July 12, 2017, 16:29
Hotmail/Outlook/Live Email Problems
Jonas Larsson
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Posts: 829
Rep Power: 10
We have for several years had problems with email accounts at Hotmail/Outlook/Live (all run by Microsoft). Emails sent to these systems have sometimes been automatically deleted by Microsoft. We had a way to avoid this by registering cfd-online.com as a safe sender, but this has not worked lately. This has caused big problems for users who try to register on the Forums, since to activate your forum account you must click on a link in an email sent to you when registering. If Microsoft has deleted this email there is no way to activate your forum account.
We have been in contact with Microsoft and they should now be accepting our emails again. However, the emails might end up in your spam folder. If you find that our emails are put in your junk folder then please make sure that you mark them as "not junk" to help keep Microsoft's spam rating correct. If you have tried to register but have not received the activation email you can ask for a new to be sent here: https://www.cfd-online.com/Forums/re...o=requestemail
This problem is caused by lazy CFD Online users who are subscribed to forum threads etc. and instead of unsubscribing from the threads they do not want any notifications from they mark our emails as spam. If enough people do this Microsoft will eventually decide that all cfd-online.com emails are spam. This will make Hotmail/Outlook/Live accounts useless for CFD Online users (forum users can't register, registered users can't ask for password resets, subscriptions are not working, ...)