Register for the 2000 North American STAR-CD Users Conference link in the WHAT.S NEW section of our homepage. This will take you to the Users Conference Page, where you have the option to download a registration form, which can then be faxed to our office, or you may register online.

If you do not have access to the internet or if you prefer, a registration form can be faxed to you by contacting Camille at 631-549-2300, ext. 143 (note, adapco.s area code has changed from 516 to 631).

Presentations will be given by our clients from a variety of industries including automotive, power generation, combustion, aerospace and architectural engineering.

So, reserve May 1 and May 2 on your calendar and plan to be a part of the

2000 STAR-CD North American Users. Conference!

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