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es-ice....trimming problem...

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Old   April 8, 2015, 08:30
Default es-ice....trimming problem...
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icengineer is on a distinguished road
Dear Members,

I'm a masters student(automotive) and currently enrolled for my masters thesis in internal combustion engines. I need to get simulate the inflow characteristics of a DIG engine with STAR-CD and es-ice. Since I'm new to the software currently I've started with the tutorials of es-ice. I'm stuck with the meshing part. I somehow need to get my mesh ready to try out with my transient simulations. Let me directly get into the issue.

At first I tried the "Chapter 4 MESHING WITH THE TRIMMING METHOD". I've followed each and every step of the tutorial and arrived at the "3D template" to the step just before trimming. And I can assure my 2D Template is just a carbon copy of what I see in the tutorial figures. And the problem lies when I try trimming where it fails with the following output. I've not copied the whole output. I've skipped the iterations in between and included a "Warning message". I'm not sure what it means because the iterations continues normally after that. And more over I performed all the steps mentioned in the tutorial right from the Chapter 2 through Chapter 3 to arrive at this tutorial.

Running "Engine,Model,Define,Trimming" internally.
1033 cylinder shell vertices were moved an average of 3.46895e-008 to the symmetry plane.
604 cylinder shell vertices were moved an average of 0.00103253 to the cylinder radius (45).
Sorting 88 faces.

xxxxxxxxxxxx LOTS OF ITERATIONS xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx LOTS OF ITERATIONS xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx LOTS OF ITERATIONS xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Surface boolean operation...
start SurfaceBoolean, CPU Time: 0.00, Wall Time: 0.00, Memory: 21.60 MB
Checking face groups...
number of faces in target region: 77182
number of faces in source region: 8936
Warning: Source Region not closed and manifold.

xxxxxxxxxxxx LOTS OF ITERATIONS xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx LOTS OF ITERATIONS xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx LOTS OF ITERATIONS xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Surface face 3863 intersects with edge: 1757 13548
Triangle C1: (22.0621 0 1.50824)
Triangle C2: (21.3606 0 0.727226)
Triangle C3: (22.4296 0 -16.6465)
Segment C1: (22.0819 0 -17.406)
Segment C2: (21.4112 0 -0.0924815)

Failed to cut the Template.

I've tried in vain everything possible to figure it out. Could anyone provide me some insight? I need a solution desperately to proceed. I also tried the mapping method "Chapter 23 MESHING WITH THE MAPPING METHOD".

I arrived till the last but final step correctly. The Fig 23-52 in the tutorial file for es-ice. But I just can't understand Fig 23-53 and the explanation given to arrive at it. I'm totally frustrated that I almost arrived
till the end in both the methods but can't complete it. Realising that the trimming method is less cumbersome I would like to get that right first so that I can move on with my problem geometry. But if there is someone
who's experienced the mapping method and could explain the part I mentioned above it would be also great. Because at the moment I urgently need to master a meshing method and get my mesh done. I already spend 2 weeks on this.

Please help me out asap and I would greatly appreciate that. Looking forward to your valuable suggestion.

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Old   May 12, 2015, 15:19
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RaphaelM is on a distinguished road
Hi icengineer,

I had this problem a few times:
"Surface face 3863 intersects with edge: 1757 13548
Triangle C1: (22.0621 0 1.50824)
Triangle C2: (21.3606 0 0.727226)
Triangle C3: (22.4296 0 -16.6465)
Segment C1: (22.0819 0 -17.406)
Segment C2: (21.4112 0 -0.0924815)"

And there are three different things that I know that can solve this:
1- Try to change something on the 2D template
2- Try to change the port axial/radial cell length
3- Try to remake the surface mesh (with a smaller base size) on Star-CCM

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Old   February 14, 2018, 05:16
Default geometry problems on es-ice
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Borja Martínez Corzo
Join Date: Feb 2018
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Hi, I have a problem similar to icengineer. I have a .stl file that I have had to transform to parasolid and 100,000 faces are generated. It costs a lot to move it to prepare the geometry and when everything is ready it does not recognize the cylinder parts.
could you help me with that?
i think the problem is on intake port
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