June 27, 2014, 09:59
Fan simulation with inlet and outlet duct
hashim chaudhry
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: turkey
Posts: 46
Rep Power: 12
Hi, I am working on a simulation of axial fan with inlet and outlet duct in order to investigate the pressure drop across the fan. My fan Dia is 116 mm and i made the inlet of 300 mm, outlet of 500mm. I am using moving frame refernece for this case in which i am giving fixed rpm to a rotating region with velocity inlet and pressure outlet. The issue is whenever i run the simulation reversed flow occur and after few iterations it shows the error of floating point overflow/ kturbukence.
I am using surface remesher, segregated flow and polyhedral mesh as a mesh condition and steady, constant density with kepsilon turbulence model. I also attached the pictures of geometry, pressure and velocity results.
Please help me out I would be very thankful to you
Last edited by chaudhry_hashim; June 27, 2014 at 10:40.
Reason: add pictures