September 4, 2012, 07:06
Discretization and post-processing of the solution domain for an exhaust manifold
New Member
Andrea Giorgi
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 2
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Hi all,
I'm a "biginner user" of Star-CD 4.16, and I'm facing the problem of how to discretize correctly the solution domain of an exhaust manifold. I did already the mesh, set up boundaries, run the transient calculation, and got a wonderful 20gb .ccmt file. Now my aim is:
1) Divide the solution domani in "zones" of equal volume (?)
2) For each zone post-process the results and have the average values of some scalars (e.g. Temperature, mass flow, tubulence intensity etc.)
3) Points number 2 and 3 for each time step (totally I have ca 200 time steps)
Does anybody have suggestions hints or tips to do that as efficient as possible?
Thank you in advance