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table and standard inlet condition

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Old   August 29, 2001, 06:22
Default table and standard inlet condition
N.A. Beishuizen
Posts: n/a

for an inlet you can choose standard and you put values in the U,V,W fields, or you choose a table and you leave those fields empty.

However, if I leave those fields empty, I get a warning message saying there is no fluid in/out condition. I thought, ok, then I'll put some value in those velocity fields to get rid of the message. But then the convergence of the problem changes because the initial flow field will be different. The end result is the same though (unless you put 9999999 in the standard flow field, then the iteration process explodes). Is the initial flow field calculated using the standard values even if you use a table as inlet condition? Convergenc is by the way reached faster if you put flow field variables in the field that are near the mean flow field. Nijso

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