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Creatin macros for multiple data sets and assigning multiple zones

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Old   January 24, 2019, 12:24
Default Creating macros for multiple data sets and assigning multiple zones
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Skyler Bagley
Join Date: Jan 2019
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Hi everyone, Firs time poster here,

So I took a look around the forums after ive been banging my head for a few hours in the office now and cannot find a fix to this issue that I am having in tec360.

So what I am doing is using a macro loop to load and read in multiple .dat files and then assign a specific Y axis var and then Assign a specific zone. Each .dat file is a set of data with 5 variables that is changing over time, I can get all the data loaded in, all the zones loaded in, and all the variables. I'm assigning all active line maps to show one variable but I want each active line map to have a different active zone as well and that is my issue.

I've tried setting a environment variable called |counter| and then right before the end of the loop adding 1 to |counter| and then continuing on until the loop finishes. However when i do this, if i have 23 files loaded in and consequently 23 zones, it loads line maps 1-22 with zone 1 and then the 23 line map with the 23 zone. I've also tried using a similar syntax to ACTIVELINEMAPS +=[1-23] but it doesn't work for the zones like it did for that particular command. I've also tried using the loop counter to do the job but it gives the same results as the |counter| variable did. So this is where I am at. I can post my macro for reference and thank you all in advance. I've added a .docx file that has the macro I'm using written in it, and also a picture of the mapping style window and the result i'm getting.

EDIT: Solved the issue
Attached Images
File Type: jpg plot picture.JPG (109.3 KB, 7 views)
Attached Files
File Type: docx plot loading macro.docx (13.0 KB, 4 views)

Last edited by Skyler; January 29, 2019 at 16:47. Reason: issue resolved
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