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(Failed) Use of optimisation with FLUENT study

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Old   December 12, 2017, 05:39
Default (Failed) Use of optimisation with FLUENT study
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I am trying to design a the underfloor of a car, and have set up a 2D study to find the best inlet and outlet angles of the floor, so essentially a diffuser. I am only looking at the outlet at the moment. Due to constraints, the outlet can only be a certain length. As such I am modelling the length as a function of the angle.

My model is imported from SolidWorks, I have the both the angle of the diffuser and length of the diffuser as parameters.
I can then mesh and run a simulation. I then use the Lift force or force in the Y direction to calculate the downforce the floor is producing. I set the Y force as my output parameter.

In an optimisation study, I then set my diffuser length as a function of my angle so it changes with the angle automatically. Finally for my objectives, I select maximise downforce and put no constraints on the angle - my hope being ANSYS will find the angle that returns most downforce.
The optimisation then forms a study with multiple angles and calculates their respective lengths. It then fails when trying to calculate the Y force and returns this error:
Update failed for the Optimization component in Direct Optimization. The Optimization component in Direct Optimization does not contain all entity types advertised in its component template, even after update
I cannot understand why it isn't working, and I can't find much information on the subject either. I can run individual studies using geometry I change in Design Modeler. I wouldn't even mind selecting the best points myself, If I could just get it to work so I can have a table showing diffuser angles vs downforce, that would be good.

I have got optimisation to work when doing Static Structural analysis on ANSYS, so I wonder if it is something to do with FLUENT? Or maybe because I create a boolean of my floor, so the actual model with all dimensions isn't really in the simulation?

I'm at a loss, and would appreciate any help. I am certain there are several problems throughout my study - I am mostly self taught.

Many thanks.
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failed, fluent, optimization, parameter, solidworks

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